我购买了StaffPad,但不幸的是我没有可以在其上书写和使用该软件的优势的 MS 设备。因此,在电脑上用鼠标书写并不是一种舒适的体验。我尝试在手机上使用 spacedesk 尝试用电容笔进行书写,但没有成功。当我尝试编写该软件时,我认为它是一个拖动输入。但我注意到我可以使用鼠标的滚轮按钮在该软件上书写。所以我试图找到一种方法,将空间桌面的绝对触摸输入转换为鼠标中键(滚轮)单击/拖动以在工作簿中书写。
# touch_to_middle_click_and_drag.py
import pyautogui
from pynput import mouse
# Variables to store the previous touch position
prev_x, prev_y = None, None
# Flag to track whether the middle mouse button is currently pressed
middle_button_pressed = False
def on_touch(x, y):
global prev_x, prev_y
if middle_button_pressed:
# Calculate the movement since the previous position
dx, dy = x - prev_x, y - prev_y
pyautogui.moveRel(dx, dy)
# Update the previous position
prev_x, prev_y = x, y
def on_touch_press(x, y, button, pressed):
global middle_button_pressed
if pressed and button == mouse.Button.middle:
# Simulate a middle mouse button press
middle_button_pressed = True
def on_touch_release(x, y, button, pressed):
global middle_button_pressed
if not pressed and button == mouse.Button.middle:
# Simulate a middle mouse button release
middle_button_pressed = False
# Start listening for touch events
with mouse.Listener(on_move=on_touch, on_click=on_touch_press) as listener:
我希望它能够按预期工作,即采用绝对触摸输入并转换为滚轮按钮单击,从而使我能够在记事本中书写。但当我尝试使用 spacedesk 在手机上书写时,它仍然需要拖动输入。
您希望将触摸输入转换为鼠标中键单击和拖动,以便更舒适地使用 StaffPad。您需要监听触摸输入并将其转换为鼠标中键操作。
函数来跟踪触摸输入的移动。每当触摸输入移动时就会调用此函数。它将计算自前一个位置以来的移动,并使用 pyautogui.moveRel()
. 相应地移动鼠标光标。
标志来跟踪触摸输入是否处于活动状态。当按下鼠标中键时,该标志将设置为 True
;当释放鼠标中键时,该标志将设置为 False
# touch_to_middle_click_and_drag.py
import pyautogui
from pynput.mouse import Listener, Button
# Variables to store the previous touch position
prev_x, prev_y = None, None
# Flag to track whether a touch input is active
touch_active = False
def on_move(x, y):
global prev_x, prev_y, touch_active
if touch_active:
# Calculate the movement since the previous position
dx, dy = x - prev_x, y - prev_y
pyautogui.moveRel(dx, dy)
# Update the previous position
prev_x, prev_y = x, y
def on_click(x, y, button, pressed):
global touch_active
if button == Button.middle:
if pressed:
# Start tracking touch as middle mouse drag
touch_active = True
pyautogui.mouseDown(x, y, button='middle')
# Stop tracking touch
touch_active = False
# Start listening for mouse events
with Listener(on_move=on_move, on_click=on_click) as listener: