files.upload API 方法已被弃用,用于通过 Selenium WebDriver 4.0 将测试结果上传到 Slack

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我将 Selenium WebDriver 4.19 与 Java 结合使用,并将测试结果上传到 Slack。 Slack 有一天通知我,我用来执行此操作的 files.upload Web API 方法已被弃用。

Updates required for apps still using the files.upload API 

A workspace that you administer contains apps or integrations that recently used the files.upload web API method. We want to inform you about two important changes coming to support for the files.upload API.
May 8, 2024 
Newly created Slack apps will no longer be able to access the files.upload API. Existing applications will be able to continue using files.upload until support is discontinued. 
March 11, 2025 
Support for the files.upload API for all apps will be discontinued. 

To prepare for this change, we recommend that app owners migrate away from files.upload and instead use the combination of files.getUploadURLExternal( and files.completeUploadExternal( You can also leverage Slack's SDKs to help transition to this new way of uploading files by visiting our api.slack page( 


  1. 致电
    。响应将包含一个 URL,您可以将文件内容发布到该 URL。
  2. 将文件内容发布到步骤 1 中返回的 URL。这可以通过发送原始字节来完成,也可以是多部分表单结束的请求。如果一切顺利,Slack 将响应 HTTP 200。
  3. 致电
    。您可以选择使用此 API 的参数为您的一个或多个文件指定共享目标。这完成了第 1 步中开始的文件上传。

这是我与 files.upload 一起使用的现有代码。该代码负责将内容发布到 Java。我对 Java 很陌生。我不明白 Call files.getUploadURLExternal 和 Call files.completeUploadExternal 的含义。有没有人有示例 Java 代码来解释这些调用语句如何工作。

// This method sends the test execution results report to Slack
public void sendTestExecutionReportToSlack() throws Exception {
    String url = ""; // This is the Slack url to upload the test execution results report to

    try {
        // This is the code to send the test execution report to Slack
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().disableContentCompression().build(); // Initiate the HttpClient to send the test execution results report to
        HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url); // Post the Slack url
        MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); // Build the builder entity to host the test execution results report
        FileBody fileBody = new FileBody(new File(PathToReport)); // Add the path of the test execution results report to the file body
        builder.setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); // Set up the builder structure to send the test execution results report and make sure it is browser compatible
        builder.addPart("file", fileBody); // Add the file containing the test execution results report to the builder structure
        builder.addTextBody("channels", channelName); // Add the channelName to the builder TextBody
        builder.addTextBody("token", botUserOAuthAccessToken); // Add the token to the builder TextBody
        httppost.setEntity(; // Set the Entity for builder, post the test execution results report with all the builder components including file, channels and token
        HttpResponse response = null; // Set the HTTPResponse to null
        response = httpclient.execute(httppost); // The response is equal to the result of httppost
        HttpEntity result = response.getEntity(); // HTTPEntity Result equals the response of getEntity

    } catch (Exception e) {
        // If the code to send the test execution results report fails, print the associated stack trace
        e.printStackTrace(); // Print the Stack Trace

此外,需要一个强制的整数/长度参数(正在上传的文件的大小以字节为单位。)可以使用 builder.addPart() 来完成吗

java slack-api

对于 FilesUploadV2Request,应该发生以下情况: 包装方法使开发者能够轻松地使用新的上传文件的方式。为了减轻 files.upload API 现有用户的困惑,此方法在内部执行一些 HTTP 请求。

虽然大部分参数是兼容的,但差别不大。与 files.upload API 不同,这种新方式允许开发人员一次上传多个文件。此外,不再支持以下操作。 - 在多个频道中共享上传的文件 - 设置文件的文件类型


try //This is the code to send the test execution report to Slack
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().disableContentCompression().build();  //Initiate the HttpClient to send the test execution results report to
        HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url); //Setup a new HttpPost object for the URL
        MultipartEntityBuilder builder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create(); //Build the builder entity which allows you to setup the different components of your test results file/report that is to be uploaded
        FileBody fileBody = new FileBody(new File(PathToReport)); //Add the path of the test execution results report to the file body
        builder.setMode(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE); //Set up the builder structure to send the test execution results report and make sure it is browser compatible
        builder.addPart("file", fileBody); //Add the file containing the test execution results report to the builder structure
        builder.addTextBody("channels", channelName); //Add the channelName to the builder TextBody
        builder.addTextBody("token", botUserOAuthAccessToken); //Add the token to the builder TextBody

        FilesUploadV2Request haw = new FilesUploadV2Request();
        haw.setFile(new File(PathToReport));
      catch (Exception e) //If the code to send the test execution results report fails, print the associated stack trace
          e.printStackTrace(); //Print the Stack Trace
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