我需要通过 snmp 检索信息,然后使用此信息在 Unity 中创建某种图形应用程序。
我找到了 SnmpSharpNet 库
现在我的问题是 我如何连接到我的局域网网络上的其他代理? 如何在我的其他设备(例如 Linux 电脑)上安装代理? 我有点困惑,因为我尝试在其他 Windows 电脑上安装 snmp,但无法从中检索 snmp 信息;我尝试在 Linux 电脑上安装 snmp 代理,但我不明白如何正确安装必须通过我的局域网进行通信的代理
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
using SnmpSharpNet;
using System.Net;
public class SNMP_walk : MonoBehaviour {
[SerializeField] public InputField community_str;
[SerializeField] public InputField agent_ip_address;
[SerializeField] public Button MyButton ;
string str_community = null;
string ip = null;
void Start () {
//test button
MyButton.onClick.AddListener (() => {
str_community = community_str.text;
ip = agent_ip_address.text;
Debug.Log (str_community);
snmp_walk (str_community, ip);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void snmp_walk(string str_community, string ip){
OctetString community = new OctetString (str_community);
// Define agent parameters class
AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters (community);
// Set SNMP version to 1 (or 2)
// settare in base alla versione usata
param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver1;
// Construct the agent address object
// IpAddress class is easy to use here because
// it will try to resolve constructor parameter if it doesn't *
// parse to an IP address
IpAddress agent = new IpAddress (ip);
// Construct target
// IP, port,timeout,retry
UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget ((IPAddress)agent, 161, 4000, 2);
//necessario per tutte le richieste
Pdu pdu = new Pdu (PduType.Get);
pdu.VbList.Add (""); //sysDescr
pdu.VbList.Add(""); //sysObjectID
pdu.VbList.Add(""); //sysUpTime
pdu.VbList.Add(""); //sysContact
pdu.VbList.Add(""); //sysName
pdu.VbList.Add (""); //Load for one core
//pdu.VbList.Add (""); //Memory ? occupata
//pdu.VbList.Add (""); //CPU ?
SnmpV1Packet result = (SnmpV1Packet)target.Request (pdu, param);
// If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply.
if (result != null) {
// ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by
// the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions
if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus != 0) {
// agent reported an error with the request
Debug.Log ("Error in SNMP reply. Error {"+result.Pdu.ErrorStatus+"} " +
"index {"+result.Pdu.ErrorIndex+"}");
} else {
// Reply variables are returned in the same order as they were added
// to the VbList
Debug.Log ("sysDescr({"+result.Pdu.VbList [0].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [0].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [0].Value.ToString ()+"}");
Debug.Log("sysObjectID({"+result.Pdu.VbList [1].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [1].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [1].Value.ToString ()+"}");
Debug.Log("sysUpTime(({"+result.Pdu.VbList [2].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [2].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [2].Value.ToString ()+"}");
Debug.Log("sysContact(({"+result.Pdu.VbList [3].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [3].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [3].Value.ToString ()+"}");
Debug.Log("sysName(({"+result.Pdu.VbList [4].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [4].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [4].Value.ToString ()+"}");
Debug.Log("Total Mem ({"+result.Pdu.VbList [5].Oid.ToString ()+"}) " +
"({"+SnmpConstants.GetTypeName (result.Pdu.VbList [5].Value.Type)+"}): " +
"{"+result.Pdu.VbList [5].Value.ToString ()+"}");
/* Debug.Log("CPU ? " + result.Pdu.VbList[6].Oid.ToString()+
} else {
Debug.Log ("No response received from SNMP agent.");
target.Close ();
默认情况下,安装后,Windows 上的 SNMP 代理仅允许来自本地主机的查询。
要允许远程 SNMP 查询,您需要设置 SNMP 服务:
Windows Services Manager
SNMP Service
选项卡从此处添加允许查询 SNMP 代理的远程主机。
我知道这只能回答你的部分问题: 无法从 localhost 以外的主机查询 Windows SNMP 代理。
如何在 Linux 上安装/配置 SNMP 代理将是一个完整的其他问题,描述您已尝试过的内容以及不起作用的内容。
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