我正在开发一个express(使用TypeORM)+ ReactJS应用程序。
问题是我有 3 个实体通过 OneToMany 关系链接,如下所示:
import { Product } from './product.entity'
export class Customer extends BaseEntity{
readonly id: number;
@Column ({name: 'name'})
name : string;
@Column ({name: 'test', nullable: true})
test : string;
@OneToMany(() => Product, product => product.customer)
// @JoinColumn({ name: 'product_id' })
products: Product[]
import {Customer} from './customer.entity'
import {Model} from './model.entity'
export class Product extends BaseEntity{
readonly id: number;
@Column ({name: 'name'})
name : string;
@Column ({name: 'test', nullable: true})
test : string;
@Column ({name: 'deleted', nullable: true})
deleted : string;
@ManyToOne(() => Customer, customer => customer.products)
@JoinColumn({ name: 'customer_id' })
customer: Customer;
@OneToMany(() => Model, model => model.product)
@JoinColumn({ name: 'customer_id' })
models: Model[]
import { Product } from "./product.entity";
export class Model extends BaseEntity{
readonly id: number;
@Column ({name: 'name'})
name : string;
@Column ({name: 'size', nullable: true})
size : string;
@Column ({name: 'deleted', nullable: true})
deleted : string;
@ManyToOne(() => Product, product => product.models)
@JoinColumn({ name: 'product_id' })
product: Product;
Express 的保存方法是:
static add = async(req: Request, res)=> {
const connection = getConnection();
const queryRunner = connection.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
try {
let customer: Customer
customer = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Customer).findOneOrFail(req.body.id)
const productsReq: Array<Product> = req.body.products
productsReq.forEach(async (product: any) => {
let updatedProd = {...product, customer: customer}
const savedProd = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Product).save({...updatedProd})
product.models.forEach(async (model: any) => {
let updatedModel = {...model, product: savedProd}
await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Model).save(updatedModel)
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
return res.send('Saving done')
} catch (error) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
res.status(500).send('Some error occurs');
} finally {
1 位 ID 为 30 的客户
名字 | id | 测试 |
第一位顾客 | 30 | 测试栏 |
1 个 ID 为 119 的产品关联到客户 30
id | 名字 | 测试 | 客户 ID | 已删除 |
119 | 第一个产品 | 测试栏 | 30 |
2 个型号,其 ID:90 和 91 链接到产品 119
id | 名字 | 尺寸 | 已删除 | 产品_id |
91 | 第二个型号没有 id | 2000 | 119 | |
90 | 第一个带有 id 的模型 | 1000 | 119 |
接下来,在 React 中,我尝试仅更新 id 为 90 的模型并添加一个新模型。 (所以我不会发送到后端所有模型,id 为 91 的模型不会发送)。
从前端发送到后端的 JSON 对象如下所示:
"id": 30,
"name": "first customer",
"test": "test column",
"products": [
"id" : 119,
"name": "first product",
"test": "test column",
"models": [
"id": 90,
"name": "first model with id",
"size": 1000
"name": "second model witout id",
"size": 2000
但问题是在数据库中,对于 id 为 91 的模型,表“model”上的前键“product_id”设置为 null,并插入了新行(92)。
|91|second model witout id|2000|||
|90|first model with id|1000||119|
|92|second model witout id|2000||119|
我从 Express 更改了保存方法,如下所示:
static add = async(req: Request, res)=> {
const connection = getConnection();
const queryRunner = connection.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
try {
let customer: Customer
let customerReq: any = req.body
customer = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Customer).findOneOrFail(req.body.id)
const productsReq: Array<Product> = req.body.products
productsReq.forEach(async (product: any) => {
let updatedProd = {...product, customer: customer}
let addedModels: Model[] = []
product.models.forEach(async (model: any) => {
const updatedModel = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Model).save({...model, product: product})
const existingProd = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Product).save({...updatedProd})
await (await existingProd.models).push(...addedModels)
const savedProd = await queryRunner.manager.getRepository(Product).save({...updatedProd})
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
return res.send('Adding ok')
} catch (error) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
res.status(500).send('Something went terribly wrong');
} finally {
// await queryRunner.release();
这很奇怪,因为启动了 2 个事务:
query: SELECT "Customer"."id" AS "Customer_id", "Customer"."name" AS "Customer_name", "Customer"."test" AS "Customer_test" FROM "customer" "Customer" WHERE "Customer"."id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [30]
query: SELECT "Customer"."id" AS "Customer_id", "Customer"."name" AS "Customer_name", "Customer"."test" AS "Customer_test" FROM "customer" "Customer" WHERE "Customer"."id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [30]
query: COMMIT
query: SELECT "Model"."id" AS "Model_id", "Model"."name" AS "Model_name", "Model"."size" AS "Model_size", "Model"."deleted" AS "Model_deleted", "Model"."product_id" AS "Model_product_id" FROM "model" "Model" WHERE "Model"."id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [132]
query: SELECT "Product"."id" AS "Product_id", "Product"."name" AS "Product_name", "Product"."test" AS "Product_test", "Product"."deleted" AS "Product_deleted", "Product"."customer_id" AS "Product_customer_id" FROM "product" "Product" WHERE "Product"."id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [119]
query: INSERT INTO "model"("name", "size", "deleted", "product_id") VALUES ($1, $2, DEFAULT, $3) RETURNING "id" -- PARAMETERS: ["second model witout id",2000,119]
Morgan --> POST 200 /test @ Tue, 04 May 2021 14:28:08 GMT ::ffff: from undefined PostmanRuntime/7.28.0
query: SELECT "Product"."id" AS "Product_id", "Product"."name" AS "Product_name", "Product"."test" AS "Product_test", "Product"."deleted" AS "Product_deleted", "Product"."customer_id" AS "Product_customer_id" FROM "product" "Product" WHERE "Product"."id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [119]
query: UPDATE "model" SET "size" = $2 WHERE "id" IN ($1) -- PARAMETERS: [132,8000]
query: COMMIT