Makro zur Prüfung[MORE.OAI] Office AddIn
If the text in the highchart node is longer than the node only a part of the text is displayed. This is okay. But how can I show allways the beginning of the text? I tried to set verticalAlign to top ...
You can use the
to control what data label should display. By default dataLabel displayed the description (has higher priority than name) or name. Code https://jsfiddle.net/omurx8Lk/4/
它显示 dataLabels.nodeFormat
(370454,6)CR:OfficeAddinDMS-AddIn für MS-Outlook。
但它应该显示 Merkmale /jsfiddle.netBlackLabelr5hq2uds
"id": "17698",
"name": "Merkmale | Makro zur Prüfung",
"color": "#AAAAAA",
"description": "[MORE.OAI] Office AddIn<br/>(370/454,6)<br/>CR: OfficeAddin/DMS-AddIn für MS-Outlook, MS-Excel und MS-Word [OAI]<br/>(/449,1)",
dataLabels: {
nodeFormat: '{point.name}'