在 .csv 文件中,我有两列,年龄和生育率,当然代表按年龄划分的生育率。我如何使用 .csv 文件中的信息根据年龄为每只海龟创建变量“生育率”?
可能(并希望)答案真的很微不足道,我对 NetLogo 还是很陌生,提前感谢您的回答。
extensions [csv]
globals [mortality-table]
to setup
set mortality-table csv:from-file "path-to-the-file"
您可以使用 table:from-list 直接从列表创建表格,也可以使用 csv:from-file 从 CSV 文件创建该列表。使用以下方法一次完成所有操作:
set mortality-table table:from-list (csv:from-file "path-to-file")
ask turtles
[ set fertility-rate table:get fertility-table my-age ]
最后,我找到了如下解决方法,这在很大程度上要感谢 Steve Railsback,这可能对将来的某些人有帮助:
extensions [ table ]
globals [fertility-table] ;; We create the global table "fertility table" the left column is age
;; and the right column is fertility rate for that age
turtles-own [age fertility-rate ]
to setup
create-turtles 200 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ;; We just create some turtles and spread them
set age random 100 ;; with randome ages comprised from0 to 100
carefully [ set fertility-rate table:get fertility-table age ] ;; We ask to link the age with the
;; values in the fertility-table global
[ set fertility-rate 0 ;; set a default value if the age is not present in the table
to setup-globals
;; First we configure the fertility global, to do so we create to "columns" fertility-list and age-fertility
;; I'ts not such a hustle to create this list if we are working on a wide-format spreadsheet, just copy and paste
let fertility-list [0.001116649 0.002047191 0.003948731 0.006699896 0.010802369 0.013602084 0.016571724 0.01888594 0.021976955 0.025707211 0.029324184 0.033653224 0.038718604 0.045968734 0.052984205 0.060711743 0.066837131 0.070065704 0.071336095 0.07165167 0.068463555 0.0616261 0.053550621 0.044415135 0.034988348 0.025958053 0.018287157 0.011959477 0.007144938 0.004644614 0.002751165 0.001480774 0.000865808 0.000542141 0.000712066]
let age-fertility [15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49]
;; Now we just create a table from this lists using the primitive from-list and map
set fertility-table table:from-list (map list age-fertility fertility-list)