我正在尝试创建一个 MARIE 代码,它等待用户输入的十进制数字,等待另一个输入,即 ASCII 字符 +、-、*、/(即 Dec 43、Dec 45、Dec 42、DEC) 47) 然后最后一个输入是另一个十进制数,然后求解所得出的方程。代码组装并开始,您可以输入所需的内容,但由于某种原因,加法是减法,其他一切都是加法。
ORG 100 / Start of the program at address 100
/ Step 1: Get the first number (input)
Input / Wait for the first number
Store Num1 / Store the first number in memory (Num1)
/ Step 2: Get the operator (input)
Input / Wait for the operator (+, -, *, or /)
Store Operator / Store the operator in memory (Operator)
/ Step 3: Get the second number (input)
Input / Wait for the second number
Store Num2 / Store the second number in memory (Num2)
/ Step 4: Check the operator and perform the operation
Load Operator / Load the operator into the AC (accumulator)
Subt PlusOp / Check if the operator is '+'
Skipcond 400 / If the result is 0, it means it's '+'
Jump Addition / Jump to Addition section if operator is '+'
Load Operator / Load the operator into the AC again
Subt MinusOp / Check if the operator is '-'
Skipcond 400 / If the result is 0, it means it's '-'
Jump Subtraction / Jump to Subtraction section if operator is '-'
Load Operator / Load the operator into the AC again
Subt MultiplyOp / Check if the operator is '*'
Skipcond 400 / If the result is 0, it means it's '*'
Jump Multiply / Jump to Multiply section if operator is '*'
Load Operator / Load the operator into the AC again
Subt DivideOp / Check if the operator is '/'
Skipcond 400 / If the result is 0, it means it's '/'
Jump Divide / Jump to Division section if operator is '/'
/ Invalid operator (default to 0)
Clear / Clear the accumulator (result is 0)
Store Result / Store 0 as result
Jump OutputResult / Jump to output result
Addition, Load Num1
Add Num2 / Add Num1 and Num2
Store Result / Store the result in Result
Jump OutputResult / Jump to Output Result
Subtraction, Load Num1
Subt Num2 / Subtract Num2 from Num1 (correct subtraction)
Store Result / Store the result in Result
Jump OutputResult / Jump to Output Result
Multiply, Load Num1
Store Temp / Store the first number (Num1) in Temp
Load Num2
Store Counter / Store the second number (Num2) in Counter
/ Handle negative multiplier or multiplicand
Clear / Clear the accumulator
Store Result / Initialize Result to 0
Load Counter
Skipcond 800 / Check if the multiplier (Num2) is negative
Jump PositiveMultiply
/ If multiplier is negative, negate it
Load Counter
Subt Zero
Store Counter
Jump PositiveMultiply
PositiveMultiply, Load Temp
Add Result / Add Num1 to Result (this is equivalent to repeated addition)
Store Result / Store the intermediate result
Load Counter
Subt One
Store Counter / Decrease Counter (repeat the addition)
Skipcond 400 / If Counter is 0, end the loop
Jump PositiveMultiply
/ Store result and output it
OutputResult, Load Result
Output / Output the result
Halt / End of the program
/ Division by Repeated Subtraction
Divide, Load Num1 / Load the dividend (Num1) into AC
Store Quotient / Initialize Quotient to 0
Load Num2
Store Divisor / Store the divisor (Num2)
/ Check if the divisor is 0 (division by zero)
Load Divisor
Skipcond 800 / If divisor is 0, jump to division by zero handling
Jump DivisionLoop
DivisionByZero, Clear / Clear the result
Store Result / Store 0 as the result (division by zero)
Jump OutputResult / Jump to output result
DivisionLoop, Load Num1 / Load the dividend again
Subt Divisor / Subtract the divisor from the dividend
Skipcond 800 / If result is negative, stop the loop
Store Num1 / Update the dividend with the new value
Load Quotient
Add One / Increment the quotient by 1
Store Quotient / Store the updated quotient
Jump DivisionLoop / Repeat the loop
/ Store result and output it
Load Quotient
Store Result
Jump OutputResult
/ Memory Variables
Num1, Dec 0 / Store the first number
Num2, Dec 0 / Store the second number
Result, Dec 0 / Store the result
Temp, Dec 0 / Temporary storage for multiplication
Counter, Dec 0 / Counter for multiplication loop
Operator, Dec 0 / Store the operator
Quotient, Dec 0 / Store the quotient (division result)
