price_apple = 1.00
price_pear = 1.50
apple_stock = 50
pear_stock = 30
totalstock = apple_stock + pear_stock
while totalstock != 0:
totalstock = apple_stock + pear_stock
if totalstock == 0:
print("Sadly we don't have any more fruit in stock.")
order = input("What would you like to order? ")
if order == "apples":
x, y, z = apple_stock, price_apple, "apples"
elif order == "pears":
x, y, z = pear_stock, price_pear, "pears"
if order == "apples" or order == "pears" and totalstock > 0:
number = list(map(int,input("How many would you like to order? ").strip().split()))
for individual_order in number:
if x >= individual_order:
x = x - individual_order
print(order, )
print("You have enough", z, "in stock")
print("Your total price is", str(order * x))
print("Your", z, "stock is now", x, z)
if order != "apples" and order != "pears":*
我希望 if 或 elif 继续执行下一行代码,但变量未绑定。
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/runner/School-project/", line 134, in <module>
if order == "apples" and x == 0:
NameError: name 'x' is not defined
order = input("What would you like to order? ")
if order == "apples":
x, y, z = apple_stock, price_apple, "apples"
if order == "apples" and totalstock > 0:
number = list(map(int,input("How many would you like to order? ").strip().split()))
for individual_order in number:
if x >= individual_order:
x = x - individual_order
print(order, )
print("You have enough", z, "in stock")
print("Your total price is", str(order * x))
print("Your", z, "stock is now", x, z)
elif order == "pears":
x, y, z = pear_stock, price_pear, "pears"
number = list(map(int,input("How many would you like to order? ").strip().split()))
for individual_order in number:
if x >= individual_order:
x = x - individual_order
print(order, )
print("You have enough", z, "in stock")
print("Your total price is", str(order * x))
print("Your", z, "stock is now", x, z)
如果能解决这个问题就太好了,我会把接近 900 行增加到大约 250 行
inventory = {
'apple': {
'total': 50,
'price': 1.00
'pear': {
'total': 30,
'price': 1.50
currentItem = ""
currentAmount = 0
while True:
print("== Menu ==")
for key in inventory.keys():
line = "== {name} -> {items_total} @ ${price} each".format(name=key, items_total = inventory[key]['total'], price = inventory[key]['price'])
print(line + ( " " * (36 - len(line))) + "==")
currentItem = input("What would you like to order? ")
if currentItem not in inventory.keys():
print("Invalid Item Selected")
currentAmount = int(input("How many would you like? "))
if currentAmount <= 0:
print("Invalid Amount Entered, Value to low")
if currentAmount > inventory[currentItem]['total']:
print("Invalid Amount Entered, Value to high")
inventory[currentItem]['total'] = inventory[currentItem]['total'] - currentAmount
purchasedPriceAmount = inventory[currentItem]['price'] * currentAmount
print("You have purchased {amount} {name}s for ${price} each".format(amount=currentAmount, name=currentItem, price=inventory[currentItem]['price']))
print("With a total of ${totalPrice}".format(totalPrice=purchasedPriceAmount))