找出从起点到达终点的最少步数。 如果没有路径则返回-1:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Cell {
int x, y;
Cell(int x, int y) {
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
int count(vector<vector<int>>& board, int a, int b, int x, int y, int n) {
if (a >= n || b >= n || b < 0 || a < 0 || board[a][b] == 1) return 500;
if (a == x && b == y) return 0;
board[a][b] = 1;
int one = count(board, a + 2, b + 1, x, y, n) + 1;
int two = count(board, a + 2, b - 1, x, y, n) + 1;
int three = count(board, a - 2, b + 1, x, y, n) + 1;
int four = count(board, a - 2, b - 1, x, y, n) + 1;
int five = count(board, a + 1, b + 2, x, y, n) + 1;
int six = count(board, a + 1, b - 2, x, y, n) + 1;
int seven = count(board, a - 1, b + 2, x, y, n) + 1;
int eight = count(board, a - 1, b - 2, x, y, n) + 1;
board[a][b] = 0;
int minMoves = min({one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight});
return minMoves;
int minMovesRequired(int n, Cell start, Cell end) {
vector<vector<int>> board(n, vector<int>(n, 0));
int a = start.x-1;
int b = start.y-1;
int c = end.x-1;
int d = end.y-1;
int ans = count(board, a, b, c, d, n);
return (ans >= 500) ? -1 : ans;
int main() {
int n = 6;
Cell start(6, 1);
Cell end(2, 4);
int result = minMovesRequired(n, start, end);
cout << "Minimum moves required: " << result << endl;
return 0;
n: 6
start: 6, 1
end: 2, 4
我应该如何解决这个问题? 为什么这是错误的?
请注意,TLE 代表超出时间限制。这并不意味着您的代码最终不会输出正确的结果,而是它没有在分配的时间内达到该点。换句话说,你选择的算法效率不够。您的深度优先遍历将从源单元全面访问所有可能的路径。这将很快遇到数百万和数十亿条路径,对于相对较小的 𝑛 来说已经如此。
广度优先遍历会对此有很大改善,因为棋盘有多大并不重要:如果存在长度为𝑘的最短路径,那么 BFS 将永远不会查找长于的路径𝑘.
另一个改进可能是使用 A* 算法:这种遍历可能有利于进入目标方向的路径,更快地找到目标。
int minMovesRequired(int n, int ax, int ay, int bx, int by) {
// Mirror in order to get A in the first quadrant of the board
if (ax > n + 1 - ax) return minMovesRequired(n, n + 1 - ax, ay, n + 1 - bx, by);
if (ay > n + 1 - ay) return minMovesRequired(n, ax, n + 1 - ay, bx, n + 1 - by);
// Swap cells so A has the least X coordinate
if (ax > bx) return minMovesRequired(n, bx, by, ax, ay);
int dx = bx - ax;
int dy = abs(ay - by);
// Mirror along diagonal to get that dx <= dy
if (dx > dy) return minMovesRequired(n, ay, ax, by, bx);
// Make the coordinates 0-based
int taxi = dx + dy;
int odd = taxi % 2;
// Identify different cases (like small boards and nearby cells):
return taxi == 0 ? 0 // Trivial case
// The center of a 3x3 board and All cells on a smaller board are isolated
: n < 3 || n == 3 && ((ax & ay) == 1 || (bx & by) == 1) ? -1
// An adjacent cell is reached in 3 steps
: taxi == 1 ? 3
// Distance 4: The two ends of the center column on 3x3; (0, 0)→(1, 1); and case on same diagonal:
: n == 3 && dx == 0 && ax == 1 || dx == dy && dx < 3 && ((ax | ay) == 0 || dx == 2) ? 4
// The two ends of the left column on 4x4 have distance 5:
: n == 4 && (ax | bx) == 0 && dy == 3 ? 5
// The two general cases:
: dy < 2 * dx ? ((taxi + 4 - 3*odd) / 6) * 2 + odd
: (( dy + 3 - 2*odd) / 4) * 2 + odd;
int main() {
int n = 6;
int result = minMovesRequired(n, 6, 1, 2, 4);
cout << "Minimum moves required: " << result << endl;
return 0;