
问题描述 投票:0回答:2







Feature: Help
    When users says help
    "As a user
    I want the bot to understand me when I ask for help, 
    In order that I get some guidance, or some idea what to do next"

  # Version 1
      Given the user is in conversation with the bot
      *// above line causes error*

    Scenario: No topic
        Given there is no topic
         When the user says help
         *// above line causes error*
         Then the bot responds with a sorry, regretful message
          And then asks if the user would like to see a list of available features

    Scenario: A valid topic
        Given there is a valid topic
         When the user says help
         *// above line causes error*
         Then the bot responds with a confirmation message
          And then asks if the user would like to see a list of topic features

  # Version 2
    # Scenario: All
    #     Given the user is in conversation with the bot
    #      When the user says help and there is no topic
    #      Then the bot responds with a sorry, regretful message
    #       And then asks if the user would like to see a list of available features
    #      When the user says help and there is a valid topic
    #      Then the bot responds with a confirmation message
    #       And then asks if the user would like to see a list of topic features


1) Scenario: No topic # features/help.feature:10
   ✖ Given the user is in conversation with the bot
       Multiple step definitions match:
         the user is in conversation with the bot - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:4 
         the user is in conversation with the bot - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:21
   - Given there is no topic # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:7
   ✖ When the user says help
       Multiple step definitions match:
         the user says help - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:10
         the user says help - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:27
   - Then the bot responds with a sorry, regretful message # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:13
   - And then asks if the user would like to see a list of available features # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:16

2) Scenario: A valid topic # features/help.feature:16
   ✖ Given the user is in conversation with the bot
       Multiple step definitions match:
         the user is in conversation with the bot - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:4 
         the user is in conversation with the bot - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:21
   - Given there is a valid topic # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:24
   ✖ When the user says help
       Multiple step definitions match:
         the user says help - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:10
         the user says help - tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:27
   - Then the bot responds with a confirmation message # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:30
   - And then asks if the user would like to see a list of topic features # tests/feature_definitions/help_definition.js:33


javascript bdd gherkin cucumberjs

您的步骤有多个定义。黄瓜每步只允许一个步定义。根据您的描述,您似乎为每种情况都提供了一个步骤定义,因此这两种情况都有各自的When the user says help定义。这是定义步骤定义的错误方法。每个步骤应该只有一个定义,因此会出现错误。



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