
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

对于我的跨平台项目(Mac 和 Windows),我在 Mac 上利用 Objective-C 中 AppKIt 中的 NSStackView 编写了一个通用的 C++ 集合视图(即表视图)(因为我可以轻松地将 ObjC 和 C++ 混合在一起)。

各个行本身就是一个水平 NSStackView,用于显示列标题和数据行的标题。



  L NSSearchField
  L NSStackView(horizontal) - the header row
  L NSScrollView(vertical)
      L NSStackView(vertical)
           L NSStackView(horizontal) - the data row
           L ...


enter image description here

集合视图位于右侧的拆分视图内。 当我调整左视图的大小时,集合视图坚持分割线,但标题行保留在右侧(见下文):

enter image description here

为了显示层次结构信息,我为集合和行列表自定义了 NSStackView,isFlipped 返回 YES。


@interface FlippedStackView : NSStackView

- ( id ) initWithBackground: ( BOOL ) value;

- ( BOOL ) isFlipped;


@implementation FlippedStackView

- ( id ) initWithBackground: ( BOOL ) value
    self = [ super init ];
    if( self )
        if( value == YES )
            self.spacing = 0.0;
            [ self.layer setBackgroundColor:[ NSColor windowBackgroundColor ].CGColor ];
    return self;

- ( BOOL ) isFlipped
    return YES;


// --------------------

@implementation MacUICollectionView

- ( id ) initWithBackground: ( BOOL ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::initWithBackground )
    self = [ super init ];
    if( self )
        // General layout setting
        self.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
        self.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable;
        self.orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientationVertical;
        self.wantsLayer = YES;
        self.spacing = 0.0;
        if( value == YES )
            self.spacing = 0.0;
            [ self.layer setBackgroundColor:[ NSColor windowBackgroundColor ].CGColor ];

        // Initialize search field and header values
        _searchField = nil;
        _header = nil;

        // Create the scroll view
        NSScrollView * scrollView = [[NSScrollView alloc] init ];
        scrollView.autoresizingMask = NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable;
        scrollView.hasVerticalScroller = YES;
        scrollView.autohidesScrollers = YES;
        scrollView.drawsBackground = NO;

        // Get the contentView of the NSScrollView (which is the NSClipView)
        [ [ scrollView contentView] setDrawsBackground: NO ];
        // Create stack view for rows
        _stackViewForRows = [ [ FlippedStackView alloc ] initWithBackground: false ]; // Customize frame size
        _stackViewForRows.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
        _stackViewForRows.orientation = NSUserInterfaceLayoutOrientationVertical;
        _stackViewForRows.spacing = 0.0;

        // Add row stack view to scroll view
        scrollView.documentView = _stackViewForRows;
        [ self addView: scrollView inGravity:NSStackViewGravityTop ];

    return self;

// --------------------

- ( BOOL ) isFlipped
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::isFlipped )
    return YES;
// --------------------

- ( void ) displaySearchField: ( NSSearchField * ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::displaySearchField )
    if( _searchField == value )
    if( _searchField != nil )
        [ self removeView: _searchField ];

    if( value != nil )
        [ self insertView: value atIndex: 0 inGravity: NSStackViewGravityLeading ];
        NSNumber * hMargin = @( ( CGFloat ) kMacUIStandardPadding );
        [ self addConstraints: [ NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat: @"|->=hMargin-[value]->=hMargin-|"
                                                                        options: 0
                                                                        metrics: NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( hMargin )
                                                                          views: NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( value ) ] ];
        [ self addConstraints: [ NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat: @"V:|->=hMargin-[value]->=hMargin-|"
                                                                        options: 0
                                                                        metrics: NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( hMargin )
                                                                          views: NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings( value ) ] ];
    _searchField = value;

// --------------------

- ( void ) displayHeader: ( NSView * ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::displayHeader )
    if( _header == value )

    if( _header != nil )
        // Remove the header
        [ self removeView: _header ];
        // Add the header
        [ self insertView: value atIndex: ( _searchField == nil ? 0 : 1 ) inGravity: NSStackViewGravityTop ];

