我需要为我的网站制作一个供比较网站的提要。它必须是一条sql语句。 现在我有这个:
select pl.name as Titel,
ROUND(p.price*1.21,2) as Price,
replace(concat('http://', ifnull(conf.value,'domain/'), cl.name, '/', p.id_product, '-' , pl.name, '.html'),' ','-') as Link,
concat('http://', ifnull(conf.value,'domain'), '/img/p/', p.id_product, '-' , pi.id_image, '.jpg') as "Image-location",
cl.name as Categorie,
p.id_product AS ID
from dbrb_product p
left join dbrb_image pi on p.id_product = pi.id_product
left join dbrb_product_lang pl on p.id_product = pl.id_product
left join dbrb_category_lang cl on p.id_category_default = cl.id_category
left join dbrb_configuration conf on conf.name = 'dbrb_SHOP_DOMAIN'
left join dbrb_product_carrier x on p.id_product = x.id_product
group by p.id_product
但是现在有了新的 prestashop 1.6 版本,该图像不再起作用。
现在图片路径为:domain.com/img/p/number/number/number/image.png 我不明白其中的逻辑,有人可以告诉我吗?
有人可以完成 SQL 代码或进一步帮助我吗?
以下是获取所有可能的产品详细信息(包括图像的正确网址)的 SQL 代码:
SELECT p.id_product AS 'ID',
pl.id_lang AS 'ID_LANG',
p.active AS 'Active (0/1)',
pl.name AS 'Name',
p.id_category_default AS 'Default Category',
p.price AS 'Price tax excl.',
p.id_tax_rules_group AS 'Tax rules ID',
p.wholesale_price AS 'Wholesale price',
p.on_sale AS 'On sale (0/1)',
p.reference AS 'Reference #',
p.quantity AS 'Quantity',
pl.description_short AS 'Short description',
pl.description AS 'Description',
pl.meta_title AS 'Meta-title',
pl.meta_keywords AS 'Meta-keywords',
pl.meta_description AS 'Meta-description',
pl.link_rewrite AS 'URL rewritten',
pl.available_now AS 'Text when in stock',
pl.available_later AS 'Text when backorder allowed',
p.available_for_order AS 'Available for order',
p.date_add AS 'Product creation date',
p.show_price AS 'Show price',
p.online_only AS 'Available online only',
p.condition AS 'Condition',
concat( 'http://YOUR-URL.com/img/p/',mid(im.id_image,1,1),'/', if (length(im.id_image)>1,concat(mid(im.id_image,2,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>2,concat(mid(im.id_image,3,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>3,concat(mid(im.id_image,4,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>4,concat(mid(im.id_image,5,1),'/'),''), im.id_image, '.jpg' ) AS url_image
FROM ps_product p
INNER JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON p.id_product = pl.id_product
LEFT JOIN ps_image im ON p.id_product = im.id_product
and p.active = 1
很简单,将查询中的 concat 替换为这个:
concat('http://', ifnull(conf.value,'example.com'), '/img/p/',SUBSTRING(pi.id_image from -4 FOR 1),'/',SUBSTRING(pi .id_image from -3 FOR 1),'/',SUBSTRING(pi.id_image from -2 FOR 1),'/',SUBSTRING(pi.id_image from -1 FOR 1),'/' , pi.id_image, ' .jpg') 作为产品图像,
图像路径中的数字是其 ID 的数字,例如 ID 为 121 的图像将具有以下路径:
但是,MySQL 没有任何内置函数来执行此操作(据我所知),因此您需要构建一个用户定义的函数。
concat('http://', ifnull(conf.value,'example.com'), '/img/c/', c.id_category, '.jpg') as url_image,
-- build the image path
-- get the shop domain
IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'),
-- the path to the pictures folder
-- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements
-- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;)
IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 5,
-- if we have 5 digits for the image id
-- take the first digit
SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -5, 1),
-- add a slash
-- repeat for the next digits
IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''),
IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''),
if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''),
IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''),
-- add the image id
-- put the image extension
'.jpg') as image_url
public static function getImgFolderStatic($id_image)
它将图像的编号剥离到 prestashop 使用的子文件夹中。
foreach($SQLresult as $key=>$value)
这里 $productID 是您的产品 ID :)
$prod = new Product($productID);
$imgArray = $prod->getImages('1');
if (count($imgArray)>0) {
$imgID = $imgArray[0]["id_image"];
基于 SunnyBoy 之前的答案,我写了这个,它还生成了产品的友好 URL(我已经使用 PrestaShop 8.1.1 对其进行了测试):
p.id_product AS 'ID',
pl.id_lang AS 'ID_LANG',
p.active AS 'Active (0/1)',
pl.name AS 'Name',
p.id_category_default AS 'category_id',
cl.link_rewrite AS 'category_urlslug',
concat( 'https://example.com/', cl.link_rewrite, '/', p.id_product, '-', pl.link_rewrite, '.html') AS 'product_url',
p.price AS 'Price tax excl.',
p.id_tax_rules_group AS 'Tax rules ID',
p.wholesale_price AS 'Wholesale price',
p.on_sale AS 'On sale (0/1)',
p.reference AS 'Reference #',
p.quantity AS 'Quantity',
pl.description_short AS 'Short description',
pl.description AS 'Description',
pl.meta_title AS 'Meta-title',
pl.meta_keywords AS 'Meta-keywords',
pl.meta_description AS 'Meta-description',
pl.link_rewrite AS 'URL rewritten',
pl.available_now AS 'Text when in stock',
pl.available_later AS 'Text when backorder allowed',
p.available_for_order AS 'Available for order',
p.date_add AS 'Product creation date',
p.show_price AS 'Show price',
p.online_only AS 'Available online only',
p.condition AS 'Condition',
concat('https://example.com/img/p/',mid(im.id_image,1,1),'/', if (length(im.id_image)>1,concat(mid(im.id_image,2,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>2,concat(mid(im.id_image,3,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>3,concat(mid(im.id_image,4,1),'/'),''),if (length(im.id_image)>4,concat(mid(im.id_image,5,1),'/'),''), im.id_image, '.jpg') AS 'image_url'
FROM ps_product p
INNER JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON p.id_product = pl.id_product
INNER JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON p.id_category_default = cl.id_category
LEFT JOIN ps_image im ON p.id_product = im.id_product
and p.active = 1;