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我希望扩展我现有的 vba 脚本,该脚本对我来说运行良好,当搜索值是第一列时,该脚本返回多个值。但是,当搜索值列名称不在第一列中时,不会显示结果。搜索工作表是 ActiveSheet,原始数据来自工作表名称“Data”。我能够创建如下所示的 VBA。我希望基于列标题名称而不是列号进行搜索。到目前为止,我已经创建了这个,如下所示。我已附加数据的 xlsm 文件。请注意,如果删除前 3 行,它会起作用。

  Sub Lookupbyheader()

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim TableArray As Range, hRange As Range

      Const m = "MESSAGE", S = "Data"
      If Not Evaluate("ISREF('" & S & "'!A1)") Then
         Sheets.Add(, ActiveSheet).Name = S
         Application.StatusBar = "Add your search list in Sheet 'DATA' column A and 
          Exit Sub
         Application.StatusBar = False
         Application.StatusBar = False
      End If

   Set wsED = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
   Set hRange = wsED.Range("1:1")
   Set rED = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(S)
   Set xRange = rED.Range("A:A")
   Set hdxRange = rED.Range("1:1")
   Set TableArray = rED.UsedRange.Columns

    empid = WorksheetFunction.Match("EMP ID", hRange, 0)
    ColPI = WorksheetFunction.Match("Port ID", hRange, 0)
    ColDes = WorksheetFunction.Match("Designation", hRange, 0)
    ColN = WorksheetFunction.Match("Name", hRange, 0)
    ColLoc = WorksheetFunction.Match("Location", hRange, 0)

     LastRow = wsED.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
     LastCol = wsED.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column

       For x = 2 To LastRow
       For y = 2 To LastCol

      On Error Resume Next
      wsED.Cells(x, y) = WorksheetFunction.Index(TableArray, _
      WorksheetFunction.Match(wsED.Cells(x, empid), xRange, 0), _
      WorksheetFunction.Match(wsED.Cells(empid, y), hdxRange, 0))

      Next y
         Next x
         Application.ScreenUpdating = True
     End Sub

PS:我不介意您是否建议一个更快的 vba 脚本,它可以运行得更快并节省时间,因为我正在运行超过 10 k 行的搜索。我当前的脚本大约需要 8-10 秒来运行大量数据。


vba indexing header match lookup


.find()' & '.column


on error resume next
的使用,它忽略了最有可能解决的错误 (
if not foundValue is nothing then


with sheets(1)
    dim outputRange as range:  set outputRange = .rows(1).find("OutputHeaderName")
    if not outputRange is nothing then
       dim outputColumn as long:  outputColumn = outputRange.column
       dim lastRow as long:  .cells(.rows.count,outputColumn).end(xlup).com
       dim headerArray as variant:  headerArray = ("Header1", "Header2") 
       dim i as long:  for i = lbound(headerArray) to ubound(headerArray)
           if not headerArray(i) is nothing then
               'do something
           end if
       next i
    end if
end with
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