我工作的一家网上商店使用 2 种运输方式:基于尺寸的费率和本地取货。
基于尺寸的费率是默认的运输方式,仅当客户点击 点击并取货而不是添加到购物车时才使用本地取货(在内部,在这两种情况下,产品都会添加到购物车,但是当使用 点击并取货,添加额外的购物车商品数据来表明这一点)。
使用 点击取货 预订所有购物车商品时计算总运费是没有问题的,因为您可以在运行时使用过滤器
购物车商品: 3
预订 x 2 通过点击和取货预订(费用:0,本地取货运输方式)
纸张 x 1 以正常方式添加到购物车,(成本:默认尺寸费率,默认运输方式)
function cust_shipping_rates( $rates, $package ) {
if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) return;
$product_ids_with_local_pickup = array(); // 'click and pickup'
// Loop through line items
foreach( $package['contents'] as $line_item ) {
// Get product id
$product_id = $line_item['product_id'];
if ( $line_item['sofs_cap'] ) { // indication it's reserved with 'Click and pick'
array_push($product_ids_with_local_pickup, $product_id);
if ( count($product_ids_with_local_pickup) > 0 ) {
foreach ( $rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
if ( in_array( $rate->method_id, array( 'bring_fraktguiden:5800' ) ) ) { // default shipping method
// how can i exclude the reserved products from being affected by this shipping method?
$rates[$rate_key]->set_cost(/* cost */); // changing this affects ALL items, not just the specific ones
return $rates;
add_filter('woocommmerce_package_rates', 'cust_shipping_rates', 999, 2);
这个答案没有解释如何为每个产品添加不同的运输方式,这个插件可以帮助你 - 但是,如果您需要在计算运输成本时排除某些购物车项目,这个答案可能会帮助您。
过滤器 woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages 返回一个 package,其中包含过滤器 woocommerce_package_rates 中的运输方法迭代以计算运输成本的购物车项目。
// define the woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages callback
function filter_woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages( $package ) {
$new_cart = $package[0]['contents'];
foreach($cart as $cart_item) {
// check for desired shipping method
// cart items not checking for this property, will not be accounted for shipping costs
if($cart_item['custom_extra_cart_item_data']) {
array_push($new_cart, $cart_item);
if(!empty($new_cart)) $package[0]['contents'] = $new_cart;
return $package;
// add the filter
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages', 'filter_woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages', 10, 1 );
是属于唯一购物车项目的额外购物车项目数据,表明它是用click and pick
注意:就我而言,我需要至少一种运输方式才能 查看。因此,当购物车仅包含不符合条件的商品时 运输 - 我只是将运输方式设置为“本地取货”( 也很合适)。我还排除了这种运输方式 购物车有双向添加的商品。
function custom_shipping_rates($rates, $pkg) {
if ( is_admin() && ! defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) return;
$has_cap = false; // added with click and pikcup
$has_def = false; // added default way
// Loop through line items
foreach( $pkg['contents'] as $line_item ) {
if($line_item['sofs_cap']) $has_cap = true; else $has_def = true;
$new_rates = array();
if($has_cap && $has_def || $has_def) { // cart with items added both ways returns all shipping methods except local pickup
foreach ($rates as $rate_key => $rate ) {
if($rate_key !== 'local_pickup:8') { // id can be different for your shipping method
$new_rates[$rate_key] = $rate;
return $new_rates;
} else if ($has_cap) { // cart with only items added with Click and pickup returns only shipping method local pickup
$new_rates['local_pickup:8'] = $rates['local_pickup:8'];
return $new_rates;
return $rates;
add_filter('woocommerce_package_rates', 'custom_shipping_rates', 999, 2);
function custom_filtered_cart_shipping_packages( $shipping_package ) {
$new_cart = array(); // only contains cart items that are not added with 'Click and pickup'
$has_cap_added_items = false;
foreach($shipping_package[0]['contents'] as $cart_item) {
if(!$cart_item['sofs_cap']) {
array_push($new_cart, $cart_item); // add only default added products to the package
} else {
$has_cap_added_items = true;
$shipping_package[0]['contents'] = $new_cart;
return $shipping_package;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_cart_shipping_packages', 'custom_filtered_cart_shipping_packages');