我使用的一个网站在不同日期显示不同的内容。在 JavaScript 中,它使用
new Date()
如果我想查看不同日期的内容,我可以更改系统时间。然而,这很乏味并且会干扰其他应用程序。我想弄清楚是否有一些代码可以在浏览器的 javascipt 控制台中运行,该代码将模拟
new Date()
我看到有一些问题讨论用玩笑在 Date 上创建间谍,但我没有看到在我的浏览器控制台中模拟这个的方法
// Save the original `Date` function
const OriginalDate = Date;
// Replace it with our own
Date = function Date(...args) {
// Called via `new`?
if (!new.target) {
// No, just pass the call on
return OriginalDate(...args);
// Determine what constructor to call
const ctor = new.target === Date ? OriginalDate : new.target;
// Called via `new`
if (args.length !== 0) {
// Date constructor arguments were provided, just pass through
return Reflect.construct(ctor, args);
// It's a `new Date()` call, mock the date we want; in this
// example, Jan 1st 2000:
return Reflect.construct(ctor, [2000, 0, 1]);
// Make our replacement look like the original (which has `length = 7`)
// You can't assign to `length`, but you can redefine it
Object.defineProperty(Date, "length", {
value: OriginalDate.length,
configurable: true
// Save the original `Date` function
const OriginalDate = Date;
// Replace it with our own
Date = function Date(...args) {
// Called via `new`?
if (!new.target) {
// No, just pass the call on
return OriginalDate(...args);
// Determine what constructor to call
const ctor = new.target === Date ? OriginalDate : new.target;
// Called via `new`
if (args.length !== 0) {
// Date constructor arguments were provided, just pass through
return Reflect.construct(ctor, args);
// It's a `new Date()` call, mock the date we want; in this
// example, Jan 1st 2000:
// Make our replacement look like the original (which has `length = 7`)
// You can't assign to `length`, but you can redefine it
Object.defineProperty(Date, "length", {
value: OriginalDate.length,
configurable: true
console.log("new Date()", new Date());
console.log("new Date(2021, 7, 3)", new Date(2021, 7, 3));
谢谢 @t-j-crowder 🙏 迄今为止我找到的最好的解决方案...我对其进行了一些自定义,因此 Date.now 也可以工作。
// Save the original `Date` function
const OriginalDate = Date;
const fakeDateArgs = [2022, 5, 3]; // beware month is 0 based
let fakeDate;
// Replace it with our own
Date = function Date(...args) {
// Called via `new`?
if (!new.target) {
// No, just pass the call on
return OriginalDate(...args);
// Determine what constructor to call
const ctor = new.target === Date ? OriginalDate : new.target;
// Called via `new`
if (args.length !== 0) {
// Date constructor arguments were provided, just pass through
return Reflect.construct(ctor, args);
// It's a `new Date()` call, mock the date we want; in this
fakeDate = Reflect.construct(ctor, fakeDateArgs);
return fakeDate;
// Make our replacement look like the original (which has `length = 7`)
// You can't assign to `length`, but you can redefine it
Object.defineProperty(Date, "length", {
value: OriginalDate.length,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Date, "now", {
value: () => fakeDate.getTime(),
configurable: true
您可以在加载之前使用它来修改内容: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/webRequest/
有一个我没有使用过的扩展也许可以做到这一点: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/page-manipulator/mdhellggnoabbnnchkeniomkpghbekko?hl=en
这里是在浏览器中模拟 Date 对象的实现。月份始终从零开始,默认日期设置为 2024 年 1 月 1 日,可以更改。这最好仅用于测试目的:
((originalDate) => {
// Function to mock the Date object
function MockDate(...args) {
if (args.length) {
return new originalDate(...args);
// Default date: January 1, 2024
return new originalDate(2024, 0, 1);
MockDate.prototype = originalDate.prototype;
MockDate.now = () => new MockDate().getTime();
MockDate.UTC = originalDate.UTC;
MockDate.parse = originalDate.parse;
// Override the global Date object
Date = MockDate;
console.log(new Date());