start to end
9:00am to 10:00 am
10:00am to 11:am
11:00am to 12:00 pm
我有另一个列表,其中包含员工登录和注销,我们将其称为 applyRecords,它可能会重叠:
signIn to signOut
E1: 9:10am to 9:30am
E2: 9:20am to 10:10am
E3: 10:10am to 11:00am
现在我使用 applyRecords 来分割 shiftRange 以获得如下块:
start to end
9:00am to 9:10am
9:10am to 9:20am E1
9:20am to 9:30am E1, E2
9:30am to 10:00am E2
10:00am to 10:10am E2
10:10am to 11:00am E3
11:00am to 12:pm
这是我实现此目的的代码,是我能得到的最优化的代码,但问题是我的 ShiftRange 中有数百万行,并且当前的执行时间是不可接受的,有没有办法进一步优化它:
protected override IEnumerable<TSplit> Join(Query query, IEnumerable<TSplit> shiftRange, IEnumerable<TApply> applyRecords)
var state = this.GetState(query);
var applyRecordsCached = applyRecords.ToArray();
foreach (var split in splitRecords)
var activeList = new LinkedList<TSplit>();
foreach (var apply in applyRecordsCached)
foreach (var current in activeList.ToList())
// Apply split logic and replace nodes in-place
var parts = current.Split(apply); //the Split function returns before, during and after for the event
if (parts.Item1 != null) activeList.AddLast(parts.Item1);
if (parts.Item2 != null) activeList.AddLast(this.ApplyRecord(apply, parts.Item2, state)); //the ApplyRecord function attaches the apply record to shift range
if (parts.Item3 != null) activeList.AddLast(parts.Item3);
// Emit all remaining parts in order
foreach (var remainingSplit in activeList)
yield return remainingSplit;
创建一个新的结构,称为事件。 他们有时间和描述。