dfm_lookup 的意外行为 - 条目的顺序会影响特征频率计数

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 Quanteda 4.1.0,并在使用字典调整同义词和复数时出现一些意外的行为。字典中条目的顺序会影响特征的频率计数。

在下面的示例中,“banana”及其复数出现了 3 次,而“apple”及其复数出现了两次。但只有当字典中“苹果”列在“香蕉”之前时,我才能得到正确的频率计数。那么字典中条目的字母顺序似乎会影响 dfm_lookup() 的行为?


dfmat <- dfm(tokens(c("I like apples, but I don't like apple pie. Bananas are OK",
                      "I like bananas, but I don't like banana fritter.")))

textstat_frequency(dfmat) %>% filter(grepl("apple|banana", feature))
#    feature frequency rank docfreq group
# 7  bananas         2    3       2   all
# 8   apples         1    8       1   all
# 9    apple         1    8       1   all
# 13  banana         1    8       1   all

#With wildcards
#This works - expected behaviour
dict <- dictionary(list(apple = c("apple*"),
                        banana = c("banana*")))
dfmat <-  dfm_lookup(dfmat,
                    dictionary = dict, exclusive = FALSE, capkeys = FALSE)

textstat_frequency(dfmat) %>% filter(grepl("apple|banana", feature))
#   feature frequency rank docfreq group
# 3  banana         3    3       2   all
# 4   apple         2    4       1   all

#This doesn't work - unexpected behaviour
dict <- dictionary(list(banana = c("banana*"),
                        apple = c("apple*")))

dfmat <-  dfm_lookup(dfmat,
                    dictionary = dict, exclusive = FALSE, capkeys = FALSE)

textstat_frequency(dfmat) %>% filter(grepl("apple|banana", feature))
#   feature frequency rank docfreq group
# 3   apple         3    3       2   all
# 4  banana         2    4       1   all

#Without wildcards - get the same (puzzling) behaviour
#This works
#dict <- dictionary(list(apple = c("apple","apples"),
#                        banana = c("banana","bananas")))
#This doesn't work
#dict <- dictionary(list(banana = c("banana","bananas"),
#                        apple = c("apple","apples")))
r quanteda

我对 Quanteda 没有太多经验,但无论如何我都会(也许不明智)分享我所发现的与这个问题相关的内容。




feature_matrix <- dfm(tokens(c("foo1 foo2 foo3",
                          "bar1 bar2 bar3 foo4")))

# Entries in dictionary in alphabetical order, however resultant dfm clearly wrong
dict1 <- dictionary(list(bar = c("bar*"),foo = c("foo*")))
feature_matrix1 <- dfm_lookup(feature_matrix, dictionary = dict1, exclusive = FALSE, capkeys = FALSE)
#docs    bar foo
#text1   3   0
#text2   0   4

# Entries in dictionary not in alphabetical order, however resultant dfm correct
dict2 <- dictionary(list(foo = c("foo*"), bar = c("bar*")))
feature_matrix2 <-  dfm_lookup(feature_matrix, dictionary = dict2, exclusive = FALSE, capkeys = FALSE)
#docs    foo bar
#text1   3   0
#text2   1   3


的源代码,并认为我有一个快速修复方案(尚未经过充分测试,我对此不是非常有信心,但至少它适用于一些示例) 。我只更改了一行代码,它似乎解决了这两个示例中的意外行为。

my_dfm_lookup <- function(x, dictionary, levels = 1:5,
                           exclusive = TRUE,
                           valuetype = c("glob", "regex", "fixed"),
                           case_insensitive = TRUE,
                           capkeys = !exclusive,
                           nomatch = NULL,
                           verbose = quanteda_options("verbose")) {
  x <- as.dfm(x)
  exclusive <- check_logical(exclusive)
  capkeys <- check_logical(capkeys)
  verbose <- check_logical(verbose)
  if (!nfeat(x) || !ndoc(x)) return(x)
  if (!is.dictionary(dictionary))
    stop("dictionary must be a dictionary object")
  valuetype <- match.arg(valuetype)
  type <- colnames(x)
  attrs <- attributes(x)
  if (verbose)
    catm("applying a dictionary consisting of ", length(dictionary), " key",
         if (length(dictionary) > 1L) "s" else "", "\n", sep = "")
  ids <- object2id(dictionary, type, valuetype, case_insensitive,
                   quanteda:::field_object(attrs, "concatenator"), levels)
  # flag nested patterns
  if (length(ids)) {
    m <- factor(names(ids), levels = unique(names(ids)))
    dup <- unlist(lapply(split(ids, m), duplicated), use.names = FALSE)
  } else {
    dup <- logical()
  key <- attr(ids, "key")
  ids <- ids[lengths(ids) == 1 & !dup] # drop phrasal and nested patterns
  id_key <- match(names(ids), key)
  id <- unlist(ids, use.names = FALSE)
  if (capkeys)
    key <- char_toupper(key)
  if (length(id)) {
    if (exclusive) {
      if (!is.null(nomatch)) {
        id_nomatch <- setdiff(seq_len(nfeat(x)), id)
        id <- c(id, id_nomatch)
        id_key <- c(id_key, rep(length(key) + 1,
        key <- c(key, nomatch[1])
      col_new <- key[id_key]
      x <- x[, id]
      set_dfm_featnames(x) <- col_new
      # merge identical keys and add non-existent keys
      result <- dfm_match(dfm_compress(x, margin = "features"), key)
    } else {
      if (!is.null(nomatch))
        warning("nomatch only applies if exclusive = TRUE")
      col_new <- type
      # repeat columns for multiple keys
      if (any(duplicated(id))) {
        ids_rep <- as.list(seq_len(nfeat(x)))
        ids_rep[unique(id)] <- split(id, id)
        id_rep <- unlist(ids_rep, use.names = FALSE)
      } else {
        id_rep <- seq_len(nfeat(x))
      col_new <- col_new[id_rep]
      # This is the only meaningful change I made to the quanteda function
      # originally it was:
      # col_new[id_rep %in% id] <- key[id_key]
      # But I believe this may be where our unexpected behavior is getting in,
      # begin change
      col_new[id_rep %in% id] <- key[id_key[order(id)]]
      # end change
      x <- x[,id_rep]
      quanteda:::set_dfm_featnames(x) <- col_new
      result <- dfm_compress(x, margin = "features")
  } else {
    if (exclusive) {
      if (!is.null(nomatch)) {
        result <- as.dfm(matrix(ntoken(x), ncol = 1,
                                dimnames = list(docnames(x), nomatch)))
      } else {
        result <- make_null_dfm(document = docnames(x), 
                                feature = key)
    } else {
      result <- x
  if (exclusive)
    field_object(attrs, "what") <- "dictionary"
  quanteda:::rebuild_dfm(result, attrs)
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