在Powerpoint VBA中使用.Slides和.Shapes方法中的变量

问题描述 投票:0回答:2



  1. 复制图像
  2. 在演示文稿中的最后一张幻灯片后创建一个新幻灯片
  3. 将图像粘贴到新幻灯片中
  4. 调整图像的大小,使其适合屏幕上的大小
  5. 查看大图像的新幻灯片
  6. 将用户发送回他们开始的幻灯片。


Sub ViewFullSize()

    Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
    ' Dim objCurrentSlideIndex As Integer

    ' objCurrentSlideIndex = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex

    With ActivePresentation

        .Slides(2).Shapes("Picture 7").Copy


    End With

    Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutCustom)


End Sub


    Dim objCurrentSlideIndex As Integer
    objCurrentSlideIndex = ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.SlideIndex
    With ActivePresentation
        .Slides(objCurrentSlideIndex).Shapes("Picture 7").Copy
    End With

我尝试.Slides(objCurrentSlideIndex)的变量导致整个子程序不执行,但不会使幻灯片崩溃。我已经使用了Set和一些其他语法,并且无法使用变量而不是普通数字。有没有办法做到这一点? .Slides().Shapes()方法甚至可以使用变量吗?我已经阅读了几个Microsoft和PPTools页面,但是找不到使用变量的例子。

vba powerpoint
Sub ViewFullSize(objCurrentShape As Shape) ' Place shape clicked on into variable.

    Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
    Dim objCurrentSlideNum As Integer
    Dim objLastSlideNum As Integer

' Place current slide number into a variable.
    objCurrentSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition

' Send shape to clipboard for later pasting.

' Place new blank slide at the end of the presentation.
    Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutCustom)

' Make the new slide the active slide.

' Place the new slide number into a variable.
    objLastSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition

' Paste the shape image from the clipboard onto the new slide.

End Sub

我偶然发现了一段代码,显示单击一个形状时,它可以将其标识符直接传递给子程序并分配给变量。在我的情况下(objCurrentShape As Shape)。这可以与.Shapes()方法一起使用,我曾经称之为复制.Shapes(objCurrentShape.Name).Copy的形状。





对于任何感兴趣的人来说,这是我在Powerpoint 2017中工作的完整(可能没有收集),完全可操作的代码。




Sub ViewFullSize(objCurrentShape As Shape) ' Place shape clicked-on into variable.
 ' Credit Shyam Pillai @ http://www.skphub.com/ppt00040.htm#2 for the method of
 ' bringing the shape into the macro as a variable allowing easier manipulation.

    Dim pptNewSlide As Slide
    Dim objCurrentSlideNum As Integer
    Dim objLastSlideNum As Integer
    Dim objLargeView As Shape

' Place current slide number into a variable.
    objCurrentSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition

' Copy shape to clipboard for later pasting.

' Place new blank slide at the end of the presentation.
    Set pptNewSlide = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)

' Make the new slide the active slide.

' Place the new slide number into a variable.
    objLastSlideNum = ActivePresentation.SlideShowWindow.view.CurrentShowPosition

' Paste the shape image from the clipboard onto the new slide.

' Put pasted image into a variable.
    Set objLargeView = ActivePresentation.Slides(objLastSlideNum).Shapes(1)

' Full credit for this next section of the code goes to PPTools & David Marcovitz
' @ http://www.pptfaq.com/FAQ00352_Batch_Insert_a_folder_full_of_pictures-_one_per_slide.htm
' Thanks for the hard work!

' Manipulate the image using the variable.
    With objLargeView
      ' Set mouse-click action on image to return user back to the slide they came from.
        .ActionSettings(ppMouseClick).Action = ppActionLastSlideViewed
      ' Reposition the image for proper resizing
        .Left = 0
        .Top = 0
        .ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue
        .ScaleWidth 1, msoTrue
      ' Resize the image to full screen while maintaining aspect ratio.
      ' This is wide screen mode.  If you are working with the more
      ' narrow mode, simply change the 9 to a 3 and the 16 to a 4
      ' to keep the correct aspect ratio.
        If 9 * .Width > 16 * .Height Then
            .Width = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth
            .Top = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight - .Height)
            .Height = ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideHeight
            .Left = 0.5 * (ActivePresentation.PageSetup.SlideWidth - .Width)
        End If
    End With
' From here, the slideshow is now showing the originally clicked-on image
' full screen on its own page waiting for the user to click on it to return
' to the rest of the show.  If the slideshow isn't set to kiosk mode, then
' there is the possibility of the user clicking somewhere on the screen out
' of the picture area and it would end the slideshow.
End Sub
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