有没有办法在 Matlab 中从双精度变量中提取单个数字?

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我有一个程序可以将 0 写入外部数据采集设备的所有数字端口。我能够访问这些二进制值 0 或 1 作为工作区变量中的表写入端口。然后我将每个表中的每个位放入一个表中。因此,如果每个表都有一个 0 写入端口,那么单个 1x4 表将显示 0 0 0 0。我的目标是能够创建一个二进制计数器,在将所有 0 都输入到端口后,程序将计数到十进制的 15,相当于从二进制 0000 计数到二进制 1111.

目前我将全0的表数组转换为双精度数组。接下来,我将单元格中分隔的双精度数组 0 0 0 0 转换为位于单个单元格中的单个数字 0。然后我可以添加/增加值,因为它不是一个表,它返回一个 1。然后我将这个十进制数转换为一个二进制数,它等于 0001,即十进制表示法中的 1。我的问题是如何从单个单元格中找到的二进制数中提取每个数字,然后将其写入每个端口的现有表中。



BDaq = NET.addAssembly('Automation.BDaq');
deviceDescription = 'USB-5801,BID#0'; 
startPort = int16(0);  % Writing data to Port 0 
portCount = int16(4);  %Writing digital data up to a certain number of Ports

instantDoCtrl = Automation.BDaq.InstantDoCtrl();

    instantDoCtrl.SelectedDevice = Automation.BDaq.DeviceInformation(deviceDescription);
   %data = NET.createArray('System.Byte', int16(32));
   data = NET.createArray('System.Byte', portCount);
 errorcode =  instantDoCtrl.Read(startPort, portCount, data);

    fileout = 'DataA.csv';

        % open output file 
    fid=fopen(fileout,'w');  %Data is not appended

    for i = 0:(portCount - 1)
        fprintf('Input a bit value for Port %d',...
            startPort + i);

        strData = input('(for example, 0 or 1)\n', 's'); %Input in a binary number
         strData = System.String(strData);
        strData = bin2dec(char(strData));      
         data.Set(i, strData); 

 fprintf(fid,'Port %d: %8f ',i, data.Get(i));
  % fprintf('Port %d: %8f ',i, data.Get(i))
    disp('Digital output completed!');

%     % Read back the DO status.

    %Data Written to Ports

    filename = 'C:\Users\kevin\OneDrive - Stony Brook University\Documents\USB-5801\DataA.csv';
    formatSpec = '%4s%3s%9s%5s%3s%9s%5s%3s%9s%5s%3s%9s%s%[^\n\r]';
    fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
    dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', '', 'WhiteSpace', '', 'TextType', 'string',  'ReturnOnError', false);

dataArray{1} = strtrim(dataArray{1});
dataArray{4} = strtrim(dataArray{4});
dataArray{7} = strtrim(dataArray{7});
dataArray{10} = strtrim(dataArray{10});
dataArray{13} = strtrim(dataArray{13});


raw = repmat({''},length(dataArray{1}),length(dataArray)-1);
for col=1:length(dataArray)-1
    raw(1:length(dataArray{col}),col) = mat2cell(dataArray{col}, ones(length(dataArray{col}), 1));
numericData = NaN(size(dataArray{1},1),size(dataArray,2));

for col=[2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12]
    % Converts text in the input cell array to numbers. Replaced non-numeric text with NaN.
    rawData = dataArray{col};
    for row=1:size(rawData, 1)
        % Create a regular expression to detect and remove non-numeric prefixes and suffixes.
        regexstr = '(?<prefix>.*?)(?<numbers>([-]*(\d+[\,]*)+[\.]{0,1}\d*[eEdD]{0,1}[-+]*\d*[i]{0,1})|([-]*(\d+[\,]*)*[\.]{1,1}\d+[eEdD]{0,1}[-+]*\d*[i]{0,1}))(?<suffix>.*)';
            result = regexp(rawData(row), regexstr, 'names');
            numbers = result.numbers;

            % Detected commas in non-thousand locations.
            invalidThousandsSeparator = false;
            if numbers.contains(',')
                thousandsRegExp = '^[-/+]*\d+?(\,\d{3})*\.{0,1}\d*$';
                if isempty(regexp(numbers, thousandsRegExp, 'once'))
                    numbers = NaN;
                    invalidThousandsSeparator = true;
            % Convert numeric text to numbers.
            if ~invalidThousandsSeparator
                numbers = textscan(char(strrep(numbers, ',', '')), '%f');
                numericData(row, col) = numbers{1};
                raw{row, col} = numbers{1};
            raw{row, col} = rawData{row};

rawNumericColumns = raw(:, [2,3,5,6,8,9,11,12]);
rawStringColumns = string(raw(:, [1,4,7,10,13]));

DataA = table;
DataA.Port = rawStringColumns(:, 1);
DataA.VarName2 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 1));
DataA.PortName0 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 2));
DataA.Port1 = rawStringColumns(:, 2);
DataA.VarName5 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 3));
DataA.PortName1 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 4));
DataA.Port2 = rawStringColumns(:, 3);
DataA.VarName8 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 5));
DataA.PortName2 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 6));
DataA.Port3 = rawStringColumns(:, 4);
DataA.VarName11 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 7));
DataA.PortName3 = cell2mat(rawNumericColumns(:, 8));
DataA.VarName13 = rawStringColumns(:, 5);

    A = DataA;   %Data placed in table after assinging bits to Ports
    Portname1 = A(:,1:2);   %Provides Port number 0
    Port1 = A(1,3);         %Provides bit assigned to the digital Port 0
    Portname2 = A(:,4:5);   %Provides Port number 1
    Port2 = A(1,6);         %Provides bit assigned to the digital Port 1
    Portname3 = A(:,7:8);   %Provides Port number 2
    Port3 = A(1,9);         %Provides bit assigned to the digital Port 2
    Portname4 = A(:,10:11);   %Provides Port number 3
    Port4 = A(1,12);         %Provides bit assigned to the digital Port 3

%4 bit Counter for Digital Outputs

Initial = A{:,[3 6 9 12]}; %Input all 0's for Digital Output Ports

if  Initial == 0   %If all 0's are entered perform if task

 Sequence1 = [Port1 Port2 Port3 Port4];  %0 0 0 0

 Port1_cell = table2array(Sequence1);  %Places the bit of the ports from a table into a double variable

Y = str2num(strrep(num2str(Port1_cell), ' ', ''))  %Converts the double variable into a single number

A1 = Y +1;   %increments the number
D1 = dec2bin(A1,4)   %Displays as binary value
matlab binary counter
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