在工作簿 A 中,我有一个宏,用于打开只读工作簿 B,将 4 张工作表复制到工作簿 A 中,然后关闭工作簿 B。
其中一张复制的工作表包含两个插入的 .PNG 图像,但这些图像在复制到工作簿 A 后无法显示在工作表上。
将网络文件夹工作簿 B 所在的位置添加到信任中心设置并勾选“高级选项”下的“剪切、复制、与父单元格排序”选项后,我可以看到带有错误消息的图像轮廓
我录制了一个执行此操作的宏并将代码插入到该宏中,但在运行它时却出现上述错误,这表明 VBA 是罪魁祸首。
我还解压缩了工作簿 A xlsx 文件,以确认两个图像都存储在 xlsx 文件中,而不是从其他地方导入。
我考虑编写代码来显式复制和粘贴图像,但在 VBA 中看不到任何方法可以对目标表上我想要粘贴图像的确切位置进行编码。
我在 XP 上运行 Excel 2007。
我修改了在以下位置找到的 VBA 代码:http://www.exceltip.com/st/Insert_pictures_using_VBA_in_Microsoft_Excel/486.html 如下:
Function InsertImageInRange(Image1_Filepath As String, Image2_Filepath As String, TargetSheet As String, TargetCell1 As Range, TargetCell2 As Range)
' Insert a picture(s) and resize to fit the TargetCells range
' This workaround deletes the image containers and copies in the original logos from file.
Dim dblTop As Double, dblLeft As Double, dblWidth As Double, dblHeight As Double
Dim objImage As Object
' Check that images are valid
bUnexpectedImage = True
For Each img In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If img.Name = "Picture 1" Or img.Name = "Picture 22" Then
bUnexpectedImage = False
End If
If bUnexpectedImage = False Then MsgBox ("Unexpected images found.")
If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Function
If Dir(Image1) = "" Then Exit Function
' Insert first logo
Set objImage = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Image1)
' Determine positions
With TargetCell1
dblTop = .Top
dblLeft = .Left
dblWidth = .Offset(0, .Columns.Count).Left - .Left
dblHeight = .Offset(.Rows.Count, 0).Top - .Top
End With
' Position & size image
With objImage
.Top = dblTop
.Left = dblLeft + 13
.Width = dblWidth + 25
.Height = dblHeight + 15
End With
Set objImage = Nothing
' Insert second logo, as above...
End Function
我也遇到过同样的问题。即使删除并重新添加图像也无法解决问题。我的解决方案是将此代码添加到 Workbook_Open 事件中,以通过隐藏和取消隐藏来强制显示活动工作表上的所有图像。 (最初隐藏的任何形状都会恢复为隐藏状态。)
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes
shp.Visible = Not shp.Visible
shp.Visible = Not shp.Visible
End Sub