powershell - 从包含计算机列表的文件中获取系统信息

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我使用以下代码从 txt 文件中的计算机列表中提取系统信息。 大部分信息似乎都正确提取,并且 write-host 命令显示了正确的返回值,但在我的结果文件中,即使列表不包含重复条目,我也会收到重复的计算机名称,并且进度显示在终端主机显示名称列表的所有不同信息。 有人知道为什么会以这种方式写入 csv 文件吗?


set-location "c:\myfolder"
$ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$exportFile = 'c:\myfolder\system-info.csv'
$TstConnect = test-connection $Computer

$t = 0
$i = 0
$tab_char = [char]9

#Clear screen & old file
try {
    # Attempt to open the file exclusively for read access
    $file = [System.IO.File]::Open($exportfile, 'Open', 'Read', 'None')
    $file.Close() # Close the file if successful
    Write-Host "File $exportfile is not open. Deleting old results file... $exportfile" -BackgroundColor DarkCyan
    remove-item $exportFile
    } catch {
        Write-Host "File is open or in use by another process. Ending the task." -BackgroundColor DarkRed

# Get Totals    
foreach ($Computer in Get-Content c:\myfolder\computers.txt) 
 write-Host "$t total computers " -BackgroundColor DarkCyan

foreach ($Computer in Get-Content c:\myfolder\computers.txt) {
    $p = "{0:N1}" -f ($i * 100 / $t)
    if ($TstConnect.IPV4Address.IPAddressToString[0]) { 
        $computerSystem = get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem -Computer $Computer
        write-Host $computerSystem.name "is online, checking $tab_char $i of $t $tab_char $p% complete " -BackgroundColor DarkCyan 
        $computerBIOS = get-wmiobject Win32_BIOS -Computer $Computer
        $AssetTag = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_SystemEnclosure -Computer $Computer | Select-Object SMBiosAssetTag
        $computerOS = get-wmiobject Win32_OperatingSystem -Computer $Computer
        $computerCPU = get-wmiobject Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer
        $computerNET = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $Computer | Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -ne $null -and $_.Description -like "*Ethernet*" }
        $computerIP = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter IPEnabled=TRUE -ComputerName $computer | Select-Object -Property ipaddress 
        $computerHDD = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $Computer -Filter drivetype=3
        $csvObject = New-Object PSObject -property @{
        'PCName' = $computerSystem.Name
        'MACAddress' = $computerNET.MACAddress
        'IPAddress' = ($computerIP.ipaddress)[0]
        'Manuf' = $computerSystem.Manufacturer
        'Model' = $computerSystem.Model
        'AssetTag' = $AssetTag.SMBiosAssetTag
        'SerialNumber' = $computerBIOS.SerialNumber
        'RAM' = "{0:N2}" -f ($computerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB)
        'HDDSize' = "{0:N2}" -f ($computerHDD.Size/1GB)
        'HDDFree' = "{0:P2}" -f ($computerHDD.FreeSpace/$computerHDD.Size)
        'CPU' = $computerCPU.Name
        'OS' = $computerOS.caption
        'Version' = $computerOS.Version
        'SP' = $computerOS.ServicePackMajorVersion
        'User' = $computerSystem.UserName
        'BootTime' = $computerOS.ConvertToDateTime($computerOS.LastBootUpTime)
        write-Host "$Computer is not online... $p% complete" -BackgroundColor DarkRed
        $csvObject = New-Object PSObject -property @{
        'PCName' = $Computer
        'Manuf' = "xxxxx"
        'Model' = "xxx Offline xxx"
        'SerialNumber' = "xxxxx"
        'AssetTag' = "xxxxx"
        'RAM' = "xxxxx"
        'HDDSize' = "xxxxx"
        'HDDFree' = "xxxxx"
        'CPU' = "xxxxx"
        'OS' = "xxxxx"
        'Version' = "xxxxx"
        'SP' = "xxxxx"
        'User' = "xxxxx"
        'BootTime' = "xxxxx"
        'MACAddress' = "xxxxx"
        'IPAddress' = "xxxxx"
$csvObject | Select PCName, HDDFree, Manuf, Model, OS, Version, SP, User, BootTime, MACAddress, IPAddress, AssetTag | Export-Csv $exportfile -NoTypeInformation -Append
Write-host "All computers processed. File created at $exportfile"
do {
    $response = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to open the file to view it? (Y/N)"
    if ($response -eq "Y") {
        Write-Host "Opening $exportfile..."
        Start-Process -FilePath $exportfile
    } elseif ($response -eq "N") {
        Write-Host "Exiting..."
    } else {
        Write-Host "Invalid input. Please enter Y or N."
} while ($true)
powershell export-to-csv system-information




