我正在尝试创建一个批处理文件,我可以将其复制并粘贴到任何文件夹中(我不想每次使用它时都必须更改目录路径),其中包含多个 jpg 文件,这样当我运行时.bat 文件,它将使用特定标题重命名该文件夹中的所有 jpg 文件名,使 jpg 文件保持与原来相同的顺序。我希望将文件夹中的第一个 jpg 重命名为 1 - Front,然后下一个 jpg 重命名为 2 - Back,然后下一个 jpg 重命名为 3 - Left Side,然后下一个 jpg 重命名为 4 - 右侧,然后下一个 jpg 重命名为 5 - 顶部,然后下一个 jpg 重命名为 6 - 底部
我已经尝试了 4 个脚本。第一个:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"
REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"
REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"
REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
REM Rename the file based on the counter and filenames
for %%A in (!counter!) do (
ren "%%F" "%%A - !filenames:~%%A,1!.jpg"
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
这会将第一个文件重命名为 1 - r,第二个文件重命名为 2 - o,第三个文件重命名为 3 - n,第四个文件重命名为 4 - t,第五个文件重命名为 5 -,第六个文件重命名为 6 -
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"
REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"
REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"
REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
REM Get the corresponding filename from the list
for %%A in (!counter!) do (
for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
if %%A==1 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
) else (
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
if %%A==2 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
) else (
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
if %%A==3 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
) else (
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
if %%A==4 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
) else (
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
if %%A==5 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
) else (
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
if %%A==6 (
ren "%%F" "%%A - %%B.jpg"
这会将文件重命名为 1 - Back、1 - Front、1 - Left、1 - Right、1 - Side、1 - Top。
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"
REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"
REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"
REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
REM Rename the file based on the counter and filenames
for %%A in (!counter!) do (
for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
if %%A==%%B (
ren "%%F" "%%A.jpg"
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Get the current directory where the batch file is located
set "folderPath=%~dp0"
REM Define the desired filenames
set "filenames=Front Back Left Side Right Side Top Bottom"
REM Initialize the counter
set "counter=1"
REM Loop through each JPG file in the folder
for %%F in ("%folderPath%\*.jpg") do (
REM Extract the corresponding filename from the list
for %%A in (!counter!) do (
for %%B in (!filenames!) do (
if %%A==%%B (
set "newName=%%B.jpg"
ren "%%F" "!newName!"
REM Increment the counter
set /a "counter+=1"
命令捕获。使用 FOR /F
命令捕获 dir
命令的输出。与普通的 FOR
命令相比,使用此命令至关重要。在执行之前,FOR /F 会枚举所有文件。使用普通的 FOR 命令时,它一次处理一个文件,这将导致文件重新进入队列时出现问题。我只是重复重命名,向您展示它会做什么。如果看起来正确,只需从重命名命令中删除回显即可。
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM List JPG files in directory
dir /a-d /b *.jpg
echo 1 - Front
echo 2 - Back
echo 3 - Left
echo 4 - Right Side
echo 5 - Top
echo 6 - Bottom
<tmp.txt (FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('dir /a-d /b *.jpg') DO (
set /p newname=
echo rename "%%G" "!newname!%%~xG"
del tmp.txt
D:\My Drive\BatchFiles\SO\78206913>so.bat
rename "purple.jpg" "1 - Front.jpg"
rename "pink.jpg" "2 - Back.jpg"
rename "foo.jpg" "3 - Left.jpg"
rename "bar.jpg" "4 - Right Side.jpg"
rename "green.jpg" "5 - Top.jpg"
rename "red.jpg" "6 - Bottom.jpg"