我想在独立的 JavaScript 文件中创建一个可重用的函数,我可以使用该函数使用 GET 方法将两个 json 形式的参数发送到 API,该方法将返回一个我可以在家里使用的 json 文件.js 文件。我认为这是可以做到的,但不确定如何或是否是更好的方法。 我很想知道 Reactjs 中执行此操作的最佳实践是什么。
{ "exam_id": 1, "question_id": 22 }
这是预期返回的 json:
"Choice_1": "choice 1",
"Choice_2": "choice 2",
"Choice_3": "choice 3",
"Choice_4": "choice 4",
"Choice_5": "choice 5",
"Question": "This field represents the question to be asked.",
"QuestionID": 22,
"Scenario": "something needed to expand on the question asked.",
"Answer": "correct answer for question."
我已经创建了以下内容,但尚未运行。 这就是我来这里提问的原因。
文件名:Question.js 内容:
import React from 'react';
function GetQuestion() {
const fetchData = async () => {
const request_url = '';
const request_json= '{"exam_id": '+{exam_id}+', "question_id": '+{question_id}+'}';
const request={request_url} + '?' + {request_json};
const response = await fetch(request);
const response_data = await response.json();
return fetchData()
export default GetQuestion;
因此,当您不显示组件本身时,很难准确地知道您的问题。这是使用钩子发出请求的示例。在此示例中,我有 2 个钩子,一个在初始渲染时发出获取请求,另一个基于状态变量的更改(在您的情况下它将是表单)
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { useGetPlanets } from "./useGetPlanets";
import { useGetDataFromUrl } from "./useGetDataFromUrl";
export default function App() {
const [selectedPlanet, setSelectedPlanet] = useState<Record<string, any>>({});
// Both hooks must remain consistently triggered on all renders. meaning between update of state both hooks must be triggered. you can pass in state to avoid over fetching
const planetsData = useGetPlanets();
const selectedPlanetData = useGetDataFromUrl(selectedPlanet?.url);
return (
{planetsData.map((planet: any, i: number) => {
return (
key={planet.name + i}
style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}
onClick={() => setSelectedPlanet(planet)}
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
export const useGetPlanets = () => {
const [planetsData, setPlanetsData] = useState([]);
const fetchPlanets = async () => {
const res = await fetch("https://swapi.dev/api/planets/", {
method: "GET",
const data = await res.json();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return planetsData;
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
const useGetDataFromUrl = (url: string) => {
const [data, setData] = useState<Record<string, any>>({});
const fetchDataByUrl = async () => {
try {
const res = await fetch(url, {
method: "GET",
if (!res.ok) throw new Error("Fetch Error!");
const data = await res.json();
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error:", err);
useEffect(() => {
}, [url]);
return data;
我不会在如此肤浅构建的应用程序中推荐这种方法,因为它会在每次重新渲染时触发提取。制定条件来防止这种情况发生。但希望这能让您走上正确的道路,重新使用 async/await 和 hook 中的状态