$sourceFile = 'D:\Test\computers.txt'
$exportFile = 'D:\Test\system-info.csv'

# from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/cimwin32prov/win32-systemenclosure
$chassisTypes = 'Unknown','Other','Unknown','Desktop','Low Profile Desktop','Pizza Box','Mini Tower',
    'Tower','Portable','Laptop','Notebook','Hand Held','Docking Station','All in One',
    'Sub Notebook','Space-Saving','Lunch Box','Main System Chassis','Expansion Chassis',
    'SubChassis','Bus Expansion Chassis','Peripheral Chassis','Storage Chassis',
    'Rack Mount Chassis','Sealed-Case PC','Tablet','Convertible','Detachable'

# get the list of computernames, ignore empty lines and remove duplicates where present
$allComputers = @(Get-Content -Path $sourceFile | Where-Object { $_ -match '\S+' } | Sort-Object -Unique)
Write-Host "$($allComputers.Count) total computers" -BackgroundColor DarkCyan

# loop over the list of computers and capture the info in variable $result
$result = foreach ($Computer in $allComputers) {
    if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Count 1 -Quiet) { 
        Write-Host "Getting information for computer '$Computer'"
        $system  = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem -Computer $Computer
        $bios    = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS -Computer $Computer
        $chassis = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_SystemEnclosure -Computer $Computer
        $os      = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Computer $Computer
        $cpu     = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Processor -Computer $Computer | Select-Object -First 1
        $disks   = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter 'DriveType=3' -ComputerName $Computer
        $net     = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $computer | Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -match '\S+' }

        foreach ($hdd in @($disks)) {
            # output the computer info (one row for each found harddisk)
                PCName       = $system.Name
                MACAddress   = $net.MACAddress
                IPAddress    = $net.IPAddress[0]
                Manuf        = $system.Manufacturer
                Model        = $system.Model
                AssetTag     = $chassis.SMBiosAssetTag
                PCType       = $chassisTypes[$chassis.ChassisTypes[0]]
                SerialNumber = $bios.SerialNumber
                RAM          = '{0:N2}' -f ($system.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB)
                HDDDrive     = $hdd.DeviceID
                HDDVolume    = $hdd.VolumeName
                HDDSize      = '{0:N2}' -f ($hdd.Size/1GB)
                HDDFree      = '{0:P2}' -f ($hdd.FreeSpace/$hdd.Size)
                CPU          = $cpu.Name
                OS           = $os.Caption
                Version      = $os.Version
                Build        = $os.BuildNumber
                SP           = '{0}.{1}' -f $os.ServicePackMajorVersion, $os.ServicePackMinorVersion
                BootTime     = $os.LastBootUpTime  # Get-CimInstance returns a DateTime object
                User         = $system.UserName
    else {
        Write-Warning "$Computer is not online..."
        # output an almost empty object for the computer that cannot be reached
        # use the same properties as for the objects that do have info
        '' | Select-Object @{Name = 'PCName'; Expression = {$Computer}},
            MACAddress, IPAddress, Manuf, Model, AssetTag, PCType, SerialNumber, RAM,
            HDDDrive, HDDVolume, HDDSize, HDDFree, CPU, OS, Version, Build, SP, BootTime, User

# save the result to CSV    
$result | Export-Csv -Path $exportfile -NoTypeInformation
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