Macbook Pro 使用模拟器时崩溃 - AegirPoster 流程

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

最近我的 MacBook 在使用模拟器时开始崩溃。我正在 SwiftUI 中开发一个应用程序,我认为这可能是我的应用程序出现问题。 然后我意识到我拥有的所有应用程序都会发生这种情况,即使是空白的应用程序。 我重新安装了 Xcode 和模拟器 - 没有成功。 在崩溃日志中,它说“AegirPoster”进程使模拟器崩溃。 从我发现的少量信息来看,这可能与锁屏或模拟器的天气应用程序有关。 有什么办法可以防止它使我的 MacBook 崩溃吗? 以下是皮疹报告的一部分:

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Incident Identifier: 05BE6CEF-6B5E-4D49-8704-7410B14083AF
CrashReporter Key:   D1AA8254-BD20-324C-D6CA-6AD2A866EE52
Hardware Model:      MacBookPro18,1
Process:             AegirPoster [1121]
Path:                /Volumes/VOLUME/*/
Version:             1.0 (1)
Code Type:           ARM-64 (Native)
Role:                Foreground
Parent Process:      launchd_sim [918]
Coalition:  [1011]
Responsible Process: SimulatorTrampoline [911]

Date/Time:           2023-09-11 07:29:14.6119 -0600
Launch Time:         2023-09-11 07:29:10.5790 -0600
OS Version:          macOS 13.5.2 (22G91)
Release Type:        User
Report Version:      104

Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Reason: SIGNAL 6 Abort trap: 6
Terminating Process: AegirPoster [1121]

Triggered by Thread:  0

Kernel Triage:
VM - (arg = 0x0) pmap_enter retried due to resource shortage
VM - (arg = 0x0) pmap_enter retried due to resource shortage
VM - (arg = 0x0) pmap_enter retried due to resource shortage
VM - (arg = 0x0) pmap_enter retried due to resource shortage
VM - (arg = 0x0) pmap_enter retried due to resource shortage

