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我目前的方法是使用 QGIS 生成覆盖整个美国大陆领土的 0.01 度网格。最初,我按照教程为整个世界创建多边形网格。之后,我通过从 Census.gov 导入 USA Shapefile 调整了步骤,仅关注美国。但是,我在尝试提取网格交叉点的坐标时遇到了问题。不幸的是,我一直在使用从点获取纬度、经度的方法没有返回有效的纬度和经度对。


geolocation gis geospatial qgis geo

找到了一种方法,通过从美国人口普查网站获取城市地区的 ESRI Shapefile。这是我最终得到的脚本,只需向其提供地理 ID 即可进行映射。您可以在我的要点上找到地理 ID 列表。

import fiona
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from fiona.transform import transform_geom
from shapely import speedups
from shapely.geometry import Point
import math
import sys, os

def get_bbox_fixed(bounds):
    # Fixing bbox to start on 100 m coordinate
    minx = math.floor(bounds[0] / 100) * 100
    miny = math.floor(bounds[1] / 100) * 100
    maxx = math.ceil(bounds[2] / 100) * 100
    maxy = math.ceil(bounds[3] / 100) * 100
    # print([minx, miny, maxx, maxy])
    return [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]

def create_grid(bbox, poly, id):
    epsg3746 = "epsg:3746"  # Metric system covering US
    epsg4326 = "epsg:4326"  # Geography WGS 84 system
    points_in_grid = round(((bbox[2] + 30 - bbox[0]) / 30) * ((bbox[3] + 30 - bbox[1]) / 30))
    rows_in_grid = round((bbox[2] + 30 - bbox[0]) / 30)
    print("Number of points in BBOX: " + str(points_in_grid))
    print("Number of rows in BBOX: " + str(rows_in_grid))
    with open('output/' + id + '.csv', 'w') as out:
        row = 0
        for x in range(bbox[0], bbox[2] + 30, 30):
            for y in range(bbox[1], bbox[3] + 30, 30):
                # Creating point on row, column coordinate
                p = Point([x, y])
                # Checking if the point is inside the polygon of the urban area
                if p.within(poly):
                    # Transforming point into WGS 84
                    p_transformed = transform_geom(epsg3746, epsg4326, mapping(p))
                    p_transformed_shape = shape(p_transformed)
                    out.write(str(p_transformed_shape.x) + ',' + str(p_transformed_shape.y) + '\n')
            row += 1
            if row % 10 == 0:
                print("Processed " + str(row) + " rows from " + str(rows_in_grid) + " rows.")


epsg3746 = "epsg:3746"
epsg4269 = "epsg:4269"

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("You have to specify GEOID20 of the area")

if os.path.exists("tl_2023_us_uac20.shp"):
    with fiona.open("tl_2023_us_uac20.shp", "r") as uacs:
        # Loop via polygons of urban areas
        for uac in uacs:
            if uac['properties']['GEOID20'] == sys.argv[1]:
                print("Processing " + sys.argv[1])
                # Transforms polygon into metric system
                geom_transformed = transform_geom(epsg4269, epsg3746, uac["geometry"])
                poly = shape(geom_transformed)
                fixed_bounds = get_bbox_fixed(poly.bounds)
                create_grid(fixed_bounds, poly, uac['properties']['GEOID20'])
    print("You have to place us_uac_20 ESRI Shapefile in the same directory where is the script located. You can download the data from: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2023/UAC/")

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