如何在交互绘图(ggplot2 ;; interactions)中在各个方面上标注文本?

问题描述 投票:2回答:1

我想在每个方面都有不同的注释(例如,p值)(我的实际图的每个斜率对应一个注释-共6个)。我想我已经阅读了所有有关注释方面的文章,最有用的当然是主要文章Annotating text on individual facet in ggplot2。但是在我的情况下,它会引发错误。


# Create the model
mod1 <- lm(wt ~ am * drat * vs, data = mtcars)

# Make the plot
(p <- interact_plot(mod1,pred="am",modx="drat",mod2="vs"))

enter image description here

# Make annotations dataframe
(dat_text <- data.frame(
  text = c("p-value 1", "p-value 2"),
  vs   = c(0, 1)))

# Add annotations to dataframe
p + geom_text(
  data    = dat_text,
  mapping = aes(x = -Inf, y = -Inf, label = text),
  hjust   = -0.1,
  vjust   = -1

这给出:Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : object 'modx_group' not found。同样与'drat' not found错误。我不太确定如何处理此错误(例如,将其设置为什么值),因此我尝试将这些列添加到数据框中,如下所示:

# Make annotations dataframe
(dat_text <- data.frame(
  text = c("p-value 1", "p-value 2"),
  vs   = c(0, 1),
  modx_group = c("-1 SD", "+ 1 SD"), # Here ***
  drat = c(-1,1))) # Here ***

# Add annotations to dataframe
p + geom_text(
  data    = dat_text,
  mapping = aes(x = -Inf, y = -Inf, label = text),
  hjust   = -0.1,
  vjust   = -1

但是这给出:Insufficient values in manual scale. 4 needed but only 3 provided。如modx_group所示,将dratNA设置为NA_real_0甚至this other post会引发另一个错误:Discrete value supplied to continuous scale

我无法在当前情况下理解这些错误。我怀疑,当然,这与interactions plot对象很时髦有关。可能还有一些明显的地方我做错了,但看不到。任何帮助,将不胜感激!



# Create the model
mod1 <- lm(wt ~ am * drat * vs, data = mtcars)

# Make the plot
(q <- interact_plot(mod1,pred="am",modx="drat",mod2="vs"))

# Make annotations dataframes
(p.values <- paste0("p-value ",rep(1:6)))
facet = c("vs = 0", "vs = 1")
x = c(0.5, 0.5)
y = c(3, 2.5, 3.5, 2.75, 4, 3)
dat_text1 <- data.frame(
  text = p.values[1:2],
  mod2_group = facet,
  x = x,
  y = y[1:2])
dat_text2 <- data.frame(
  text = p.values[3:4],
  mod2_group = facet,
  x = x,
  y = y[3:4])
dat_text3 <- data.frame(
  text = p.values[5:6],
  mod2_group = facet,
  x = x,
  y = y[5:6])

# Add annotations to dataframe
q + geom_text(data = dat_text1,
              mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = text),
              inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  geom_text(data = dat_text2,
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = text),
            inherit.aes = FALSE) +
  geom_text(data = dat_text3,
            mapping = aes(x = x, y = y, label = text),
            inherit.aes = FALSE)
r ggplot2 facet interaction annotate

问题是geom_text继承了interact_plot的整体美学。为防止这种情况,只需添加inherit.aes = FALSE。但是,您必须将faceting变量添加到标签df中。为防止ggplot2为图例中的文本添加字形,只需添加show.legend = FALSE

# Create the model
mod1 <- lm(wt ~ am * drat * vs, data = mtcars)

# Make the plot
#> Loading required package: interactions
p <- interact_plot(mod1,pred="am",modx="drat", mod2="vs")

# Have a look at the dataframe
#> # A tibble: 600 x 6
#>       wt  drat    vs     am modx_group mod2_group
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <fct>      <fct>     
#>  1  4.13  3.06     0 0      - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  2  4.12  3.06     0 0.0101 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  3  4.12  3.06     0 0.0202 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  4  4.11  3.06     0 0.0303 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  5  4.11  3.06     0 0.0404 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  6  4.10  3.06     0 0.0505 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  7  4.10  3.06     0 0.0606 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  8  4.09  3.06     0 0.0707 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#>  9  4.09  3.06     0 0.0808 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#> 10  4.08  3.06     0 0.0909 - 1 SD     vs = 0    
#> # ... with 590 more rows

(dat_text <- data.frame(
  text = c("p-value 1", "p-value 2"),
  mod2_group   = c("vs = 0", "vs = 1")))
#>        text mod2_group
#> 1 p-value 1     vs = 0
#> 2 p-value 2     vs = 1

# Add annotations to dataframe
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
p + geom_text(
  data    = dat_text,
  mapping = aes(x = .5, y = 2, label = text), inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE,
  hjust   = -0.1,
  vjust   = -1


reprex package(v0.3.0)在2020-06-09创建

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