
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

对于我正在开发的 mod,我想合并玩家的主题颜色并使用它们来生成 UI 元素。但是,我遇到了一个问题,即并非所有颜色主题都具有提供 良好对比度 的颜色,如 Web 内容可访问性指南 (WCAG) 对比度(最小值) 中所述。 .


float RelativeLuminance(Color color)
    float ColorPartValue(float part)
        return part <= 0.03928f ? part / 12.92f : Mathf.Pow((part + 0.055f) / 1.055f, 2.4f);
    var r = ColorPartValue(color.r);
    var g = ColorPartValue(color.g);
    var b = ColorPartValue(color.b);

    var l = 0.2126f * r + 0.7152f * g + 0.0722f * b;
    return l;

private float ColorContrast(Color a, Color b)
    float result = 0f;
    var La = RelativeLuminance(a) + 0.05f;
    var Lb = RelativeLuminance(b) + 0.05f;

    result = Mathf.Max(La, Lb) / Mathf.Min(La, Lb);

    return result;


public Color GetContrastingColors(Color backgroundColor, Color textColor)
    Color contrastColor;

    // See if we have good enough contrast already
    if (!(ColorContrast(backgroundColor, textColor) < 4.5f))
        return textColor;

    Color.RGBToHSV(textColor, out var textH, out var textS, out var textV);
    Color.RGBToHSV(backgroundColor, out var bgH, out var bgS, out var bgV);

    // Modify textV by some value to provide enough contrast.

    contrastColor = Color.HSVToRGB(textH, textS, textV);

    return contrastColor;

但是,我不确定如何调整颜色,使文本颜色变亮(或变暗)足以达到 4.5:1 的对比度。最初,我正在考虑对亮度和对比度方程进行代数运算,直到

值乘以某个值 X。不过我记得 HSV,调整颜色的亮度对我来说似乎要简单得多。问题是,我不确定如何比较 2 个 HSV 颜色的对比度,更不用说使用它们的值来操纵颜色的亮度以达到所需的对比度。


float targetL;
bool brighter = false;
var backL = RelativeLuminance(backgroundColor);
var textL = RelativeLuminance(textColor);
var ratio = 4.5f;

// Try to go in the direction of brightness originally.
if (textL > backL)
    targetL = ((backL + 0.05f) * ratio) - 0.05f;
    brighter = true;

    if (targetL > 1f)
        targetL = ((backL + 0.05f) / ratio) - 0.05f;
        brighter = false;
    targetL = ((backL + 0.05f) / ratio) - 0.05f;
    if (targetL > 0f)
        targetL = ((backL + 0.05f) * ratio) - 0.05f;
        brighter = true;

Color adjustedColor = textColor;

while ((!brighter && textL > targetL) || (brighter && textL < targetL))
    Color.RGBToHSV(adjustedColor, out var textH, out var textS, out var textV);

    textV += brighter ? 0.01f : -0.01f;

    adjustedColor = Color.HSVToRGB(textH, textS, textV);
    textL = RelativeLuminance(adjustedColor);

contrastColor = adjustedColor;



为了给我想要做的事情提供更多背景信息,想象我有以下 4 种颜色作为玩家的主题。

4 different shades of purple.


#32263d #3d1c70
#7347b6 #320d68

在为他们创建 UI 时,我想合并他们主题中的 2 种颜色。然而,并非所有这些都很容易区分,您可以在这里看到本例中的各种对比:

4 different shades of purple in rows with different numbers across each row in each of the other colors, indicating that colors contrast with it.


来构建我们的 UI。

The two colors side by side.


A gradient showing the various levels of lighting for #7347b6.



#32263d and #a163ff side by side.

虽然比以前好,但对比度仍然只有 3.88 : 1。所以现在我想缩小


#251B2D and #a163ff side by side.

