private List<XYZ> GetFacesAndEdges(Element sheet)
//Location p1 = sheet.Location;
//FamilyInstance ins = sheet as FamilyInstance;
//Transform tra = ins.GetTransform();
//tra.BasisX = new XYZ(1, 0, 0);
//tra.BasisY = new XYZ(0, 1, 0);
//tra.BasisZ = new XYZ(0, 0, 1);
//Location p2 = ins.Location;
String faceInfo = "";
List<XYZ> points = new List<XYZ>();
Location p = sheet.Location;
XYZ point = new XYZ();
if (sheet?.Location is LocationPoint location)
point = location.Point;
Autodesk.Revit.DB.Options opt = new Options();
Autodesk.Revit.DB.GeometryElement geomElem = sheet.get_Geometry(opt);
foreach (GeometryObject geomObj in geomElem)
Solid geomSolid = geomObj as Solid;
if (null != geomSolid)
int faces = 0;
double totalArea = 0;
foreach(Edge e in geomSolid.Edges)
IList<XYZ> pointd = e.Tessellate();
foreach(XYZ ptr in pointd)
XYZ ptrXYZ = new XYZ(ptr.X - point.X , ptr.Y - point.Y, ptr.Z - point.Z);
return points;
我希望边缘在相对坐标中以及仅在二维空间中。防爆。 <(0,0);(0,4);(4,4)(4,0)>一个大小为4 * 4的框架方形元素
This is the picture of the framing element Which has cuts not openings.
我对你的要求知之甚少。然而,最重要的方面似乎是你在3D空间中有一个形状,实际上希望对它进行2D分析。为此,如果您可以先摆脱多余的维度,分析和解决问题显然要简单得多。使用适当的投影可以很容易地实现这一点。我很久以前在analysing 3D Polygon Areas时遇到过类似的任务。由于我已经有一个确定2D Polygon Areas and Outer Loops的解决方案,我将3D问题投影到2D中,参见在GetPolygonPlane
的module CmdWallProfileArea.cs中的方法The Building Coder samples。