    _header = value;

// --------------------

- ( void ) addRow: ( NSView * ) value atIndex: ( int ) index
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::addRow )
    [ _stackViewForRows insertView: value atIndex: index inGravity: NSStackViewGravityLeading ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) removeRow: ( NSView * ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUICollectionView::removeRow )
    [ _stackViewForRows removeView: value ];


所以,我的问题是:如何强制标题行的 NSStackView 粘在左侧?我尝试了几种布局约束指令,但没有成功......

objective-c macos appkit nsstackview


所以,我没有在无休止的尝试中掉头发,而是在 ObjC 中创建了 UWP 的 StackPanel 的山寨版。现在它正在按预期工作:

enter image description here

这是我的 MacUIStackPanel 代码,以防万一:

enum MacUIStackPanelOrientation {

enum MacUIStackPanelAlignment {

// --------------------

@interface MacUIStackPanel : MacUIFlippedView
    MacUIStackPanelOrientation orientation;
    MacUIStackPanelAlignment alignment;

    BOOL autoResize;
    NSSize size;
    BOOL hasBackground;
    NSColor * backgroundColor;

    BOOL hasBorder;
    CoreServices::Coordinate borderThickness;
    NSColor * borderColor;

    CoreServices::Coordinate padding;
    CoreServices::Coordinate spacing;

    CoreServices::List< NSView * > children;

- ( id ) init;

- ( BOOL ) autoResize;
- ( void ) autoResize: ( BOOL ) value;

- ( MacUIStackPanelOrientation ) orientation;
- ( void ) orientation: ( MacUIStackPanelOrientation ) value;

- ( MacUIStackPanelAlignment ) alignment;
- ( void ) alignment: ( MacUIStackPanelAlignment ) value;

- ( BOOL ) hasBackground;
- ( void ) hasBackground: ( BOOL ) value;

- ( NSColor * ) backgroundColor;
- ( void ) backgroundColor: ( NSColor * ) value;

- ( BOOL ) hasBorder;
- ( void ) hasBorder: ( BOOL ) value;

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) borderThickness;
- ( void ) borderThickness: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value;

- ( NSColor * ) borderColor;
- ( void ) borderColor: ( NSColor * ) value;

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) padding;
- ( void ) padding: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value;

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) spacing;
- ( void ) spacing: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value;

- ( void ) addView: ( NSView * ) view;
- ( void ) insertView: ( NSView * ) view atIndex: ( CoreServices::Index ) index;
- ( void ) removeView: ( NSView * ) view;
- ( void ) removeViewAtIndex: ( CoreServices::Index ) index;
- ( Counter ) countOfViews;

- ( void ) updateLayout;

- ( void ) setFrame:( NSRect ) frameRect;
- ( void ) drawRect:( NSRect ) dirtyRect;


@implementation MacUIStackPanel

- ( id ) init
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::init )

    self = [ super init ];
    if( self )
        orientation = MacUIHorizontalStack;
        alignment = MacUICenterStack;

        hasBackground = NO;
        backgroundColor = [ NSColor controlBackgroundColor ];

        hasBorder = NO;
        borderThickness = 1.0;
        borderColor = [ NSColor gridColor ];

        padding = 0.0;
        spacing = 0.0;

        [ self setClipsToBounds: YES ];
    return self;

// --------------------

- ( BOOL ) autoResize
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::autoResize )
    return autoResize;
// --------------------

- ( void ) autoResize: ( BOOL ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::autoResize )
    if( autoResize == value )

    if( value == YES )
        [ self setAutoresizingMask: NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable ];
        [ self setAutoresizingMask: NSViewNotSizable ];
    autoResize = value;

// --------------------

- ( BOOL ) isFlipped
    //    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::isFlipped )
    return YES;

// --------------------

- ( MacUIStackPanelOrientation ) orientation
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::orientation )
    return orientation;

