我正在尝试在 TCL 中迭代并打印 XML,然后将其设为数组。我正在导入 xml、libxml12、dom,然后解析 xml 内容。然后我尝试 documentElement 开始迭代,但失败了:
bad method "documentElement": must be cget, configure, createElement, createDocumentFragment, createTextNode, createComment, createCDATASection, createProcessingInstruction, createAttribute, createEntity, createEntityReference, createDocTypeDecl, importNode, createElementNS, createAttributeNS, getElementsByTagNameNS, getElementsById, createEvent, getElementsByTagName, dtd, or schema
while executing
"$document documentElement"
package require xml
package require xml::libxml2
package require dom
# Specify the path to your XML file
set xmlFile "BLA BLA BLA"
# Check if the file exists
if {[file exists $xmlFile]} {
set xmlH [open $xmlFile "r"]
set xml [read $xmlH]
# # Parse the XML content
set document [dom::parse $xml]
set root [$document documentElement]
} else {
puts "Error: XML file not found at $xmlFile"
我的错,这是正确的方法: 设置根 [$document cget -documentElement]