我有一个包含多级标题的文档 - 目录,样式标题1-n,所有这些。当我拉出导航窗格并在文档中移动文本光标时,导航窗格会突出显示最接近光标位置的标题。是不是有某种方法可以获得VBA中的标题 - Range或Selection对象的某些属性?
在具有Word-Application对象WithEvents的类模块中,我编写了一个WindowSelectionChange事件处理程序来搜索带有样式标题1或标题2的“^ p”,确定哪一个更接近,获取该标题的文本然后执行它。获取最近的标题文本应该更简单,更快捷。
Private Sub appWord_WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Word.Selection)
Dim lHdrPosn As Long, HP As Long
Dim sStyle As String
Dim rngSelPosn As Word.Range
Dim sHdrText As String
Dim lRTFposn As Long, lRTFselLength As Long
With Sel
If Not (.Document Is ThisDocument) Then Exit Sub
Set rngSelPosn = .Range
rngSelPosn.Collapse IIf(.StartIsActive, wdCollapseStart, wdCollapseEnd)
End With
With rngSelPosn
lHdrPosn = -1
For HP = 2 To 1 Step -1
sStyle = "Heading " & HP
With .Find ' Find a paragraph mark of style Heading (HP)
.Style = sStyle
.Forward = (Sel.Style = sStyle) ' This is case user clicks in a heading
' Get the later one
If .Execute("^p") Then If lHdrPosn = -1 Or rngSelPosn.Start > lHdrPosn Then lHdrPosn = rngSelPosn.Start
End With
If lHdrPosn < 0 Then Exit Sub
End With
sHdrText = ThisDocument.Characters(lHdrPosn).Paragraphs(1).Range.Text
With frmHelpWindow.rtfHelpText ' Here's the header's text
lRTFposn = .Find(vbCrLf & sHdrText & vbLf, 0, Len(.TextRTF))
If lRTFposn < 0 Then Exit Sub
lRTFselLength = .SelLength
.SelStart = Len(.TextRTF)
.SelStart = lRTFposn + 2
.SelLength = lRTFselLength - 2
End With
End Sub