两种新颜色的颜色对比度为 4.51 : 1。


c# unity-game-engine colors accessibility

查看我的答案 调整给定的颜色对以遵守 ePub 的 W3C 可访问性标准


如果我要根据之前的答案实际编写我的建议,我会更有效率,而不是从每个 RGB 分量中添加或减去 1 并重新计算亮度,我可能会添加/减去 10 并重新计算。 如果对比度不够,请再做 10 次。 一旦获得足够的对比度,我就可以向相反的方向重新调整这些值,也许每次调整 2,直到接近 4.5 而不会下降。


我最终在我的代码中使用了循环。虽然 slugolicious 的答案很接近我想要的,但我发现将所有 RGB 分量调整相同的量并不是我想要的,因为这实际上会影响色调,所以我最终使用 HSV 代替。

public Color[] GetContrastingColors(Color backgroundColor, Color textColor, float ratio)
    Color[] colors = new Color[2];

    var backL = RelativeLuminance(backgroundColor);
    var textL = RelativeLuminance(textColor);

    if (textL > backL)
        colors[0] = textColor;
        colors[1] = backgroundColor;
        colors[1] = textColor;
        colors[0] = backgroundColor;

    // See if we have good enough contrast already
    if (!(ColorContrast(backgroundColor, textColor) < ratio))
        return colors;

    Color.RGBToHSV(colors[0], out var lightH, out var lightS, out var lightV);
    Color.RGBToHSV(colors[1], out var darkH, out var darkS, out var darkV);

    // If the darkest color can be darkened enough to have enough contrast after brightening the color.
    if (ColorContrast(Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, 0f), Color.HSVToRGB(lightH, lightS, 1f)) >= ratio)
        var lightDiff = 1f - lightV;
        var darkDiff = darkV;

        var steps = new float[] { 0.12f, 0.1f, 0.08f, 0.05f, 0.04f, 0.03f, 0.02f, 0.01f, 0.005f };
        var step = 0;

        var lightRatio = (lightDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));
        var darkRatio = (darkDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));

        while (ColorContrast(Color.HSVToRGB(lightH, lightS, lightV), Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, darkV)) < ratio)
            while (ColorContrast(Color.HSVToRGB(lightH, lightS, lightV + lightRatio * steps[step]), Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, darkV - darkRatio * steps[step])) > ratio && step < steps.Length - 1)
            lightV += lightRatio * steps[step];
            darkV -= darkRatio * steps[step];

        colors[0] = Color.HSVToRGB(lightH, lightS, lightV);
        colors[1] = Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, darkV);
    // Fall back to using white.
        colors[0] = Color.white;

        while (ColorContrast(Color.white, Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, darkV)) < ratio)
            darkV -= 0.01f;

        colors[1] = Color.HSVToRGB(darkH, darkS, darkV);

    return colors;



static double stepsize = 0.01;
public static Color[] GetContrastingColors<ColorModel>(Color backgroundColor, Color textColor, double ratio, ChangingMode changingMode) where ColorModel : IContrastAdjustable<ColorModel>
     Color[] colors = new Color[2];
     colors[0] = backgroundColor;
     colors[1] = textColor;

     Color[] lightAndDarkAsColors = new Color[2];

     var backL = RelativeLuminance(backgroundColor);
     var textL = RelativeLuminance(textColor);

     bool preferChangingLight = false;
     bool darkFixed, lightFixed;
     bool textIsLight = textL > backL;

     // See if we have good enough contrast already
     if (!(ColorContrast(backgroundColor, textColor) < ratio))
         return colors;
     ColorModel light, dark;

     ColorModel verydark, verylight;

     //decide which colors we change
         double rw, rb;
         if (changingMode == ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed || changingMode == ChangingMode.BackgroundFixed)
             //if one color is fixed, high contrast can be achieve by increasing or by decreasing the Luminosity of the other Color Jochla
             //so we test if we can achieve a good result while keeping the dark color dark and the light color light 

             lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = textIsLight ? textColor : backgroundColor;
             lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = textIsLight ? backgroundColor : textColor;

             Color colorFixed = changingMode == ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed ? textColor : backgroundColor;
             Color colorChangeable = changingMode == ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed ? backgroundColor : textColor; 
             rw = ColorContrast(Color.White, colorFixed);
             rb = ColorContrast(colorFixed, Color.Black);
             preferChangingLight = rw > rb;

             if ((!(preferChangingLight ^ (changingMode == ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed))) == textIsLight)

                 lightFixed = !(changingMode == ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed ^ textIsLight); //^Xor
                 darkFixed = !(changingMode == ChangingMode.BackgroundFixed ^ textIsLight); //^Xor

                 light = ColorModel.FromColor(lightAndDarkAsColors[0]);
                 dark = ColorModel.FromColor(lightAndDarkAsColors[1]);