Thread 0 Crashed::  Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                 0x10dd08fe8 __pthread_kill + 8
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib                0x10dda312c pthread_kill + 256
2   libsystem_c.dylib                      0x10d9565ec abort + 104
3   libsystem_c.dylib                      0x10d955a6c __assert_rtn + 268
4   NanoUniverse                           0x102b6add4 -[NUNICalliopeResourceManager _generatePipelineVshName:fshName:config:blend0:blend1:pixelFormat0:pixelFormat1:].cold.1 + 40
5   NanoUniverse                           0x102b45d98 -[NUNICalliopeResourceManager _generatePipelineVshName:fshName:config:blend0:blend1:pixelFormat0:pixelFormat1:] + 936
6   NanoUniverse                           0x102b457c4 -[NUNICalliopeResourceManager renderOffscreenPipelineForSpheroid:layer:config:] + 176
7   NanoUniverse                           0x102b41cb0 -[NUNICalliopeRenderer _renderPatchSpheroid:frustumCullingState:drawableSize:frameBufferIndex:renderEncoder:] + 2752
8   NanoUniverse                           0x102b4310c -[NUNICalliopeRenderer _renderOffscreenSceneWithScene:spheroids:viewport:commandBuffer:frameBufferIndex:drawableTexture:] + 1752
9   NanoUniverse                           0x102b43edc -[NUNICalliopeRenderer renderWithScene:viewport:commandBuffer:passDescriptor:] + 252
10  NanoUniverse                           0x102b3f430 -[NUNIQuad renderWithCommandBuffer:passDescriptor:] + 108
11  ClockKitUI                             0x10236bb70 -[CLKUIMetalQuadView _renderQuads:toScreenWithCommandBuffer:passDescriptor:] + 332
12  ClockKitUI                             0x10236ad78 -[CLKUIMetalQuadView _snapshotTextureInRect:scale:time:withAdditionalPasses:] + 1800
13  ClockKitUI                             0x10236a270 __48-[CLKUIMetalQuadView snapshotInRect:scale:time:]_block_invoke + 556
14  ClockKitUI                             0x102341488 -[CLKUIQuadView _runOnRenderQueueIfNeeded:] + 136
15  ClockKitUI                             0x102369f40 -[CLKUIMetalQuadView snapshotInRect:scale:time:] + 268
16  AegirPoster                            0x102259058 0x102234000 + 151640
17  AegirPoster                            0x102251844 0x102234000 + 120900
18  AegirPoster                            0x102251018 0x102234000 + 118808
19  AegirPoster                            0x10225966c 0x102234000 + 153196
20  AegirPoster                            0x1022734b8 0x102234000 + 259256
21  AegirPoster                            0x102273808 0x102234000 + 260104
22  PosterKit                              0x103912098 -[PRRenderer scene:willConnectToSession:options:] + 432
23  UIKitCore                              0x114a2bdd0 +[UIScene _sceneForFBSScene:create:withSession:connectionOptions:] + 1012
24  UIKitCore                              0x1155053b4 -[UIApplication _connectUISceneFromFBSScene:transitionContext:] + 804
25  UIKitCore                              0x11550569c -[UIApplication workspace:didCreateScene:withTransitionContext:completion:] + 356
26  UIKitCore                              0x114ffc77c -[UIApplicationSceneClientAgent scene:didInitializeWithEvent:completion:] + 260
27  FrontBoardServices                     0x118c88014 -[FBSScene _callOutQueue_didCreateWithTransitionContext:completion:] + 296
28  FrontBoardServices                     0x118cb0acc __92-[FBSWorkspaceScenesClient createSceneWithIdentity:parameters:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke.82 + 224
29  FrontBoardServices                     0x118c94bb4 -[FBSWorkspace _calloutQueue_executeCalloutFromSource:withBlock:] + 160
30  FrontBoardServices                     0x118cb0844 __92-[FBSWorkspaceScenesClient createSceneWithIdentity:parameters:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke + 284
31  libdispatch.dylib                      0x10da7fd3c _dispatch_client_callout + 16
32  libdispatch.dylib                      0x10da83c4c _dispatch_block_invoke_direct + 376
33  FrontBoardServices                     0x118cd3fa0 __FBSSERIALQUEUE_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 44
34  FrontBoardServices                     0x118cd3e7c -[FBSMainRunLoopSerialQueue _targetQueue_performNextIfPossible] + 196
35  FrontBoardServices                     0x118cd3fd4 -[FBSMainRunLoopSerialQueue _performNextFromRunLoopSource] + 24
36  CoreFoundation                         0x10438d69c __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 24
37  CoreFoundation                         0x10438d5e4 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 172
38  CoreFoundation                         0x10438cd54 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 232
39  CoreFoundation                         0x10438743c __CFRunLoopRun + 768
40  CoreFoundation                         0x104386d28 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 572
41  GraphicsServices                       0x118487bc0 GSEventRunModal + 160
42  UIKitCore                              0x115504054 -[UIApplication _run] + 868
43  UIKitCore                              0x115507ccc UIApplicationMain + 124
44  ExtensionKit                           0x1032b9758 -[_EXRunningUISceneExtension startWithArguments:count:] + 284
45  ExtensionFoundation                    0x1035d3f20 EXExtensionMain + 216
46  Foundation                             0x10b4f7348 NSExtensionMain + 176
47  dyld_sim                               0x102401558 start_sim + 20
48  dyld  
ios xcode macos simulator

不太确定,但是 您找到天文学表盘和锁定屏幕的路径; /系统/库/CoreServices/

在 Xcode 中,认为问题是兼容性问题: watchOS 10.0 beta 8 (21R5355a) 模拟器(已安装)但与 Xcode 15 不兼容 所以要么更新要么删除。 希望有帮助

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