“Linux 中的 CSV 数据显示 '???'在 First Element 中,但在 Windows 中工作正常 - 如何解决?”

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我正在 GitHub Actions(Linux 环境)中执行代码并尝试从 CSV 文件检索数据。但是,CSV 文件的第一个元素显示为“???”'。有趣的是,处理 BOM(字节顺序标记)后,同一个 CSV 文件在 Windows 上工作正常。这是我用来检索的代码片段来自 csv 文件的数据

public void retrieveCSVFile(String directoryPath, String filename, List<String> csvContent, List<ExtentTest> extentLog) throws IOException {
    File directory = new File(directoryPath);
    Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(directory, new String[]{"csv"}, false);
    Optional<File> fileOptional = files.stream().filter(file -> file.getName().contains(filename)).findFirst(); //retrieve the latest file
    if (fileOptional.isPresent()) {
        File file = fileOptional.get();
        validateCsvHeaders(file, csvContent, extentLog);
    } else {
        extentLog.stream().forEach(Exlog -> Exlog.log(Status.FAIL, filename + " is not present in downloads folder"));

private static void validateCsvHeaders(File file, List<String> csvContent, List<ExtentTest> extentLog) {
    try (CSVReader csvReader = new CSVReader(new FileReader(file))) {
        List<String> header = Arrays.asList(csvReader.readNext());
        for (int i = 0; i < header.size(); i++) {
            int finalI = i;
            if (removeBOMFromCSV(header.get(i)).contains(csvContent.get(i))) {
                extentLog.stream().forEach(Exlog -> Exlog.log(Status.PASS, header.get(finalI) + " is present in CSV file: " + csvContent.get(finalI)));
            } else {
                extentLog.stream().forEach(Exlog -> Exlog.log(Status.INFO, "Expected header is " + header.get(finalI) + " and actual header is" + csvContent.get(finalI)));
                extentLog.stream().forEach(Exlog -> Exlog.log(Status.FAIL, header.get(finalI) + " is not present in CSV file" + csvContent.get(finalI)));

    } catch (IOException | CsvValidationException e) {
        extentLog.stream().forEach(Exlog -> Exlog.log(Status.FAIL, "Error reading CSV file " + file.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()));

public static String removeBOMFromCSV(String s) {
    String[] BOMs = {"\uFEFF",      // UTF-8 BOM
            "\uFFFE",      // UTF-16 BOM (BE)
            "\uFEFF",      // UTF-16 BOM (LE)
            "\uFFFE",      // UTF-32 BOM (BE)
            "\uFEFF"};     // UTF-32 BOM (LE)
    for (String bom : BOMs) {
        if (s.startsWith(bom)) {
            s = s.substring(bom.length());
            s = s.replaceAll("[^\\p{Print}]", "");
    return s;

CSV 文件如下所示:

|30 |John|India
|25 |Jane|USA

在 GitHub Actions(env = Linux) 中执行代码后,输出为:

???“CSV 文件中不存在年龄

名称存在于 CSV 文件中

位置存在于 CSV 文件中


年龄存在于 CSV 文件中

名称存在于 CSV 文件中

位置存在于 CSV 文件中

java csv selenium-webdriver

文件中字节顺序标记的表示将取决于用于编码文件的字符集。 由于

new FileReader(file)
已经采用了字符集,因此在创建 Reader 后检查 BOM 已经太晚了。

在创建 Reader 之前,您必须检查 BOM。 您必须检查字节,而不是字符。 unicode.org 有关于如何检查文件初始字节的

方便参考。 代码可能如下所示:

private static Reader openWithoutBOM(File file) throws IOException { InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); in.mark(4); ByteBuffer initialBytes = ByteBuffer.wrap(in.readNBytes(4)); String charset; if (initialBytes.getInt(0) == 0x0000feff) { charset = "UTF-32BE"; } else if (initialBytes.getInt(0) == 0xfffe0000) { charset = "UTF-32LE"; } else if (initialBytes.getShort(0) == (short) 0xfeff) { charset = "UTF-16BE"; in.reset(); in.skipNBytes(2); } else if (initialBytes.getShort(0) == (short) 0xfffe) { charset = "UTF-16LE"; in.reset(); in.skipNBytes(2); } else if (initialBytes.get(0) == (byte) 0xef && initialBytes.get(1) == (byte) 0xbb && initialBytes.get(2) == (byte) 0xbf) { charset = "UTF-8"; in.reset(); in.skipNBytes(3); } else { // You may want to make a different assumption here. // For example, files created with Windows Notepad are // UTF-16LE by default. charset = "UTF-8"; in.reset(); } return new InputStreamReader(in, charset); }
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