我在使用 flutter_barcode_scanner 时遇到此错误:
未找到 com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode 的本地模块描述符类。 加载可选模块 com.google.android.gms.vision.barcode 时出错:com.google.android.gms.dynamite.DynamiteModule$LoadingException:找不到可接受的模块。本地版本为0,远程版本为0。 未找到 com.google.android.gms.vision.dynamite.barcode 的本地模块描述符类。 D/ViewRootImpl@9677bb1BarcodeCaptureActivity: ViewPostIme 指针 0
如何重现: 1-我只是运行包中提供的示例 2-选择扫描条形码 3-应用程序请求许可->接受授予许可 4-扫描仪继续扫描但没有捕获条码 5-错误出现在android studio的运行选项卡中
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_barcode_scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
String _scanBarcode = 'Unknown';
void initState() {
Future<void> startBarcodeScanStream() async {
'#ff6666', 'Cancel', true, ScanMode.BARCODE)!
.listen((barcode) => print(barcode));
Future<void> scanQR() async {
String barcodeScanRes;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
barcodeScanRes = await FlutterBarcodeScanner.scanBarcode(
'#ff6666', 'Cancel', true, ScanMode.QR);
} on PlatformException {
barcodeScanRes = 'Failed to get platform version.';
// If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
// message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
// setState to update our non-existent appearance.
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_scanBarcode = barcodeScanRes;
// Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method.
Future<void> scanBarcodeNormal() async {
String barcodeScanRes;
// Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException.
try {
barcodeScanRes = await FlutterBarcodeScanner.scanBarcode(
'#ff6666', 'Cancel', true, ScanMode.BARCODE);
} on PlatformException {
barcodeScanRes = 'Failed to get platform version.';
// If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform
// message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling
// setState to update our non-existent appearance.
if (!mounted) return;
setState(() {
_scanBarcode = barcodeScanRes;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('Barcode scan')),
body: Builder(builder: (BuildContext context) {
return Container(
alignment: Alignment.center,
child: Flex(
direction: Axis.vertical,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => scanBarcodeNormal(),
child: Text('Start barcode scan')),
onPressed: () => scanQR(),
child: Text('Start QR scan')),
onPressed: () => startBarcodeScanStream(),
child: Text('Start barcode scan stream')),
Text('Scan result : $_scanBarcode\n',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20))
请确保您已在 app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml 中添加这些权限
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<application ...>
我遇到了同样的问题 尝试在另一部手机上运行
我遇到了同样的问题 只是尝试添加
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />