
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想创建一个基本的案例记录系统,当有人打开新问题时,该问题被分配了带有给定数量的SR_NUMBER。例如,sr_number 1为4小时,2为6小时,3个是8小时,4个小时为24小时。




casus创建于:10/06/2015 12:04:39 PM-与SR_NUMBER 1(12小时)截止日期为现在:10/07/2015 12.05 PM 有意义吗?

另一个捕获量是我需要搁置数小时,这两个只需在工作时间内即可。 在某些情况下,星期六有些假期正在工作。

enter image description here

我应该继续进行。 我尝试执行DatePart,DateAdd和日期函数。但是我只能找到工作日。 我是SQL的新手。

enter image description here最简单的会计延迟方法是剩下的几个小时,然后用递归的cte ptecte几天,直到工作时间比剩下的延迟较多的工作时间。


sql sql-server

Id T sr_number


COMPLETE_DATE2015-09-0817:00:00.000 我希望SQL Server 2014的此查询(请在小提琴中看到)可以用作基础(甚至是工作?):with wh as ( select *, datediff(second, starttime, endtime) / 3600.0 wh from working_hours ), delays as ( select row_number() over (order by contact_date) id, -- Will ease reading. contact_date t, a.sr_number, cast(floor(cast(contact_date as float)) as datetime) d, cast(contact_date as time) h, delay from assign a join contract c on c.sr_number = a.sr_number ), -- The day the contact occurred is special, as the timer began to run in the middle of the day. firstday as ( select *, -- wh = working hours of the current day. -- If contact occurred after 1 working hour with a delay of 4 hours, -- it's as if it occurred at working hours start but with a delay of 5 hours. delay + case when h <= wh.starttime or wh.starttime is null then 0 when h < wh.endtime then datediff(second, starttime, h) / 3600.0 else wh end as remaining from delays left join wh on datepart(dw, t) between wh.startday and wh.endday ), running as ( select id, t, sr_number, delay, d, wh, cast(remaining as float) remaining from firstday union all select -- Stable part (attributes of the call): id, t, sr_number, delay, -- Evolving part, relative to the day now explored: d + 1, ( select wh.wh from wh where datepart(dw, d + 1) between wh.startday and wh.endday -- Here you could put hold days (specific to Name, which would then have to be included in the CTEs): --and not exists (select 1 from on_hold oh where oh.Name = running.Name and d + 1 between oh.startday and oh.endday) ), -- What remains in the delay after the previous day was elapsed: remaining - coalesce(wh, 0.0) from running where wh is null or remaining > wh ) select id, t, sr_number, delay, dateadd(second, datediff(second, 0, starttime) + remaining * 3600.0, d) complete_date from running join wh on datepart(dw, d + 1) between wh.startday and wh.endday where running.remaining <= running.wh;
1 2015-09-0805:39:29.000 3 8
2 2015-10-0612:04:39.000 1 4 2015-10-0616:04:39.000
3 2015-10-0700:45:00.000 3 8 2015-10-0717:00:00.000
8 2015-10-1212:00:00.000 2 6 2015-10-1310:00:00.000
7 2015-10-1012:45:00.000 4 24 2015-10-1417:00:00.000
6 2015-10-0912:45:00.000 4 24 2015-10-1412:45:00.000
5 2015-10-0906:45:00.000 4 24 2015-10-1317:00:00.000
4 2015-10-0822:45:00.000 4 24 2015-10-1317:00:00.000
尽管我找不到SQL Server 2005,
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