
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


有没有办法将列转换为行,保持每行上的票号(A),日期(B)和发票(C),并根据分割每组数据的数量创建新行(列D- AI)?最多可以有10组数据,但每张发票下并不总是10组。



Dim r       As Long
Dim c       As Long
r = 1
c = 2
For Each Cell In Rng
    ShNew.Cells(r, c).Value = Cell.Offset(0, 1).Value
    With Rng
        If Cell.Value <> Cell.Offset(1, 0).Value Then
            ShNew.Cells(r, 1).Value = Cell.Value
            r = r + 1
            c = 2
            c = c + 1
        End If
    End With
Next Cell




excel vba excel-vba



输出数据 - 代码现在输出的内容

1111111111  2017-12-16 3:56 123456789   1   QCOM    2017-12-15  A   COMPLETE
2222222222  2017-12-16 3:56 987654321   1   MCD     2017-12-15  A   COMPLETE
3333333333  2017-12-16 3:56 123123123   1   QCOM    2017-12-15      
3333333333  2017-12-16 3:56 123123123   2   T       2017-12-15  A   COMPLETE
4444444444  2017-12-16 3:56 456456456   1   VZ      2017-12-15      
4444444444  2017-12-16 3:56 456456456   2   F       2017-12-15      
4444444444  2017-12-16 3:56 456456456   3   BO      2017-12-15  A   COMPLETE
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   1   T       2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   2   CVX     2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   3   COTY    2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   4   FTS     2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   5   IBM     2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   6   MRK     2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   7   PX      2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   8   PG      2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   9   TGT     2017-12-15      
5555555555  2017-12-16 3:56 789789789   10  F       2017-12-15  COMPLETE    



Option Explicit

Public Sub Format_Data()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

    Dim inputSheet          As Worksheet
    Dim outputSheet         As Worksheet
    Dim lastRow             As Long
    Dim lastColumn          As Integer
    Dim rowCounter          As Long
    Dim outputArray()       As Variant
    Dim newItemCounter      As Long
    Dim colCounter          As Integer
    Const stepSize As Byte = 3

    Set inputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Formatted")
    Set outputSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Output")

    lastRow = inputSheet.Cells(inputSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
    If lastRow = 0 Then Err.Raise "1234", , "No Data in inputSheet!"

    'Make lots of room to add records
    ReDim outputArray(0 To 7, 0 To 10000)

    For rowCounter = 1 To lastRow

        With inputSheet

            'get the last column
            lastColumn = GetLastColumn(inputSheet, rowCounter)

            'In this condition there is only one entry
            If lastColumn = 8 Then
                outputArray(0, newItemCounter) = .Range("A" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(1, newItemCounter) = .Range("B" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(2, newItemCounter) = .Range("C" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(3, newItemCounter) = .Range("D" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(4, newItemCounter) = .Range("E" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(5, newItemCounter) = .Range("F" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(6, newItemCounter) = .Range("G" & rowCounter).Value
                outputArray(7, newItemCounter) = .Range("H" & rowCounter).Value
                newItemCounter = newItemCounter + 1

            ElseIf lastColumn > 8 Then

                For colCounter = 4 To lastColumn Step stepSize
                    'Make sure the value isn't null and the cell is numeric. This
                    'is the autonumber in columns
                    If Not .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter).Value = vbNullString _
                    And IsNumeric(.Cells(rowCounter, colCounter).Value) Then

                        outputArray(0, newItemCounter) = .Range("A" & rowCounter).Value
                        outputArray(1, newItemCounter) = .Range("B" & rowCounter).Value
                        outputArray(2, newItemCounter) = .Range("C" & rowCounter).Value
                        outputArray(3, newItemCounter) = .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter).Value
                        outputArray(4, newItemCounter) = .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter + 1).Value
                        outputArray(5, newItemCounter) = .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter + 2).Value

                        'Add additional fields if needed...this is seemingly indicated
                        'by a non numeric column
                        If Not IsNumeric(.Cells(rowCounter, colCounter + stepSize).Value) Then
                            outputArray(6, newItemCounter) = .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter + 3).Value
                            outputArray(7, newItemCounter) = .Cells(rowCounter, colCounter + 4).Value
                        End If

                        'keep track of where we are in the array
                        newItemCounter = newItemCounter + 1
                    End If

                'What happens when data isn't correct format?
                'add this exception here!
            End If

        End With


    'Resize the array and output
    ReDim Preserve outputArray(0 To 7, 0 To newItemCounter)
    outputSheet.Range("A1:H" & newItemCounter).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(outputArray)

    Exit Sub

    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 1234
            Debug.Print Err.Description
    End Select

    Resume CleanExit
End Sub

'Helper function to get the last Contiguous column with data
'from left to right
Private Function GetLastColumn(currentSheet As Worksheet, rowCounter As Long)
    Dim colNumber As Integer

    For colNumber = 1 To 5000
        If currentSheet.Cells(rowCounter, colNumber).Value = vbNullString Then Exit For

    GetLastColumn = colNumber - 1
End Function
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