C# 中的简单银行程序帮助

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在开发一个简单的银行程序,但在回滚方法和将 _reversed 设置为 true 时遇到困难。我一直被告知,当且仅当回滚过程成功时,我需要将 _reversed 设置为 true。我觉得我正在这样做,但是如果有人可以审查我的代码,那将非常有帮助。


internal class Account
    private decimal _balance;
    private string _name;

    // Constructor Method
    public Account(string name, decimal balance)
        _name = name;
        _balance = balance;

    // Property, which is read only
    public string Name
        get { return _name; }

    // Public Methods
    public bool Deposit(decimal amount)
        if (amount > 0)
            _balance += amount;
            return true; // Deposit succeeded
            Console.WriteLine("Amount to deposit needs to be greater than $0.00.");
            return false; // Deposit failed as one cannot deposit a negative amount


    public bool Withdraw(decimal amount)
        if (amount > 0 && _balance >= amount)
            _balance -= amount;
            Console.WriteLine($"{amount} has been withdrawn from your account.");
            return true; // Withdrawal succeeded
        else if (amount <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine("Amount to withdraw needs to be greater than $0.00.");
            return false; // Withdrawal failed as withdrawal amount is negative number
            Console.WriteLine("You have insuffucient funds to make this withdrawal.");
            return false; // Withdrawal failed as there is insufficient funds

    public void Print()
        Console.WriteLine($"Name: {_name}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Balance: {_balance}");


internal abstract class Transaction
    protected decimal _amount;
    protected bool _success;
    private bool _executed;
    private bool _reversed;
    private DateTime _dateStamp;

    public Transaction(decimal amount)
        _amount = amount;
        _executed = false;
        _success = false;
        _reversed = false;
        _dateStamp = DateTime.MinValue;

    public virtual void Execute()
        if (_executed)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Transaction has already been executed.");

        _executed = true;
        _dateStamp = DateTime.Now; // Record the current time when Execute is called

    public virtual void Rollback()

        if (_executed)
            if (!_reversed)
                _reversed = true;

    public abstract void Print(); // Placeholder for transaction print details

    public bool Executed => _executed;
    public abstract bool Success { get; }
    public bool Reversed => _reversed;
    public DateTime DateStamp => _dateStamp;

WithdrawTransaction 类,继承自 Transaction 类:

internal class WithdrawTransaction : Transaction
    private Account _account;

    public WithdrawTransaction(Account account, decimal amount) : base(amount)
        _account = account;

    public override void Execute()
        _success = _account.Withdraw(_amount);

    public override void Rollback()
        if (_success)
            bool depositResult = _account.Deposit(_amount);

            if (depositResult)
                base.Rollback(); // Will only occur if the rollback is successfully completed
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Rollback failed.");

    public override void Print()
        if (_success)
            Console.WriteLine($"Withdrawal Transaction: {_amount:C} from {_account.Name} on {DateStamp}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Executed: {Executed}\nSuccess: {Success}\nReversed {Reversed}");

    public override bool Success => _success;


internal class TransferTransaction : Transaction
    private Account _fromAccount;
    private Account _toAccount;

    public TransferTransaction(Account fromAccount, Account toAccount, decimal amount) : base(amount)
        _fromAccount = fromAccount;
        _toAccount = toAccount;

    public override void Execute()

        // Perform withdrawal from source account
        bool withdrawalSuccess = _fromAccount.Withdraw(_amount);
        if (withdrawalSuccess)
            // Attempt to deposit into destination account
            bool depositSuccess = _toAccount.Deposit(_amount);
            _success = depositSuccess;

            if (!depositSuccess)
                // If deposit fails, rollback the withdrawal
                Console.WriteLine("Deposit failed. Withdrawal has been rolled back.");
            _success = false;

    public override void Rollback()
        if (_success && !Reversed)
            bool withdrawResult = _toAccount.Withdraw(_amount);
            if (withdrawResult)
                bool depositResult = _fromAccount.Deposit(_amount);
                if (depositResult)
                    Console.WriteLine("Rollback successful.");
                    base.Rollback(); // Call base method only if both actions succeed
                    Console.WriteLine("Rollback failed to deposit back into the source account.");
                Console.WriteLine("Rollback failed to withdraw from the destination account.");
        else if (Reversed)
            Console.WriteLine("Transaction has already been reversed.");
        else if (!_success)
            Console.WriteLine("Transaction was not successful, so no rollback is needed.");

    public override void Print()
        Console.WriteLine($"Transfer of {_amount:C} from {_fromAccount.Name}'s account to {_toAccount.Name}'s account");
        Console.WriteLine($"Executed: {Executed}\nSuccess: {Success}\nReversed {Reversed}");

    public override bool Success => _success;

DepositTransaction 类继承自 Transaction 类:

internal class DepositTransaction : Transaction
    private Account _account;

    public DepositTransaction(Account account, decimal amount) : base(amount)
        _account = account;

    public override void Execute()
        _success = _account.Deposit(_amount);

    public override void Rollback()
        if (_success)
            bool withdrawResult = _account.Withdraw(_amount);

            if (withdrawResult)
                base.Rollback(); // Will only occur if the rollback is successfully completed
                throw new InvalidOperationException("rollback failed.");
    public override void Print()

        Console.WriteLine($"Deposit Transaction: {_amount:C} into {_account.Name} on {DateStamp}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Executed: {Executed}\nSuccess: {Success}\nReversed {Reversed}");
    public override bool Success => _success; 

我添加了检查以确保在回滚成功时仅引发 base-rollback() 方法




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