如何循环遍历文件夹中的多个 sldprt 文件并将每个配置文件保存为该配置名称? [已关闭]

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文件,迭代其配置,并保存每个配置。此进程还应处理指定文件夹中的所有文件。目前,它通过 SolidWorks VBA 手动工作,但需要自动化。

batch-file solidworksapi


我需要自动化打开多个 SolidWorks 零件文件的过程,将这些零件中的每个配置保存为单独的文件,然后继续处理文件夹中的下一个零件。经过一些研究和实验,我找到了一个解决方案,并想与可能面临同样挑战的其他人分享。

下面是完整的批处理脚本和 SolidWorks VBA 代码,可帮助实现此目的。批处理脚本打开 SolidWorks,为每个零件运行宏,然后在处理下一个文件之前关闭 SolidWorks。


要自动将零件的每个配置保存为单独的文件,请结合使用批处理脚本和 SolidWorks VBA。批处理脚本为每个零件打开 SolidWorks,运行保存每个配置的宏,然后在完成零件后关闭 SolidWorks。以下是您需要的批处理和 VBA 脚本:


@echo off
:: Define paths
set "SOLIDWORKS_PATH=where your solidworks .exe file is located."
set "MACRO_PATH=C:\NewConfig.swp where your macro is located"
set "PARTS_FOLDER=where your parts are located"

:: Loop through all SLDPRT files in the folder
for %%f in ("%PARTS_FOLDER%\*.sldprt") do (
    echo Processing: %%f
    "%SOLIDWORKS_PATH%" /r /m "%MACRO_PATH%" /n "%%f"
    echo Waiting for SolidWorks to close...
    :: Wait for SolidWorks to close before continuing to the next file
    tasklist | find /i "SLDWORKS.exe" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 (
        timeout /t 1 >nul
        goto :WaitForSW
    echo SolidWorks closed. Proceeding to the next file...
echo All parts processed!

SolidWorks VBA 宏:

Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim partPath As String
    Dim savePath As String

    ' Initialize SolidWorks application
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    ' Get the currently open document (the file passed via batch script)
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If swModel Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "No document is open. Ensure a part file is passed to the macro.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Validate that it's a part file
    If swModel.GetType <> swDocPART Then
        MsgBox "The open document is not a part file.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ' Process the active part
    partPath = swModel.GetPathName
    savePath = "S:\Departmental Folders\applications\Drawings\Munters\PreStudyEval_12-2024\170-012102" ' Adjust this as needed
    ProcessConfigurations swModel, savePath

    ' Close the part and exit SolidWorks
    swApp.CloseDoc swModel.GetTitle
End Sub

Sub ProcessConfigurations(swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, savePath As String)
    Dim swPart As SldWorks.PartDoc
    Dim configNames As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim newFileName As String

    Set swPart = swModel
    configNames = swPart.GetConfigurationNames

    For i = LBound(configNames) To UBound(configNames)
        ' Activate the configuration
        swPart.ShowConfiguration2 configNames(i)

        ' Save the configuration as a new part
        newFileName = savePath & configNames(i) & ".sldprt"
        Debug.Print "Saving configuration: " & configNames(i) & " as " & newFileName
        swModel.SaveAs3 newFileName, 0, 0
    Next i
End Sub


  1. 批处理脚本:此脚本循环指定文件夹中的所有零件文件,在 SolidWorks 中打开每个文件,并为每个零件运行宏。每个零件完成处理后,SolidWorks 将关闭,然后再移至下一个零件。

  2. VBA 脚本:此脚本在 SolidWorks 中执行,并将当前打开的零件的每个配置保存到新文件中。它处理每个配置并将它们保存到定义的保存路径。

注意: 确保更新批处理脚本和 VBA 宏中的路径以匹配您的本地设置。


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