class RepoResultPagingSource(
private val repository: Repository,
private val query: String
) : PagingSource<Int, Result>() {
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Result> {
try {
val page = params.key ?: 1
// network call to get repositories
val repos = repository.getRepositories(query, page, PAGE_SIZE)
val results = repos.map { repo ->
// uses repo to get its top contributor
val contributor = repository.getTopContributor(repo.owner.username, repo.reponame)
Result(repo.owner.url, repo.reponame, contributor.username?: "")
return LoadResult.Page(
data = repoResults,
prevKey = if (page == 1) null else page-1,
nextKey = page + 1
} catch (e: Exception) {
return LoadResult.Error(e)
class Repository(private val api: RepositoryApi,
private val dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO) {
suspend fun getRepositories(query: String, page: Int, perPage: Int): List<Repository>
return withContext(dispatcher) {
api.search(query, page, perPage).repositories
suspend fun getTopContributor(ownerName: String, repoName: String): Contributor {
return withContext(dispatcher) {
api.getContributors(ownerName, repoName, 1).first()
我意识到加载是阻塞的,因为分页库从 runBlockin 调用它
public fun <K : Any, T : Any> create(
pagingSource: PagingSource<K, T>,
initialPage: PagingSource.LoadResult.Page<K, T>?,
coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
notifyDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
fetchDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
boundaryCallback: BoundaryCallback<T>?,
config: Config,
key: K?
): PagedList<T> {
val resolvedInitialPage = when (initialPage) {
null -> {
// Compatibility codepath - perform the initial load immediately, since caller
// hasn't done it. We block in this case, but it's only used in the legacy path.
val params = PagingSource.LoadParams.Refresh(
runBlocking {
val initialResult = pagingSource.load(params)
when (initialResult) {
is PagingSource.LoadResult.Page -> initialResult
is PagingSource.LoadResult.Error -> throw initialResult.throwable
is PagingSource.LoadResult.Invalid ->
throw IllegalStateException(
"Failed to create PagedList. The provided PagingSource " +
"returned LoadResult.Invalid, but a LoadResult.Page was " +
"expected. To use a PagingSource which supports " +
"invalidation, use a PagedList builder that accepts a " +
"factory method for PagingSource or DataSource.Factory, " +
"such as LivePagedList."
else -> initialPage
return ContiguousPagedList(
所以我注入一个 viewModelScope 来启动一个非阻塞协程,比如
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Result> {
try {
return scope.async {
val page = params.key ?: 1
// network call to get repositories
val repos = repository.getRepositories(query, page, 10)
val results = repos.map { repo ->
// uses repo to get its top contributor
val contributor = repository.getTopContributor(repo.owner.username,
Result(repo.owner.url, repo.reponame, contributor.username?: "")
return@async LoadResult.Page(
data = repoResults,
prevKey = if (page == 1) null else page-1,
nextKey = page + 1
}.await() as LoadResult<Int, Result>
} catch (e: Exception) {
return LoadResult.Error(e)
1.尽管 getRepositories 和 getTopContributor 切换到 Dispatchers.IO,但默认情况下 load 是否确实以阻塞方式运行,根据 Why 'withContext' does not switch coroutines under 'runBlocking'? 是的
2.由于我需要发出 1 个网络请求才能获取存储库,并且每个存储库都需要找到其最大贡献者,因此我发出 page_size+1 请求。我正在寻找提高滚动性能的技巧,因为每个页面都依赖于这些网络请求。我的寻呼机看起来像
val pagingData: Flow<PagingData<RepoResult>> = Pager(
config = PagingConfig(pageSize = PAGE_SIZE, prefetchDistance = 4 * PAGE_SIZE),
pagingSourceFactory = { RepoResultPagingSource(repo, QUERY, viewModelScope) }
不幸的是我无法写评论。 您是否尝试过在发布版本中运行它? 我在调试构建时遇到了同样的问题,交换期间也存在延迟。我搜索了很长时间的问题,整理了一个发布版本 - 一切都很好!