二叉搜索树 javascript 数组 - 数据结构

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


class Node {
        this.value = value;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;

class BinarySearchTree{
        this.nums = nums
        this.root = null

    buildtree(nums) {

        if (nums.length <= 0) { return null} 

        let root = this.root
        //console.log(root)  null
        let mid = Math.floor(nums.length / 2)
        //console.log(nums[mid])3-just mid and 4-mid nums

        root = new Node(nums[mid])

        let lSide = nums.slice(0, mid)
        console.log(lSide, "left side, unused")

        let rSide = nums.slice(mid  + 1, nums.length)
        console.log(rSide, "right side unused")
        console.log(lSide.length, rSide.length)
         //while there is something in the queue of each mini array

        //total length of array to use as a counter
        let totalLength = lSide.length + rSide.length

        let i = 0;

        while(totalLength >= i){
            i++ //console.log(i) I got 7 loops through

            //if left side greater 3 and not = null
            if (lSide.length >= 3 && lSide.length != null){
                //Get the middle of the left side

                let lMid = Math.ceil(lSide.length / 2)

                let parent = new Node(lMid)
                root.left = parent //everything DIES HERE

                //I would like to return the function after the while 
                //loop until the queue is empty but I am having no luc
                //doing so
            }  if (lSide <= 3 && lSide != null){
                if(lSide[0] < lSide[1]){
                    let child = new Node(lSide[0])
                    parent.left = child
                } else if (lSide[0] > lSide[1]){
                    let child = new Node(lSide[1])
                    parent.right = child
                } else if (rSide.length >= 3 && rSide.length != null){
                    //Get the middle of the left side
                    let rMid = Math.ceil(rSide.length / 2)
                    let parent = new Node(rMid)
                    root.left = parent

                  else if (rSide <= 3 && rSide != null){
                    if(rSide[0] < rSide[1]){
                        let child = new Node(rSide[0])
                        parent.left = child
                    } else if (rSide[0] > rSide[1]){
                        let child = new Node(rSide[1])
        return root
} //class

const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
const bst = new BinarySearchTree(nums)


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问题出在注释中,如果到达第一个节点,请将其发送 root.left ,而 while 循环对我没有任何其他作用。我知道 while 循环仍在进行,直到变量 i 达到长度,因为我控制台记录了它。谁能帮助我在这方面取得更大进展。


javascript algorithm data-structures binary-search-tree



使用数组的中间元素作为根。 递归划分左右子数组,并将它们分别指定为当前节点的左子节点和右子节点。 基本情况:如果数组有 1 或 2 个元素,请通过确保较小的值位于左侧而较大的值位于右侧来适当处理它们。

class Node {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;

class BinarySearchTree {
    constructor(nums) {
        this.nums = nums;
        this.root = this.buildtree(nums);

    buildtree(nums) {
        // Base case: If no elements, return null
        if (nums.length === 0) return null;

        // Find the middle element of the array
        let mid = Math.floor(nums.length / 2);
        let node = new Node(nums[mid]);

        // Recursively build the left and right subtrees
        node.left = this.buildtree(nums.slice(0, mid)); // Left subarray
        node.right = this.buildtree(nums.slice(mid + 1)); // Right subarray

        return node; // Return the current node (root of the subtree)

// Test the implementation
const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
const bst = new BinarySearchTree(nums);

// Function to print the tree structure (for testing)
function printTree(node, level = 0) {
    if (node !== null) {
        printTree(node.right, level + 1);
        console.log(" ".repeat(4 * level) + "-> " + node.value);
        printTree(node.left, level + 1);

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