如果我有一个看起来像记录中字段名称的字符串,我可以用它以某种方式获取数据吗?就像是 :
."name".toKey bill
bill.(asSymbol "name")
song =
{ title = "foot", artist = "barf", number = "13" }
fieldsILike : List String
fieldsILike =
[ "title", "artist" ]
val song key =
.key song
foo = List.map (val song) fieldsILike --> should be ["foot", "barf"]
import Html exposing (..)
type alias Song = { artist : String, number : String, title : String }
song : Song
song =
{ title = "foot", artist = "barf", number = "13" }
fieldsILike : List String
fieldsILike =
[ "title", "artist" ]
k2acc : String -> (Song -> String)
k2acc key =
case key of
"title" -> .title
"artist" -> .artist
"number" -> .number
_ -> always ""
val : Song -> String -> String
val = flip k2acc
-- `flip` was removed in elm 0.19, so you'll need to
-- do something like the following going forward:
-- val song field = (k2acc field) song
foo = List.map (val song) fieldsILike
main = text <| toString foo
import Dict exposing (get ,fromList)
song = fromList [ ("title", "foot"), ("artist", "barf") ]
get "title" song -- Just "foot"
get "artist" song -- Just "barf"
get "test" song -- Nothing