
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


Public Function GetStuffYouWant(ByVal pInput As Variant, _
        Optional pSplitChar As String = "-") As Variant
    Dim varResult As Variant
    Dim varPieces As Variant

    If IsNull(pInput) Then
        varResult = Null
        varPieces = Split(pInput, pSplitChar)
        If UBound(varPieces) > 1 Then
            varResult = varPieces(1)
            varResult = Null
        End If
    End If
    GetStuffYouWant = varResult
End Function



   dim first as integer
  dim second as integer
   dim result as string
   first = instr(1,"yourtext","-")
    second = instr(first+1,"yourtext","-")

   if first > 0 and second > first then
           second = second - first
            result = mid("yourtext",first+1, second-1)
     end if


Before:                         I need: 
    Issue                       Issue
    ------                      ------
1   (Dog) at the carpet         Dog at the carpet
2                                                 <---Not a null error
3   (Cat) dog                   Cat
sql access-vba ms-access-2013 jet
Public Function GetStuffYouWant(ByVal pInput As Variant, _ Optional pSplitChar As String = "-") As Variant Dim varResult As Variant Dim varPieces As Variant If IsNull(pInput) Then varResult = Null Else varPieces = Split(pInput, pSplitChar) If UBound(varPieces) > 1 Then varResult = GetStuffYouWant_Parse(varPieces(1)) Else varResult = Null End If End If GetStuffYouWant = varResult End Function Public Function GetStuffYouWant_Parse(ByVal pInput As String) As String dim first as integer dim second as integer dim result as string first = instr(1,pInput ,"(") second = instr(first+1,pInput,")") if first > 0 and second > first then second = second - first result = mid(pInput,first+1, second-1) end if GetStuffYouWant_Parse = result End Function
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