// --------------------

- ( void ) orientation: ( MacUIStackPanelOrientation ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::orientation )
    if( orientation == value )

    orientation = value;
    alignment = MacUICenterStack;
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( MacUIStackPanelAlignment ) alignment
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::alignment )
    return alignment;

// --------------------

- ( void ) alignment: ( MacUIStackPanelAlignment ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::alignment )
    if( alignment == value )
    if( orientation == MacUIVerticalStack )
        switch( value )
            case MacUICenterStack:
            case MacUILeftStack:
            case MacUIRightStack:
        switch( value )
            case MacUICenterStack:
            case MacUITopStack:
            case MacUIBottomStack:

    alignment = value;
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( BOOL ) hasBackground
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::hasBackground )
    return hasBackground;

// --------------------

- ( void ) hasBackground: ( BOOL ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::hasBackground )
    if( hasBackground == value )
    hasBackground = value;

// --------------------

- ( NSColor * ) backgroundColor
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::backgroundColor )
    return backgroundColor;

// --------------------

- ( void ) backgroundColor: ( NSColor * ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::backgroundColor )
    if( backgroundColor == value )
    backgroundColor = value;

// --------------------

- ( BOOL ) hasBorder
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::hasBorder )
    return hasBorder;

// --------------------

- ( void ) hasBorder: ( BOOL ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::hasBorder )
    if( hasBorder == value )
    hasBorder = value;

// --------------------

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) borderThickness
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::borderThickness )
    return borderThickness;

// --------------------

- ( void ) borderThickness: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::hasBorder )
    if( borderThickness == value || value < 0.0 )
    borderThickness = value;

// --------------------

- ( NSColor * ) borderColor
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::borderColor )
    return borderColor;

// --------------------

- ( void ) borderColor: ( NSColor * ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::borderColor )
    if( borderColor == value )
    borderColor = value;

// --------------------

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) padding
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::padding )
    return padding;

// --------------------

- ( void ) padding: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::padding )
    if( value >= 0.0 && padding != value )
        padding = value;
        [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) spacing
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::spacing )
    return spacing;

// --------------------

- ( void ) spacing: ( CoreServices::Coordinate ) value
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::spacing )
    if( value >= 0.0 && spacing != value )
        spacing = value;
        [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) addView: ( NSView * ) view
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::addView )
    if( children.HasItem( view ) == true )
    children.AddItem( view );
    [ self addSubview: view ];
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) insertView: ( NSView * ) view atIndex: ( CoreServices::Index ) index
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::insertView )
    if( children.HasItem( view ) == true ||
       index < 0 || index > children.CountOfItems() )
    children.AddItemAtIndex( index, view );
    [ self addSubview: view ];
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) removeView: ( NSView * ) view
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::removeView )
    Index index;
    index = children.FindItem( view );
    if( index == kNullIndex )
    children.RemoveItemAtIndex( index );
    [ view removeFromSuperview ];
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) removeViewAtIndex: ( CoreServices::Index ) index
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::removeViewAtIndex )

    if( index < 0 || index >= children.CountOfItems() )

    NSView * view;
    view = * children.GetItemAtIndex( index );
    children.RemoveItemAtIndex( index );
    [ view removeFromSuperview ];
    [ self updateLayout ];

// --------------------

- ( Counter ) countOfViews
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::countOfViews )
    return children.CountOfItems();

// --------------------

- ( void ) updateLayout
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::updateLayout )

    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "current size: width=%.1f, height=%.1f", size.width, size.height )
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "current frame: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, width=%.1f, height=%.1f",
                           [ self frame ].origin.x,
                           [ self frame ].origin.y,
                           [ self frame ].size.width,
                           [ self frame ].size.height )

