所以这让我整天陷入困境,由于基础设施的变化,我正在构建一个简单的布告栏,我将无法直接访问数据库。幸运的是,应用程序 (ManageEngine ServiceDesk) 有一个 API,可以让我获得我需要的数据。不幸的是,我不能使用 Javascript 来访问 API,因为它们不支持它(我试过)所以我使用的是 python。这方面的 python 工作正常,我能够在那方面获得我需要的所有数据。
问题是我需要对事物的 python 端进行多次调用,因为第一个调用根据我的标准为我提供了工作列表,这工作正常。然后我必须遍历这些作业以进行另一个调用,因为我需要获得每个作业的批准状态。这也很好用,我 console.log() 我需要的信息,它显示得很好。如果我不清除数据字段(midCollectionData 等),该网站可以正常工作,但它会不断加倍。所以我需要清除它们,但是当我这样做时,数据要么根本不显示,要么在第一次运行时不显示,但第二次运行正常。在不请求批准数据的情况下,一切正常(并且当前版本正在运行)但我们希望有一个显示批准状态的图标,我认为问题是我需要使用异步/等待(否则数据会混淆并且没有正确排序,或者返回的批准数据是承诺而不是数据,因为我不是专业人士,这花了我一段时间)。
"use strict";
// Set up some empty variables for the list of jobs (as HTML divs) are put in. This needs to be global for all the relevant functons to access.
let midCollectionData = "";
let senCollectionData = "";
let midApprovalData = "";
let senApprovalData = "";
// Same as above, but for the information at the bottom of the screen.
let infoArray = new Array;
// After the page is fully loaded, start all the functions.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Start all the functions required to run the page.
function startApp() {
// The clock at the top right
function updateClock() {
var d = new Date(); // Get the date (from the system clock).
var s = ""; // Var to write a time into in a human readable format.
s += ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1) + ":"; // Get just the hours, add 11 and devide all that by 12. Take what is left over and add one. This converts 24hr time to 12hr time. Don't worry I did the math, it checks out.
s += (10 > d.getMinutes() ? "0" : "") + d.getMinutes(); // Get the minutes and make it always display a leading zero.
$("#clock").text(s); //bMake the clock element display the time we just formatted.
$("#date").text(d.toDateString()); // Make the date element display the date we just formatted.
setTimeout(updateClock, 1000); // do it all again in 1000 milliseconds.
// Get the data from helpdesk using fetch()
function getData() {
fetch('/get-data') // Call the "get-data" function on the serverside python script
.then(response => response.json()) // Take the full response and store it in an object in a json structure
.then(data => populate(data))
.catch(error => console.error(error)); // Log any errors to the console
setTimeout(getData,10000) // Do it all again in 10 seconds
// Get the approval status of each job as this information is not provided when getting info on all jobs.
async function getApproval(jobid) {
let response = await fetch(`get-approval/${jobid}`);
let data = await response.json();
if (data.request.approval_status != null) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
else {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Populate the tables with the data from getData()
async function populate(data) {
await clearData();
await $.each(data.requests, async function(i, item) { // Loop through ONLY the requests items of the response data from the server
let approvalData;
await getApproval(item.id)
.then(function (result) {
approvalData = result;
makeItem(item.site.name, item.status.name, item.requester.name, item.id, approvalData); // Call makeItem() and pass the site, status, requester, and ID of the current item as arguments
await updateData(); // After the jobs are written (as html) to the variables, write them into the grid
function makeItem(campus, type, name, id, approval) { // Add the job's information to the correct list
let icon = "";
switch (approval) {
case "null":
icon = "";
case "Approved":
icon = "<span class='material - symbols - outlined'>done</span>";
case "Pending Approval":
icon = "<span class='material - symbols - outlined'>schedule</span>";
case "Rejected":
icon = "<span class='material - symbols - outlined'>close</span>";
// Check the site and status and then add to the data to that list as a div in html format
if (campus == "site1" && type == "Collection") {
midCollectionData += `<div class='grid-item'>${name} (${id})</div>`;
if (campus == "site2" && type == "Collection") {
senCollectionData += `<div class='grid-item'>${name} (${id}) ${icon}</div>`;
if (campus == "site1" && type == "Leadership") {
midApprovalData += `<div class='grid-item'>${name} (${id})</div>`;
if (campus == "site2" && type == "Leadership") {
senApprovalData += `<div class='grid-item'>${name} (${id}) ${icon}</div>`;
console.log(`${name}, ${id}, ${campus}, ${type}, ${approval}, ${icon} slipped through the cracks`); // Log any items to console that don't get sorted and display all infomation so we can investigate
function clearData() { // Clear the data variables to stop double-ups of data
midCollectionData = "";
senCollectionData = "";
midApprovalData = "";
senApprovalData = "";
// Find the correct grid using the div's id and write the html data to it
function updateData() {
$("div.grid-item").remove(); // Clear the grids to stop double-ups of data
我已经尝试将 clearData() 函数移动到不同的地方并使其异步(虽然我没想到它会真正起作用)但我找不到如何让它以特定顺序运行。