[由于插入范围而导致的C#Excel OutOfMemory异常

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//this is a simplified version of Range declaration which I am 100% confident in
Range range = worksheet.Range[firstCell, lastCell] 

range.Formula = array; 
//where array is a object[,] which basically contains only strings and also works perfeclty fine

应该将[,]数组插入到以前用于较小Excel书籍的Excel范围的最后一行,但是现在对于具有System.OutOfMemoryException: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program的较大书籍会崩溃,我也不知道为什么,因为以前对于一个维度,最多可使用500个以上元素的数组,而现在包含400个以下元素的数组会崩溃。此外,崩溃时的RAM使用量约为1.2GB,我知道该项目能够在RAM使用量约为3GB的情况下完美运行。





List<object[][]> controlsList = new List<object[][]>();
// this list is filled with a quite long method calling a lot of other functions
// if other parts look fine, I guess I'll have to investigate it

int totalRows = 1;

foreach (var control in controlsList)
    if (control.Length == 0)

    var range = worksheet.GetRange(totalRows + 1, 1, totalRows += control.Length, 11);
    //control is an object[n][11] so normally there are no index issues with inserting
    range.Formula = control.To2dArray();

//GetRange and To2dArray are extension methods
public static Range GetRange(this Worksheet sheet, int firstRow, int firstColumn, int lastRow, int lastColumn)
    var firstCell = sheet.GetRange(firstRow, firstColumn);
    var lastCell = sheet.GetRange(lastRow, lastColumn);

    return (Range)sheet.Range[firstCell, lastCell];

public static Range GetRange(this Worksheet sheet, int row, int col) => (Range)sheet.CheckIsPositive(row, col).Cells[row, col];

public static T CheckIsPositive<T>(this T returnedValue, params int[] vals)
    if (vals.Any(x => x <= 0))
        throw new ArgumentException("Values must be positive");

    return returnedValue;

public static T[,] To2dArray<T>(this T[][] source)
    if (source == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException();

    int l1 = source.Length;
    int l2 = source[0].Length(1);

    T[,] result = new T[l1, l2];

    for (int i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < l2; ++j)
            result[i, j] = source[i][j];

    return result;

c# excel memory out-of-memory vsto

我不是100%确定正确地找到了它,但是问题似乎出在Interop.Excel / Excel的限制和我尝试插入的公式的长度之内:只要长度接近8k个字符,这是很接近的到公式内容的Excel限制时,会弹出System.OutOfMemoryException。当我选择省略冗长的公式时,该程序开始正常运行。

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