    CoreServices::Coordinate current[2];
    bool direction;
    direction = ( orientation == MacUIVerticalStack );
    current[direction] = ( hasBorder ? borderThickness : 0.0 ) + padding;
    current[!direction] = 0.0;
    // First pass: position the children along the direction line
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "First pass: position the children along the direction line" )
    for( Index index = 0; index < children.CountOfItems(); index++ )
        NSView * view;
        CoreServices::Point size;
        view = * children.GetItemAtIndex( index );
        size.SetX( [view frame].size.width );
        size.SetY( [view frame].size.height );
        M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\t[%d] %p, width=%.1f height=%.1f", index, view, size[0], size[1] )
        if( index > 0 )
            current[direction] += spacing;
        [ view setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint( !direction?current[0]:0.0, direction?current[1]:0.0 )];
        current[direction] += size[direction];
        current[!direction] = M_MAXIMUM( current[!direction], size[!direction] );
    current[direction] += ( hasBorder ? borderThickness : 0.0 ) + padding;
    current[!direction] += 2 * ( ( hasBorder ? borderThickness : 0.0 ) + padding );

    if( autoResize == YES )
        current[direction] = M_MAXIMUM( current[direction], direction ? self.frame.size.height : self.frame.size.width );
        current[!direction] = M_MAXIMUM( current[!direction], direction ? self.frame.size.width : self.frame.size.height );

    size = NSMakeSize( current[0], current[1] );
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "new size: width=%.1f, height=%.1f", size.width, size.height )
    if( autoResize == NO )
        [ self setFrameSize: size ];
    // Second pass: update the alignemnt of the children
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "Second pass: update the alignemnt of the children" )
    for( Index index = 0; index < children.CountOfItems(); index++ )
        NSView * view;
        CoreServices::Point size;
        CoreServices::Coordinate position[2];
        view = * children.GetItemAtIndex( index );
        size.SetX( [view frame].size.width );
        size.SetY( [view frame].size.height );
        position[0] = [view frame].origin.x;
        position[1] = [view frame].origin.y;

        switch( alignment )
            case MacUICenterStack:
                position[!direction] = ( current[!direction] - size[!direction] ) / 2.0;
            case MacUILeftStack:
            case MacUITopStack:
                position[!direction] = ( hasBorder ? borderThickness : 0.0 ) + padding;
            case MacUIRightStack:
            case MacUIBottomStack:
                position[!direction] = current[!direction] - size[!direction] - ( ( hasBorder ? borderThickness : 0.0 ) + padding );
        [ view setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint( position[0], position[1] ) ];
        M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\t[%d] %p, width=%.1f height=%.1f, x=%.1f, y=%.1f", index, view, size[0], size[1], position[0], position[1] )
    [ self setNeedsDisplay: YES ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) setFrame:( NSRect ) frameRect
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::setFrame )
    char buffer[64];
    [ identifier getCString: buffer maxLength:64 encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding ];
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\'%s\' frameRect: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, width=%.1f, height=%.1f",
                           frameRect.size.height )

    [ super setFrame: frameRect ];
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\'%s\' frame: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, width=%.1f, height=%.1f",
                           self.frame.size.height )

    if( autoResize == YES )
        [ self updateLayout ];
        [ self setNeedsDisplay: YES ];

// --------------------

- ( void ) drawRect:( NSRect ) dirtyRect
    M_LOG_FUNCTION( MacUIStackPanel::drawRect )
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\tframe: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, width=%.1f, height=%.1f",
                           [ self frame ].origin.x,
                           [ self frame ].origin.y,
                           [ self frame ].size.width,
                           [ self frame ].size.height )
    M_LOG_FUNCTION_MESSAGE( LogLevel::Debug, "\tbounds: x=%.1f, y=%.1f, width=%.1f, height=%.1f",
                           [ self bounds ].origin.x,
                           [ self bounds ].origin.y,
                           [ self bounds ].size.width,
                           [ self bounds ].size.height )
    NSRect background;
    background = NSMakeRect( 0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height );
    // Draw the background?
    if( hasBackground == YES )
        [ backgroundColor set ];
        NSRectFill( background );
    // Draw the border?
    if( hasBorder == YES )
        NSBezierPath * borderPath = [ NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:NSInsetRect( background, borderThickness / 2.0, borderThickness / 2.0 ) ];
        [ borderColor setStroke ];
        [ borderPath setLineWidth: borderThickness ];
        [ borderPath stroke ];

    [ super drawRect: dirtyRect ];

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