我有下面的 Kusto 集群的二头肌模板,我在其中使用 if 表达式 定义带或不带区域的资源(这是我理解可以做到这一点的唯一方法):
metadata description = 'Deploys a Kusto cluster with databases and principal assignments for enhanced data management and security.'
@description('The name of the Kusto cluster.')
param __clusterName string
@description('Array of databases to be created within the Kusto cluster. Each object should include databaseName.')
param __databases array
@description('Array of principal assignments for the Kusto cluster. Each object should include role, principalIdResourceId, tenantId, and principalType.')
param __clusterPrincipals array
@description('The capacity of the SKU tier for the Kusto cluster instance.')
param __clusterSkuCapacity int
@description('The SKU name for the Kusto cluster instance.')
param __clusterSkuName string
@description('The SKU tier for the Kusto cluster instance.')
param __clusterSkuTier string
@description('The location for the Kusto cluster (e.g., East US, West Europe).')
param __location string
@description('Enable or disable the purge feature in the Kusto cluster.')
param __enablePurge bool
@description('Enable or disable streaming ingestion in the Kusto cluster.')
param __enableStreamingIngest bool
@description('Enable or disable automatic stopping of the Kusto cluster.')
param __enableAutoStop bool
@description('Enable or disable optimized autoscale for the Kusto cluster.')
param __enableOptimizedAutoscale bool
@description('The maximum scale for optimized autoscale in the Kusto cluster.')
param __scaleMaximum int
@description('The minimum scale for optimized autoscale in the Kusto cluster.')
param __scaleMinimum int
@description('The version number for optimized autoscale in the Kusto cluster.')
param __scaleVersion int
@description('Availability zones for the Kusto cluster.')
param __zones array
@description('Flag to determine if user-assigned identities should be configured for the Kusto cluster.')
param __isToConfigureUserAssignedIdentities bool
@description('Flag to determine if AvailabilityZone should be disabled for this cluster.')
param __isToDisableAvailabilityZone bool
@description('User-assigned identities for the Kusto cluster.')
param __userAssignedIdentities object
@description('The type of identity to assign to the Kusto cluster (e.g., SystemAssigned, UserAssigned).')
param __identityType string
@description('Language extensions to be enabled in the Kusto cluster, if applicable.')
param __languageExtensions object
@description('Enable or disable language extensions in the Kusto cluster.')
param __languageExtensionsEnabled bool
@description('Tags to be applied to this resource.')
param __tags object = {}
var identityTypeSettingVar = {
type: __identityType
var userAssignedIdentitiesSettingVar = {
userAssignedIdentities: __userAssignedIdentities
var kustoClusterResource = __isToDisableAvailabilityZone ? kustoClusterWithoutZones : kustoClusterWithZones
@description('The Kusto cluster resource with specified configurations, including SKU, identity, and properties.')
resource kustoClusterWithZones 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters@2023-08-15' = if (!__isToDisableAvailabilityZone) {
name: __clusterName
location: __location
sku: {
name: __clusterSkuName
tier: __clusterSkuTier
capacity: __clusterSkuCapacity
identity: ((__isToConfigureUserAssignedIdentities == true)
? union(identityTypeSettingVar, userAssignedIdentitiesSettingVar)
: identityTypeSettingVar)
zones: __zones
properties: {
trustedExternalTenants: [
value: '*'
enablePurge: __enablePurge
enableStreamingIngest: __enableStreamingIngest
enableAutoStop: __enableAutoStop
enableDiskEncryption: true
optimizedAutoscale: {
isEnabled: __enableOptimizedAutoscale
maximum: __scaleMaximum
minimum: __scaleMinimum
version: __scaleVersion
languageExtensions: __languageExtensionsEnabled ? __languageExtensions : null
tags: __tags
resource kustoClusterWithoutZones 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters@2023-08-15' = if (__isToDisableAvailabilityZone) {
name: __clusterName
location: __location
sku: {
name: __clusterSkuName
tier: __clusterSkuTier
capacity: __clusterSkuCapacity
identity: ((__isToConfigureUserAssignedIdentities == true)
? union(identityTypeSettingVar, userAssignedIdentitiesSettingVar)
: identityTypeSettingVar)
properties: {
trustedExternalTenants: [
value: '*'
enablePurge: __enablePurge
enableStreamingIngest: __enableStreamingIngest
enableAutoStop: __enableAutoStop
enableDiskEncryption: true
optimizedAutoscale: {
isEnabled: __enableOptimizedAutoscale
maximum: __scaleMaximum
minimum: __scaleMinimum
version: __scaleVersion
languageExtensions: __languageExtensionsEnabled ? __languageExtensions : null
tags: __tags
@description('Database resources created within the Kusto cluster, with a default read/write kind.')
resource kustoClusterName_database 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases@2023-08-15' = [
for item in __databases: {
parent: kustoClusterWithZones
name: '${item}'
location: __location
kind: 'ReadWrite'
properties: {
softDeletePeriod: 'P30D'
hotCachePeriod: 'P7D'
@description('Principal assignments for the Kusto cluster, including role and tenant information.')
resource kustoCluster_clusterPrincipalAssignments 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/principalAssignments@2023-08-15' = [
for item in __clusterPrincipals: {
parent: kustoClusterWithZones
name: '${last(split(item.principalIdResourceId,'/'))}-${item.role}'
properties: {
principalId: reference(item.principalIdResourceId, '2023-08-15').principalId
role: item.role
tenantId: item.tenantId
principalType: item.principalType
@description('The ID of the deployed Kusto cluster resource.')
output kustoClusterId string = ((__isToDisableAvailabilityZone == true) ? kustoClusterWithZones.id : kustoClusterWithZones.id)
@description('Array of database IDs created within the Kusto cluster.')
output databaseIds array = [for (name, i) in __databases: {
databaseName: name
databaseId: kustoClusterName_database[i].id
@description('Array of principal assignment IDs created within the Kusto cluster.')
output clusterPrincipalAssignmentIds array = [for (name, i) in __clusterPrincipals: {
principalName: name
principalId: kustoCluster_clusterPrincipalAssignments[i].id
使用哪个parent?由于 parent
属性只允许直接引用资源。不支持表达式。我也尝试使用 if 来复制这些内容,但由于循环而无法做到这一点。
resource kustoClusterName_database 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters/databases@2023-08-15' = [
for item in __databases: {
name: '${__clusterName}/${item}'
location: __location
kind: 'ReadWrite'
properties: {
softDeletePeriod: 'P30D'
hotCachePeriod: 'P7D'
dependsOn: __isToDisableAvailabilityZone ? [kustoClusterWithoutZones] : [kustoClusterWithZones]
resource kustoCluster 'Microsoft.Kusto/clusters@2023-08-15' = {
name: __clusterName
location: __location
zones: __isToDisableAvailabilityZone ? null : __zones