def player_instructions():
# main menu and game commands
print('Move Commands: go North, go South, go West, go East')
print("Add to inventory: get 'item name'.")
print('-' * 50)
print('A Paladin Adventure Game.') # game opening greeting
print('Collect 7 items to win the game,')
print('or be destroyed by the Vampire Lord.')
print('-' * 50)
# dictionary for rooms and movement between
castle_rooms = {'Entry Hall': {'East': 'Great Hall', 'South': 'Solar', 'Item': ''},
'Great Hall': {'West': 'Entry Hall', 'South': 'Boudoir',
'North': 'Kitchen', 'East': 'Cabinet', 'Item': 'Silver Mail'},
'Solar': {'North': 'Entry Hall', 'East': 'Boudoir', 'Item': 'Stake'},
'Boudoir': {'North': 'Great Hall', 'West': 'Solar', 'Item': 'Holy Water'},
'Kitchen': {'East': 'Larder', 'South': 'Great Hall', 'Item': 'Mallet'},
'Larder': {'West': 'Kitchen', 'Item': 'Potion of Cleansing'},
'Cabinet': {'West': 'Great Hall', 'North': 'Garderobe', 'South': 'Bedchamber',
'Item': 'Blessed Sword'},
'Garderobe': {'South': 'Cabinet', 'Item': 'Torch'}
current_room = 'Entry Hall' # define starting room
inventory = [] # define string for inventory
def player_commands(command, direction): # function for moving rooms
global current_room # declare current room as global
global inventory # declare inventory as global
if command == 'go':
if direction in castle_rooms[current_room]: # establishing valid direction
current_room = castle_rooms[current_room][direction]
elif direction not in castle_rooms[current_room]: # error message for invalid direction
print("You can't go that way")
current_room = current_room
elif command == 'get':
if direction in current_room:
current_room = current_room
print('Invalid command') # error message for invalid command
current_room = current_room
return current_room, inventory
while current_room != 'Bedchamber': # while loop for gameplay
print('You are in the {}.'.format(current_room))
if castle_rooms[current_room]['Item'] not in inventory:
print('You see {} in the room.'.format(castle_rooms[current_room]['Item']))
user_input = input('What will you do next?').split()
command = user_input[0]
direction = user_input[1] if len(user_input) > 1 else ''
current_room = player_commands(command, direction)
elif command == 'get':
current_item = castle_rooms[current_room_id]['Item']
if current_item not in inventory:
castle_rooms[current_room_id]['Item'] = None
return current_room_id