AR Flutter 插件问题:在 ar_flutter_plugin_flutterflow 中找不到类名和方法

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我在 Flutter 项目中使用 ar_flutter_plugin_flutterflow 包时遇到问题。我按照安装说明进行操作,并使用正确的软件包版本更新了我的 pubspec.yaml:

    sdk: flutter
  cupertino_icons: ^1.0.6
  ar_flutter_plugin_flutterflow: ^0.7.47
  vector_math: ^2.1.0 ```

I imported the package in my main.dart file using:

```import 'package:ar_flutter_plugin_flutterflow/ar_flutter_plugin.dart';```

However, I’m encountering issues with class names and methods not being recognized. Specifically:

Class Names and Methods: The classes and methods I’m using are not recognized by the Flutter editor. For example, I’ve used:
ArSessionManager (I expected ArCoreController or similar)
ArView (I expected ArCoreView or similar)
Methods like addArNode() do not seem to exist.

[here is a screenshot](

Are there updates or changes to the classes and methods in ar_flutter_plugin_flutterflow that differ from the original ar_flutter_plugin? How can I adapt my code to match the updated API, or is there another approach I should take to resolve these issues?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Added the correct package dependency in pubspec.yaml.
Ran flutter pub get and restarted the environment.
flutter dart augmented-reality arcore flutterflow

您可以在此处找到在 FlutterFlow 上运行的完整示例:

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