我正在 QEMU 上的虚拟 QNX 来宾内运行 Wiki 页面“https://github.com/COVESA/vsomeip/wiki/vsomeip-in-10-minutes#devices”中的 vsomeip 服务示例。使用 TAP 接口启用桥接网络。使用的ifup脚本如下。
modprobe dummy
ip link add eth1 type dummy
ifconfig eth1 hw ether A7:C7:3A:3E:37:4A #fudged address
ip addr add brd + dev eth1
ip link set dev eth1 up
ifconfig eth1 down
ifconfig eth1 promisc up
tunctl -t tap0 -u `whoami`
ifconfig tap0 promisc up
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth1
brctl addif br0 tap0
ifconfig eth1 up
ifconfig tap0 up
ifconfig br0 up
brctl stp br0 off
ifconfig br0 $ETH1_IP netmask $ETH1_MASK broadcast $ETH1_BCAST
我想从 Ubuntu 主机连接 vsomeip 客户端。 除了单播和组播 IP 之外,配置与示例中的相同。
我在主机和访客上添加了相同的多播 IP 来进行路由。 嘉宾
# route add -net -ifp vt0
$ sudo route add -nv dev br0
# ./service_example
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513250 [info] Parsed vsomeip configuration in 222ms
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513420 [info] Using configuration folder: "/etc/vsomeip".
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513460 [info] Configuration module loaded.
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513480 [info] Initializing vsomeip application "World".
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513530 [info] Instantiating routing manager [Host].
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513750 [info] create_local_server Routing endpoint at /tmp/vsomeip-0
2023-07-01 02:52:31.513890 [info] Service Discovery enabled. Trying to load module.
2023-07-01 02:52:31.514290 [info] Service Discovery module loaded.
2023-07-01 02:52:31.514440 [info] Application(World, 1212) is initialized (11, 100).
2023-07-01 02:52:31.514540 [info] OFFER(1212): [1234.5678:0.0] (true)
2023-07-01 02:52:31.514810 [info] Listening at /tmp/vsomeip-1212
2023-07-01 02:52:31.514950 [info] Starting vsomeip application "World" (1212) using 2 threads I/O nice 255
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515030 [info] main dispatch thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 3
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515040 [info] shutdown thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 4
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515230 [warning] udp_server_endpoint_impl:: couldn't set SO_RCVBUF: No buffer space available to: 1703936 local port: 30491
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515330 [debug] Joining to multicast group from
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515370 [warning] udp_server_endpoint_impl:: couldn't set SO_RCVBUF: No buffer space available to: 1703936 local port: 30491
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515570 [warning] udp_server_endpoint_impl:: couldn't set SO_RCVBUF: No buffer space available to: 1703936 local port: 30509
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515610 [info] SOME/IP routing ready.
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515670 [info] Watchdog is disabled!
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515750 [info] io thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 1
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515780 [info] io thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 6
2023-07-01 02:52:31.515850 [info] vSomeIP | (default)
2023-07-01 02:52:41.615890 [info] vSomeIP | (default)
2023-07-01 02:52:45.655580 [warning] Didn't receive a multicast SD message for 2200ms.
2023-07-01 02:52:45.655640 [debug] Leaving the multicast group from
2023-07-01 02:52:45.655730 [debug] Joining to multicast group from
2023-07-01 02:52:45.655790 [warning] udp_server_endpoint_impl:: couldn't set SO_RCVBUF: No buffer space available to: 1703936 local port: 30491
~$ client_example
2023-08-01 06:52:42.158375 [info] Using configuration file: "config_client.json".
2023-08-01 06:52:42.158831 [info] Parsed vsomeip configuration in 0ms
2023-08-01 06:52:42.158939 [info] Configuration module loaded.
2023-08-01 06:52:42.159036 [info] Initializing vsomeip (3.3.8) application "Hello".
2023-08-01 06:52:42.159270 [info] Instantiating routing manager [Host].
2023-08-01 06:52:42.160274 [info] create_routing_root: Routing root @ /tmp/vsomeip-0
2023-08-01 06:52:42.160785 [info] Service Discovery enabled. Trying to load module.
2023-08-01 06:52:42.163340 [info] Service Discovery module loaded.
2023-08-01 06:52:42.163776 [info] Application(Hello, 1313) is initialized (11, 100).
2023-08-01 06:52:42.163955 [info] REQUEST(1313): [1234.5678:255.4294967295]
2023-08-01 06:52:42.164641 [info] create_local_server: Listening @ /tmp/vsomeip-1313
2023-08-01 06:52:42.165461 [info] Starting vsomeip application "Hello" (1313) using 2 threads I/O nice 255
2023-08-01 06:52:42.166503 [info] Client [1313] routes unicast:, netmask:
2023-08-01 06:52:42.166331 [info] main dispatch thread id from application: 1313 (Hello) is: 7fd893ffd640 TID: 10052
2023-08-01 06:52:42.166595 [info] shutdown thread id from application: 1313 (Hello) is: 7fd8937fc640 TID: 10053
2023-08-01 06:52:42.168030 [info] Watchdog is disabled!
**CLIENT: Service [1234.5678] is NOT available.
**2023-08-01 06:52:42.168978 [info] io thread id from application: 1313 (Hello) is: 7fd8957fed80 TID: 10049
2023-08-01 06:52:42.169019 [info] io thread id from application: 1313 (Hello) is: 7fd8927fa640 TID: 10055
2023-08-01 06:52:42.170197 [info] vSomeIP 3.3.8 | (default)
2023-08-01 06:52:42.170620 [info] Network interface "br0" state changed: up
2023-08-01 06:52:42.171615 [info] Route " if: br0 gw: n/a" state changed: up
2023-08-01 06:52:42.172148 [info] udp_server_endpoint_impl: SO_RCVBUF is: 212992 (1703936) local port:30491
2023-08-01 06:52:42.172345 [debug] Joining to multicast group from
2023-08-01 06:52:42.172558 [info] SOME/IP routing ready.
2023-08-01 06:52:42.173415 [info] udp_server_endpoint_impl<multicast>: SO_RCVBUF is: 212992 (1703936) local port:30491
2023-08-01 06:52:52.170617 [info] vSomeIP 3.3.8 | (default)
2023-08-01 06:53:02.171167 [info] vSomeIP 3.3.8 | (default)
该设置可疑地在使用 OpenVPN TAP 适配器的 Windows QEMU 上运行良好。这使得 Ubuntu TAP 适配器成为潜在罪魁祸首。因此在问题中添加了原始脚本。
事实上,问题在于网桥 ifup.sh 脚本中给出的子网错误。它与 br0/vt0 子网不匹配。可能有人把它留在那里作为盲目复制粘贴。使用正确的子网更新后,它就可以工作了。下面是差异。
- ip addr add brd + dev eth1
+ ip addr add brd + dev eth1