我有一个用 swift 和 SceneKit 构建的基本 3d 交互式地球仪。当视图启动时,镜头指向非洲。我想旋转并移动相机以指向美国俄勒冈州。我有俄勒冈州位置的正确 SCNVector3,但我的函数错误地移动了相机。如何计算旋转以准确地将相机移动到任何 SCNVector3 位置?
public var earthNode: SCNNode!
internal var sceneView : SCNView!
private var cameraNode: SCNNode!
func centerCameraOnDot(dotPosition: SCNVector3) {
let targetPhi = atan2(dotPosition.x, dotPosition.z)
let targetTheta = asin(dotPosition.y / dotPosition.length())
// Convert spherical coordinates back to Cartesian
let newX = 1 * sin(targetTheta) * sin(targetPhi)
let newY = 1 * cos(targetTheta)
let newZ = 1 * sin(targetTheta) * cos(targetPhi)
let fixedDistance: Float = 6.0
let newCameraPosition = SCNVector3(newX, newY, newZ).normalized().scaled(to: fixedDistance)
let moveAction = SCNAction.move(to: newCameraPosition, duration: 0.8)
// Create additional actions as needed
let rotateAction = SCNAction.rotateBy(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, duration: 0.5)
// Create an array of actions
let sequenceAction = SCNAction.sequence([rotateAction])
// Run the sequence action on the cameraNode
func centerCameraOnDot(dotPosition: SCNVector3) {
let targetPhi = atan2(dotPosition.x, dotPosition.z)
let targetTheta = asin(dotPosition.y / dotPosition.length())
// Convert spherical coordinates back to Cartesian
let newX = sin(targetTheta) * cos(targetPhi)
let newY = cos(targetTheta)
let newZ = sin(targetTheta) * sin(targetPhi)
let fixedDistance: Float = 6.0
let newCameraPosition = SCNVector3(newX, newY, newZ).normalized().scaled(to: fixedDistance)
let moveAction = SCNAction.move(to: newCameraPosition, duration: 0.8)
// Update the camera's position
cameraNode.position = newCameraPosition
// Orient the camera to look at the target position (Oregon)
let lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: earthNode)
lookAtConstraint.isGimbalLockEnabled = true
cameraNode.constraints = [lookAtConstraint]
// Optionally, add animation for smooth transition
正确位于地球模型的中心。如果 earthNode
不在中心,您可能需要在地球中心创建一个单独的节点并将其用于 SCNLookAtConstraint