
问题描述 投票:0回答:2


numerator <- as.formula("~ sex + age")
denominator <- as.formula("~ cd4.sqrt + sex + age")

temp <- ipwtm(exposure = haartind, family = "survival",
        numerator = numerator, denominator = denominator,
        id = patient, tstart = tstart, timevar = fuptime, type = "first",
        data = haartdat)

评论中提到的 @as @jvargh7是因为

r string formula


ipwtm2 <- function (exposure, family, link, numerator = NULL, denominator, 
id, tstart, timevar, type, data, corstr = "ar1", trunc = NULL, 
...) {

  tempcall <- match.call()
  tempcall$numerator <- numerator # new
   tempcall$denominator <- denominator # new


numerator <- as.formula("~ sex + age")
denominator <- as.formula("~ sex + age + cd4.sqrt")

temp <- ipwtm2(exposure = haartind, family = "survival",
        numerator = numerator, denominator = denominator,
        id = patient, tstart = tstart, timevar = fuptime, type = "first",
        data = haartdat)
temp_old <- ipwtm(exposure = haartind, family = "survival",
        numerator =  ~ sex + age, denominator = ~ sex + age + cd4.sqrt,
        id = patient, tstart = tstart, timevar = fuptime, type = "first",
        data = haartdat)

coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, fuptime, haartind) ~ sex + age, 
    data = haartdat, subset = tempdat$selvar == 1, na.action = na.fail, 
    method = "efron")

        coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z     p
sex 0.069424  1.071891 0.124365 0.558 0.577
age 0.007521  1.007549 0.005123 1.468 0.142

Likelihood ratio test=2.22  on 2 df, p=0.3287
n= 14389, number of events= 376 

coxph(formula = Surv(tstart, fuptime, haartind) ~ sex + age, 
    data = haartdat, subset = tempdat$selvar == 1, na.action = na.fail, 
    method = "efron")

        coef exp(coef) se(coef)     z     p
sex 0.069424  1.071891 0.124365 0.558 0.577
age 0.007521  1.007549 0.005123 1.468 0.142

Likelihood ratio test=2.22  on 2 df, p=0.3287
n= 14389, number of events= 376 


library(dplyr) library(ipw) my_ipwtm <- function(exposure, family, link, numerator = NULL, denominator, id, tstart, timevar, type, data) { #' Calculate Inverse Probability Weights for Marginal Structural Models #' #' This function constructs and evaluates a call to the `ipwtm` function, which calculates #' inverse probability weights for marginal structural models. It allows for flexible #' specification of exposure, family, link, and other model parameters. #' #' @param exposure Expression representing the exposure variable in the model. #' @param family Character string specifying the distribution family for the model (e.g., "binomial", "gaussian"). #' @param link Character string specifying the link function for the model (e.g., "logit", "identity"). #' @param numerator Optional vector or expression specifying the model for the numerator of the weight. Defaults to NULL. #' @param denominator Vector or expression specifying the model for the denominator of the weight. #' @param id Expression representing the unique identifier for each subject in the data. #' @param tstart Expression representing the start time variable for each subject. #' @param timevar Expression representing the time-varying variable in the model. #' @param type Character string specifying the type of model to be used (e.g., "cox", "glm"). #' @param data Data frame containing the variables used in the model. #' #' @return An object containing the calculated inverse probability weights, as produced by the `ipwtm` function. #' #' @examples #' # Example usage: #' # my_ipwtm(exposure = treatment, family = "binomial", link = "logit", #' # numerator = c("age", "sex"), denominator = c("age", "sex", "comorbidity"), #' # id = patient_id, tstart = start_time, timevar = follow_up_time, #' # type = "cox", data = my_data) #' #' @details #' The function first substitutes the provided expressions with their string representations, #' constructs a call to `ipwtm`, and evaluates it to compute the weights. The numerator and #' denominator can be specified as vectors or expressions, and the function will construct #' the appropriate formula strings for the model. exposure_string <- substitute(exposure) %>% deparse() tstart_string <- substitute(tstart) %>% deparse() id_string <- substitute(id) %>% deparse() timevar_string <- substitute(timevar) %>% deparse() if (is.null(numerator)) { numerator_string <- "NULL" } else if(length(numerator) > 1) { numerator_string <- make_formula_string(numerator) } else { numerator_string <- numerator } if (length(denominator) > 1) { denominator_string <- make_formula_string(denominator) } else { denominator_string <- denominator } ipw_call_str <- ipw_call_string(exposure_str = exposure_string, family_str = family, link_str = link, numerator_str = numerator_string, denominator_str = denominator_string, id_st = id_string, tstart_str = tstart_string, timevar_str = timevar_string, type_str = type) ipw.object <- parse(text = ipw_call_str) %>% eval() return(ipw.object) } make_formula_string <- function(varnames) { f <- paste("~", paste0(varnames, collapse = " + ")) return(f) } ipw_call_string <- function(exposure_str, family_str, link_str, numerator_str, denominator_str, id_str, tstart_str, timevar_str, type_str) { call_str <- "ipwtm(exposure = EXPOSURE, family = 'FAMILY', link = 'LINK', numerator = NUMERATOR, denominator = DENOMINATOR, id = PAT_ID, tstart = TSTART, timevar = TIMEVAR, type = 'TYPE', data = data)" call_str <- gsub("EXPOSURE", exposure_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("FAMILY", family_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("LINK", link_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("NUMERATOR", numerator_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("DENOMINATOR", denominator_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("PAT_ID", id_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("TIMEVAR", timevar_str, call_str) call_str <- gsub("TYPE", type_str, call_str) return(call_str) }

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