使C ++程序使用散列实现字典,但是在试图将含义作为整个句子输入时,程序崩溃了>]
#include <iostream> using namespace std; const int MAX=10; class dictionary; class node { string key,value; node *next; public: friend class dictionary; node() { next=NULL; } node(string key,string value) { this->key=key; this->value=value; next=NULL; } }; class dictionary { node *head[MAX]; public: dictionary() { for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++) head[i]=NULL; } int hashf(string word); void insert(string,string); void find(string word); bool deleteWord(string word); void display(); };
int dictionary::hashf(string word) { int asciiSum=0; for(int i=0;i<word.length();i++) { asciiSum=asciiSum+word[i]; } return (asciiSum%10); }
void dictionary::find(string word) { int index=hashf(word); int flag=0; node *start=head[index]; while(start!=NULL) { if(start->key==word) { flag=1; break; } start=start->next; } if(flag==1) cout<<"Word Is present."; else cout<<"Word Is not present."; }
void dictionary::insert(string word,string meaning) { int index=hashf(word); node *p=new node(word,meaning); if(head[index]==NULL) { head[index]=p; } else { node *start=head[index]; while(start->next!=NULL) start=start->next; start->next=p; } cout<<endl<<word<<" inserted into dictionary at index"<<index; }
bool dictionary::deleteWord(string word) { int index=hashf(word); node *tmp=head[index]; node *par=head[index]; if(tmp==NULL) //if no word is present at that index { return false; } if(tmp->key==word && tmp->next==NULL)//only one word is present { head[index]=NULL; delete tmp; return true; } //tmp=tmp->next; while(tmp->key!=word && tmp->next!=NULL) { par=tmp; tmp=tmp->next; } if(tmp->key==word&&tmp->next!=NULL) { if(par->key==tmp->key) { head[index]=tmp->next; } else { par->next=tmp->next; tmp->next=NULL; } delete tmp; return true; } else //delete at end { par->next=NULL; tmp->next=NULL; delete tmp; return true; } return false; }
void dictionary:: display() { cout<<"\nIndex\t Key\t Value"; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { node *start=head[i]; if(start==NULL) cout<<"\n"; while(start!=NULL) { cout<<"\n:"<<i<<"\t"<<start->key <<"\t "<<start->value; start=start->next; } } }
int main() { dictionary oxford; int choice; string word; string meaning; char ch='y'; while(ch=='y') { cout<<"\n**** OXFORD DICTIONARY ****\n" <<"1.Insert Word\n" <<"2.Find Word\n" <<"3.Delete Word\n" <<"4.Display\n" <<"Enter Your Choice :"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"Enter Word: "; cin>>word; cout<<"Enter Meaning: "; getline(cin,meaning); oxford.insert(word,meaning); break; case 2: cout<<"Enter Word to Search: "; cin>>word; oxford.find(word); break; case 3: cout<<"Enter Word to Delete: "; cin>>word; if(oxford.deleteWord(word)) cout<<" Word is deleted."; else { cout<<"\nFailed to delete "<<word; } break; case 4: cout<<"***Oxford Dictionary***"; oxford.display(); break; default: cout<<"\nWrong Choice."; } cout<<"\nDo you want to continue(y/n)"; cin>>ch; if(ch=='y') { continue; } else if(ch=='n') { cout<<"\nThank you for using our dictionary"; break; } } return 0; }
1.Insert Word
2.Find Word
3.Delete Word
Enter Your Choice :1
Enter Word: john
Enter Meaning:
john inserted into dictionary at index1
Do you want to continue(y/n)
使c ++程序使用散列实现字典,但是在试图将含义作为整个句子输入时,该程序使#include