在接下来的证明过程中,我在调用 self 之前在结构上缩小了目标(通过将 pxy 应用到目标),所以我希望在同一定理中调用 self 不会导致无限递归。
From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Lemma list_back_inversion : forall {X : Type} (l : list X),
l = [] \/ exists y l', l = l' ++ [y].
induction l.
- auto.
- right. destruct IHl; subst.
+ exists a. exists []. reflexivity.
+ destruct H. destruct H. subst. exists x. exists (a::x0). reflexivity.
Theorem list_2_step_ind: forall (X : Type) (P : list X -> Prop),
P [] -> (forall x, P [x]) -> (forall x y (l : list X), P l -> P (x :: l ++ [y])) -> forall l' : list X, P l'.
fix self 6.
intros X P p0 px pxy l.
destruct l.
- apply p0.
- destruct (list_back_inversion l).
+ subst. apply px.
+ destruct H. destruct H. subst. apply pxy. apply (self _ _ p0 px pxy).
Recursive definition of self is ill-formed.
In environment
Recursive call to self has principal argument equal to
"x3" instead of one of the following variables: "l0"
我知道如何使用其他策略来证明这个定理,但现在我想通过使用 fix 来证明该定理以了解更多信息
正如评论中提到的,coq 会抛出该错误,因为终止检查器无法证明
在结构上小于 l ++ [y]
。可以添加等于列表长度的新参数并对其使用 fix
From Coq Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Lia.
Lemma list_back_inversion : forall {X : Type} (l : list X),
l = [] \/ exists y l', l = l' ++ [y].
induction l.
- auto.
- right. destruct IHl; subst.
+ exists a. exists []. reflexivity.
+ destruct H. destruct H. subst. exists x. exists (a::x0). reflexivity.
Theorem list_2_step_with_length_arg: forall (X : Type) (P : list X -> Prop),
P [] -> (forall x, P [x]) -> (forall x y (l : list X), P l -> P (x :: l ++ [y])) -> forall (l : list X) (len : nat) {L: len = length l}, P l.
fix self 7.
intros X P p0 px pxy l len leq.
destruct len; destruct l; simpl in *. (* to pass requirements of termination checker we need to destruct len first to end this function when len reach to 0 *)
- apply p0.
- inversion leq.
- inversion leq.
- destruct (list_back_inversion l).
* subst. apply px.
* destruct H. destruct H. subst. apply pxy.
apply (self _ _ p0 px pxy x1 (len - 1)).
simpl in *. inversion leq. rewrite app_length. simpl. lia.
Theorem list_2_step: forall (X : Type) (P : list X -> Prop),
P [] -> (forall x, P [x]) -> (forall x y (l : list X), P l -> P (x :: l ++ [y])) -> forall (l : list X), P l.
intros X P p0 px pxy l.
apply (@list_2_step_with_length_arg X P p0 px pxy l (length l) eq_refl).