Divisor, Dec 0 / Store the divisor
One, Dec 1 / Constant 1 for decrementing Counter
Zero, Dec 0 / Constant 0 for negating negative numbers
PlusOp, Dec 43 / ASCII for '+'
MinusOp, Dec 45 / ASCII for '-'
MultiplyOp, Dec 42 / ASCII for '*'
DivideOp, Dec 47 / ASCII for '/'
100 + 50 最终是 50。
100 - 50 最终成为 150。
100 * 10 最终为 110。
100 / 10 最终为 110。
的声明。当测试条件为 true 时,下一个语句是 skipped,这意味着它不会执行下面的 Jump
Subt Zero
不会否定乘数;它一无所获。应该是 Clear
,然后是 Subt Counter
Clear / Clear the accumulator
Skipcond 800
旨在退出循环,但它不会退出循环(没有 Jump
如果您有注释“将商初始化为0”,则您没有这样做。商实际上应该从 0 开始,因为可能从一开始
就已经小于 Num2
就像许多人在开始使用 MARIE 时所做的那样,您包含一个
指令。但它在这里确实没有任何作用——如果代码加载到默认地址 0 就没有问题。如果您被指示从不同的地址开始,则应在注释中记录其原因。
/ Initialise variables
Store FlipSign
Store Result
Input / Get input for the first operand
Store Num1
Input / Get input for the operator: either +, -, *, or /
Store Operator
Input / Get input for the second operand
Store Num2
/ Check the operator and perform the operation
Load Operator
Subt PlusOp / Check if the operator is '+'
Skipcond 400
Jump Case2 / It is not '+': check for other operators
Jump Add / It is '+': perform an addition
Case2, Load Operator
Subt MinusOp / Check if the operator is '-'
Skipcond 400
Jump Absolute / It is not '-': check the signs of operands
Jump Subtract / It is '-': perform a subtraction
/ Before checking for other operators, make the operands unsigned
Absolute, Load Num1 / Check the sign of Num1
SkipCond 000
Jump CheckSign2 / It is not negative: make the same check for Num2
Clear / It is negative: toggle the sign of Num1
Subt Num1
Store Num1
Load One / And update the flag that result must be flipped
Store FlipSign
CheckSign2, Load Num2 / Check the sign of Num2
SkipCond 000
Jump Case3 / It is not negative: continue with operator matching
Clear / It is negative: toggle the sign of Num2
Subt Num2
Store Num2
SkipCond 800 / Check if Num2 is strictly positive now
Jump OutputResult / No: Num2 is zero: we will output zero (covering also division by zero)
Load One / Num2 was made positive: toggle the flag to flip the result sign
Subt FlipSign
Store FlipSign / This will be 0 (don't flip) or 1 (flip)
/ Now that operands are unsigned, continue with operator checks
Case3, Load Operator
Subt MultiplyOp / Check if the operator is '*'
Skipcond 400
Jump Case4 / It is not '*': check for other operators
Jump Multiply / It is '*': perform a multiplication
Case4, Load Operator
Subt DivideOp / Check if the operator is '/'
Skipcond 400
Jump OutputResult / It is not '/': the operator is not valid: output 0
Jump Divide / It is '/': perform a division
Add, Load Num1
Add Num2 / Add Num1 and Num2
Store Result
Jump OutputResult
Subtract, Load Num1
Subt Num2 / Subtract Num2 from Num1
Store Result
Jump OutputResult
/ Multiplication by repeated addition
Multiply, Load Num2
Skipcond 800 / If more additions are remaining, continue the loop
Jump OutputResult / Otherwise, exit the loop
Subt One
Store Num2 / Decrease number of remaining additions
Load Result
Add Num1 / Add Num1 to Result
Store Result
Jump Multiply
/ Division by repeated subtraction
Divide, Load Num1
Subt Num2 / Subtract the divisor from the dividend
Skipcond 000
Jump DivisionNext / Num1 is not less than Num2, so continue
Jump OutputResult / Num1 is less than Num2; we have the final result
DivisionNext, Store Num1 / Update the dividend: Num1 -= Num2
Load Result
Add One / Increment the quotient by 1
Store Result
Jump Divide
/ Check whether we need to flip the sign of the result
OutputResult, Load FlipSign
SkipCond 800
Jump Output / The flag is not set: just output result
/ Flip sign
Subt Result
Store Result
Output, Load Result
/ Constants
Zero, Dec 0
One, Dec 1
PlusOp, Dec 43 / ASCII for '+'
MinusOp, Dec 45 / ASCII for '-'
MultiplyOp, Dec 42 / ASCII for '*'
DivideOp, Dec 47 / ASCII for '/'
/ Variables
Num1, Dec 0 / For first input number
Num2, Dec 0 / For second input number
Operator, Dec 0 / For the operator character
Result, Dec 0 / For the result of the operation
FlipSign, Dec 0 / Flag for indicating that result sign should be flipped or not