                 verydark = dark.Clone();
                 verylight = light.Clone();
                 if (!lightFixed)
                     verylight.Luminosity = ColorModel.MaxLuminosity;
                 if (!darkFixed)
                     verydark.Luminosity = ColorModel.MinLuminosity;
                 if (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(verydark), ColorModel.ToColor(verylight)) >= ratio)
                     var lightDiff = 1 - light.Luminosity;
                     var darkDiff = dark.Luminosity;

                     var lightRatio = (lightDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));
                     var darkRatio = (darkDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));

                     while (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(light), ColorModel.ToColor(dark)) < ratio)
                         if (!lightFixed)
                             light.Luminosity += lightRatio * stepsize;
                         if (!darkFixed)
                             dark.Luminosity -= darkRatio * stepsize;
                     lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = ColorModel.ToColor(light);
                     lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = ColorModel.ToColor(dark);
                     colors[0] = textIsLight ? lightAndDarkAsColors[1] : lightAndDarkAsColors[0];
                     colors[1] = textIsLight ? lightAndDarkAsColors[0] : lightAndDarkAsColors[1];
                     return colors;
             textIsLight = changingMode == ChangingMode.BackgroundFixed ? preferChangingLight : !preferChangingLight;
             lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = preferChangingLight ? colorChangeable : colorFixed;
             lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = preferChangingLight ? colorFixed : colorChangeable; 
             darkFixed = preferChangingLight;
             lightFixed = !preferChangingLight;

             lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = textIsLight ? textColor : backgroundColor;
             lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = textIsLight ? backgroundColor : textColor;
             darkFixed = false;
             lightFixed = false;

     light = ColorModel.FromColor(lightAndDarkAsColors[0]);
     dark = ColorModel.FromColor(lightAndDarkAsColors[1]);

     verydark = dark.Clone();
     verylight = light.Clone();

     if (!lightFixed)
         verylight.Luminosity = ColorModel.MaxLuminosity;
     if (!darkFixed)
         verydark.Luminosity = ColorModel.MinLuminosity;
     // If the darkest and the lightest we can achieve is enough
     if (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(verydark), ColorModel.ToColor(verylight)) >= ratio)
         var lightDiff = 1 - light.Luminosity;
         var darkDiff = dark.Luminosity;

         var lightRatio = (lightDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));
         var darkRatio = (darkDiff / (lightDiff + darkDiff));

         while (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(light), ColorModel.ToColor(dark)) < ratio)
             if (!lightFixed)
                 light.Luminosity += lightRatio * stepsize;
             if (!darkFixed)
                 dark.Luminosity -= darkRatio * stepsize;
         lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = ColorModel.ToColor(light);
         lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = ColorModel.ToColor(dark);
         double rw, rb;
         switch (changingMode)
             //if we prefer white we use white l
             case ChangingMode.PreferWhite:
                 lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = Color.White;

                 //Can we achieve any better than black and white?
                 if (ColorContrast(Color.White, ColorModel.ToColor(verydark)) < ratio)
                     lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = Color.Black; 
                     while (ColorContrast(Color.White, ColorModel.ToColor(dark)) < ratio)
                         dark.Luminosity -= 0.01;

                     lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = ColorModel.ToColor(dark);
             //if we prefer black we use black 
             case ChangingMode.PreferBlack:
                 lightAndDarkAsColors[1] = Color.Black;

                 //Can we achieve any better than black and white?
                 if (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(verylight), Color.Black) < ratio)
                     lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = Color.White;
                     while (ColorContrast(ColorModel.ToColor(light), Color.Black) < ratio)
                         light.Luminosity += 0.01;

                     lightAndDarkAsColors[0] = ColorModel.ToColor(light);
             case ChangingMode.ForegroundFixed:
                 colors[0] = preferChangingLight ? Color.White : Color.Black;
                 colors[1] = textColor;
                 return colors;

             case ChangingMode.BackgroundFixed:
                 colors[0] = backgroundColor;
                 colors[1] = preferChangingLight ? Color.White : Color.Black;
                 return colors;
     colors[0] = textIsLight ? lightAndDarkAsColors[1] : lightAndDarkAsColors[0];
     colors[1] = textIsLight ? lightAndDarkAsColors[0] : lightAndDarkAsColors[1];
     return colors;

    public enum ChangingMode
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